[VIH/Sida] S+ en tritherapie, pas de contamination !

S+ en tritherapie, pas de contamination ! [VIH/Sida] - Santé - Discussions

Marsh Posté le 04-09-2014 à 10:27:07    

Y'a eu aussi pas mal de couples dont un partenaire S+ a fait un enfant avec l'autre partenaire sain sans que le "retro-virus" ait été transmis.
Preuve par l'absurde que cela n'a rien à voir donc avec la trithérapie.


Marsh Posté le 04-09-2014 à 10:27:07   


Marsh Posté le 02-12-2014 à 17:00:21    

Ici aussi...

Citation :

Pre-exposure prophylaxis, or PrEP, is a way for people who do not have HIV but who are at substantial risk of getting it to prevent HIV infection by taking a pill every day. The pill (brand name Truvada) contains two medicines (tenofovir and emtricitabine) that are used in combination with other medicines to treat HIV. When someone is exposed to HIV through sex or injection drug use, these medicines can work to keep the virus from establishing a permanent infection.
When taken consistently, PrEP has been shown to reduce the risk of HIV infection in people who are at high risk by up to 92%. PrEP is much less effective if it is not taken consistently.
PrEP is a powerful HIV prevention tool and can be combined with condoms and other prevention methods to provide even greater protection than when used alone. But people who use PrEP must commit to taking the drug every day and seeing their health care provider for follow-up every 3 months.

C'est sûr qu'entre une protection en latex et un médoc avec des effets secondaires possibles le choix et vite fait :sarcastic:

@avd.racing The margin between success and drama is fractional. - Jacky Ickx

Marsh Posté le 02-12-2014 à 18:37:49    

Tu ne connais vraiment pas le milieu en fait ^^'

@avd.racing The margin between success and drama is fractional. - Jacky Ickx

Marsh Posté le 02-12-2014 à 18:43:23    

Spam patenté.
Vous êtes pénibles, c'est au moins le troisième sujet ouvert aujourdhui.


Marsh Posté le 02-12-2014 à 19:29:49    

Ce delete en masse :pt1cable:

@avd.racing The margin between success and drama is fractional. - Jacky Ickx

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