Slt toujours a la recherche de place (et de € aussi ) je vends des comics en VO par lot et des TPB
LOTS EX MACHINA 6à10:8€ Global Frequency 1à12:15€ GOON 12à18+n°à25 cents10€ cap america 1à6(rieber/cassaday):6€ Battle hymn 1à5:6€ captain atom armageddon 1à9:10€ outsiders 8à15 8€ Planetary 13/18:7€ darkness 40(1ere serie)1à6:7€ Avengers 71à83+new invaders 0:10€ new avengers 1à6:10€ superman secret identity 1à4:10€ ULT F4: 1à 18:20€ ULT Xmen 54à60+annual 1:9€ Wolverine 12à19(rucka/robertson)9€ The exterminators 1à9:9€ Kitty Pryde shadow & flame 1à5:5€ invincible 30/35+kdo n°26:7€ welcome to tranquility 1à4:4€[/u] Adam Strange (diggle/ferry)1à8:9€ black panther 1à6:6€ lot virgin comics the shadhu 1à4+ramayan 1/2:6€ DEVI1à7:8€ wolverine 20/32 millar/jrjr/andrews:18€ [Kindred (backlash/grifter)1ere mini 1à4:7€ excalibur claremont/davis 1à5+the sword is dawn(2emeprint):8€ Secret war 1à5+secret war from the files of nick fury:10€ challenger of the unknown(chaykin)1à6:5€ witchblade 40à59:12€ concrete human dilemma 1à4:4€ hulk 66à76:9€ 1602 1à8+new world 1,2,3,5:11€ danger inlimited(byrne dh legend)1 à 4:5€ cable 101à107: 4€ black ops 1à5:5€ b.p.r.d 1à5:6€ jsa:27à31:6€ Xmen/ wildcats: golden,silver et dark age:6€ lot AOA weapon x1à4+tales from tha age of AOA(xmen&factorx)+astroxmen 1/3+amazing xmen 3:8€ nightwing 47à58 (dixon/land)9€ Plastic man 1à6:6€ automatic kafka 1à9:10€ Legend (chaykin/heath)1à4:4€ Twilight experiment 1à6:6€ spiderman legend of the spider clan 1à5:4€ tasmaster 1à4:3€ Nightcrawler 1à10:8€ Cap marvel derniere serie1à25(manque11,15,17):15€ venom (way/young)2à16:11€ Apache skies 1à4:5€ ghost rider mk 1à6(grayson/kaniuga)5€ FURY 1à6:7€ The Thousand 1à3(ennis/mccrea)5€ DRUID 1à4(ellis/manco)8€ Batman year one scarecrow 1/2:6€ guy garner collateral damage 1/2:6€ Jla 94à99(byrne/claremont):6€ Jla 107à114(busiek/garney):8€ Graduation day 1à3:5€ Defiance 1à8:9€ Tom Strong's Terrific Tales 1à8:10€:woot:
TPB NEXTWAVE HC1(1à6)+KDO le n°5 crayon butchery variant edition!!13€ transmetropolitan the new scum:7€ astro city local heroes HC:12€ borderline (risso)12€ ULT XMEN 1&2:15€ Avengers operation galactic storm:18€ nevermen:8€ New teen titans :the terror of trigon:9€ Hawkman (gardner fox/joe kubert):12€ Hero²(giffen/dematteis/abraham)8€ batman/superman world's finest:11€ cap marvel odyssey 9€ legion of super heores:the beginning of tomorrow:7€ Lot GREEN LANTERNassing the torch,emerald allies,brother's keeper,power of ion20€ Y last man tome3 & 4:12€(tome 3legerement abimé sur la tranche) new xmen assault on weapon plus:9€ new xmen planet x:8€ New Frontier vol1 et2:11€ piece les 2:20€ AVENGERS:world trust et red zone par johns/dwyer/frank/coipel:7€ piece les 2 13€ the ride :7€ flash tpb rogue:7€ M.I.T.H (top cow)6€[/color] Battlegods tpb:4€ silver surfer communion:6€ hulk hide in the plain sight(jones/fernandez):5€ batman beyond:3€ event horizon:mam tor:11€ maze agency vol1(m w barr/a hughes):11€ kane(paul grist):7€ ascend (image)7€
prix a débattre possibilité d'echange,faire proposition
Marsh Posté le 15-08-2007 à 20:15:53
Slt toujours a la recherche de place (et de € aussi
je vends des comics en VO par lot et des TPB
EX MACHINA 6à10:8€
Global Frequency 1à12:15€
GOON 12à18+n°à25 cents10€
cap america 1à6(rieber/cassaday):6€
Battle hymn 1à5:6€
captain atom armageddon 1à9:10€
outsiders 8à15 8€
Planetary 13/18:7€
darkness 40(1ere serie)1à6:7€
Avengers 71à83+new invaders 0:10€
new avengers 1à6:10€
superman secret identity 1à4:10€
ULT F4: 1à 18:20€
ULT Xmen 54à60+annual 1:9€
Wolverine 12à19(rucka/robertson)9€
The exterminators 1à9:9€
Kitty Pryde shadow & flame 1à5:5€
invincible 30/35+kdo n°26:7€
welcome to tranquility 1à4:4€[/u]
Adam Strange (diggle/ferry)1à8:9€
black panther 1à6:6€
lot virgin comics the shadhu 1à4+ramayan 1/2:6€
wolverine 20/32 millar/jrjr/andrews:18€
[Kindred (backlash/grifter)1ere mini 1à4:7€
excalibur claremont/davis 1à5+the sword is dawn(2emeprint):8€
Secret war 1à5+secret war from the files of nick fury:10€
challenger of the unknown(chaykin)1à6:5€
witchblade 40à59:12€
concrete human dilemma 1à4:4€
hulk 66à76:9€
1602 1à8+new world 1,2,3,5:11€
danger inlimited(byrne dh legend)1 à 4:5€
cable 101à107: 4€
black ops 1à5:5€
b.p.r.d 1à5:6€
Xmen/ wildcats: golden,silver et dark age:6€
lot AOA weapon x1à4+tales from tha age of AOA(xmen&factorx)+astroxmen 1/3+amazing xmen 3:8€
nightwing 47à58 (dixon/land)9€
Plastic man 1à6:6€
automatic kafka 1à9:10€
Legend (chaykin/heath)1à4:4€
Twilight experiment 1à6:6€
spiderman legend of the spider clan 1à5:4€
tasmaster 1à4:3€
Nightcrawler 1à10:8€
Cap marvel derniere serie1à25(manque11,15,17):15€
venom (way/young)2à16:11€
Apache skies 1à4:5€
ghost rider mk 1à6(grayson/kaniuga)5€
FURY 1à6:7€
The Thousand 1à3(ennis/mccrea)5€
DRUID 1à4(ellis/manco)8€
Batman year one scarecrow 1/2:6€
guy garner collateral damage 1/2:6€
Jla 94à99(byrne/claremont):6€
Jla 107à114(busiek/garney):8€
Graduation day 1à3:5€
Defiance 1à8:9€
Tom Strong's Terrific Tales 1à8:10€:woot:
NEXTWAVE HC1(1à6)+KDO le n°5 crayon butchery variant edition!!13€
transmetropolitan the new scum:7€
astro city local heroes HC:12€
borderline (risso)12€
ULT XMEN 1&2:15€
Avengers operation galactic storm:18€
New teen titans :the terror of trigon:9€
Hawkman (gardner fox/joe kubert):12€
batman/superman world's finest:11€
cap marvel odyssey 9€
legion of super heores:the beginning of tomorrow:7€
Lot GREEN LANTERNassing the torch,emerald allies,brother's keeper,power of ion20€
Y last man tome3 & 4:12€(tome 3legerement abimé sur la tranche)
new xmen assault on weapon plus:9€
new xmen planet x:8€
New Frontier vol1 et2:11€ piece les 2:20€
AVENGERS:world trust et red zone par johns/dwyer/frank/coipel:7€ piece les 2 13€
the ride :7€
flash tpb rogue:7€
M.I.T.H (top cow)6€[/color]
Battlegods tpb:4€
silver surfer communion:6€
hulk hide in the plain sight(jones/fernandez):5€
batman beyond:3€
event horizon:mam tor:11€
maze agency vol1(m w barr/a hughes):11€
kane(paul grist):7€
ascend (image)7€
prix a débattre
possibilité d'echange,faire proposition