Une rapide vérification et modification de mon DM ? :) [Anglais] - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes
Marsh Posté le 08-01-2007 à 01:24:16
zviato a écrit : J'aurai fait une petite phrase introductrice plutôt que de chercher à répondre de but en blanc à la question pour donner la structure mon explication |
Pour le "they" j'ai suivit le conseil d'un billingue (UK) qui ma dit éxactement le contraire de toi (ton raisonement est peut être juste hein je te gueule pas dessus ) il m'a justement dit que le "he/she" était surtout utilisé par les américains, apres moi je m'en fiche que ça fasse américain ou british
Pour le "depends on" j'ai corrigé le 1er mais oublier le 2eme.
Je te remercit
Marsh Posté le 08-01-2007 à 01:28:39
Ouaip faut que je fasse un peu plus gaffe aux erreurs de bases
Enfin ça viendra avec le temps
Marsh Posté le 09-01-2007 à 21:06:30
je suis d'accord avec Zviato pour l'accord de teenager avec he or she.
je vois pas mal de petites erreurs un peu partout, si tu n'as pas rendu ton travail, je reviendrai te corrier quand un peu plutard.
Marsh Posté le 09-01-2007 à 21:42:53
Je l'ai déjà rendu
Un gentil môssieur de HFR (topik inso) ma carrément casiment tout réecrit
Ca donne ça : http://paste.xat-online.info/11
Merci pour ta petite correction et tout
Marsh Posté le 10-01-2007 à 15:26:59
On peut pas tout avoir, mais si tu es motivé pour les corriger je pourrais voir avec la fonction DIFF du pastebin pour voir les fautes et les comprendre
Marsh Posté le 08-01-2007 à 00:53:06
http://paste.xat-online.info/9 :
Do you think more and more teenagers live in a virtual world is it easy to draw the limit between
virtual and real ? What are the dangers of seeing life as a big video game ?
1) For me there are two answers, yes and no. It depends on the teenager's situation, if they are
accompanied or not, step by step on the internet playing or surfing, depends of parents or others peoples
who have responsabilites and conscious of the consequences which can do Internet
(even if it is not a constant), as well as its psychological and social situation.
I say yes it's easy to make differences between real and virtual world
for a teenager who is a little responsable and conscious of what he does. Indeed on the internet
there is a lot of content which is only reserved to adults, they've to know this.
On another side i say no, because the teenager isn't always conscious of the differences
beetween real and virtual world.
In the reality, we can see the shape of socialization of the individual, in the real world the
teenager will have friends, family, knowledge and he can meet other people. In virtual world we can
imagine the same things, there must be a reason why some people can't do the difference between real and virtual world anymore.
It's true in some kind of games, like MMOG (massive multiplayer online game), or MMORPG (rpg = role playing game), in those games you create your character, choose his race, his haircolor etc.. You have the power to decide who are you character and
you can also write his history, have friends online, or even family (in a guild for exemple) and make meetings.
We can compare too the relation betweend real and virtual for the professional career, you have to win levels (the more important level your character is, the more power you have) to begin a good career, when you're strong you can be higher in the guild, chief of something like that.
All those things can let believe that the differences between reality and the virtual one are not easy to see,
it may be a reason why the some teeanagers are not able to make the difference between those two "worlds".
That can bring to many problems, dangers.
About the dangers, there is five forms of differents playing styles. You have in first the
occasionnaly consommation, in second the regular consommation, in third the addictiv control, in fourth
the abusive consommation and the fifth, and last, dependence. The last is a disease, it's pathological
you've a real dependance with the videogames, that can be psychic or physical (rare).
In this stage we've a lot a dysfunctions about the player : disturbance of all the operation of the player,
on the intellectual level, relational, emotional, social, professional, school ...
We spoke about addiction when the video game begin the only one center of interest, with the detriment
of the other activities.
This addiction is particularly alarming at the time of adolescence, important period where videogames and school
don't do good housework. Everyone is not likely to become dependent with the video games but some are more fragile than others.
The teenager who tests difficulty of reaching autonomy within the family unit goes, by playing much,
while to some extent cutting the bonds with the real world, to seek to show his difference, his independence, his autonomy.
But all that without really leaving, claquer the door or seeking a direct confrontation as some would do it.
Pour faciliter le tout j'ai mit en place y'a pas tres longtemps un pastebin : http://paste.xat-online.info/9
Vous pouvez modifier directement et soumettre, je viens même de remarquer la fonction DIFF pour voir les différences entre les versions
Message édité par XaTriX le 08-01-2007 à 00:53:56
"Xat le punk à chien facho raciste. C'est complexe comme personnage." caudacien 05/10/2020