do you know something about...

do you know something about... - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 22:57:22    

....psychology in france?  
I'm studing psychology in Italy, I'd like to finish my studies in Paris.  
I saw that psychology is in many universty:  
paris V  
paris VII  
paris VIII  
paris X  
paris XIII  
in another forum they told me this:  
psychoanalysis, as well as psychology actually, isn't officially recognised in France! Well, I advise you to try tu follow your studies in english or eventually american universities.  
I'm in same level than you, but I'm studying in east of France (Strasbourg), and I have planned to go in england maybe next year. A lot of French professional recommend to study somewhere else than France. And remember that a diploma or a certificate gained in France will be only useful in France! If you return to Italy next, I'm not sure your French diploma will help you...  
The big problem is that in France, psychology and associated disciplines aren't official. France's mentality is rather directed upon materialistic sciences (maths, biology, science...) than human ressources!  
Is it true?  


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 22:57:22   


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 22:58:31    

What a fair foot ! [:dawa]


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 22:59:25    

osama a écrit :

What a fair foot ! [:dawa]



Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:12:54    

In France, psychoanalysis isn't officialy recognized.
On the other hand, both psychiatry and psychology are.
Sorry, but that's all I know about psycho stuff :D

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:13:20    

I can just say to you that i have a friend who have a diploma of psychology in france and he work in england.
Psychology is official if you do "médecine" i think, he did this and for the last years he chose psychology specifity.  
I am not sure of this, but a diploma in france is the same as other countries, maybe better than a few countries.
I hope I helped you...

Message édité par gusrom86 le 12-01-2004 à 23:14:06

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:16:22    

gusrom86 a écrit :

I can just say to you that i have a friend who have a diploma of psychology in france and he work in england.
Psychology is official if you do "médecine" i think, he did this and for the last years he chose psychology specifity.  
I am not sure of this, but a diploma in france is the same as other countries, maybe better than a few countries.
I hope I helped you...

Wrong :o
You don't have to obtain a medical doctorate to exerce psychology (you probably meant psychiatry).

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:26:15    

printf a écrit :

Wrong :o
You don't have to obtain a medical doctorate to exerce psychology (you probably meant psychiatry).

but that's being change  
for kiky:
what the other guy told you is true. I don't think psychology is well recognize in France, even if you want to work in human ressources. Many people are choosing this field because they don't know what to do, so it's pretty hard. However the good point is that it is free (or almost).
by the way, perhaps change the title in:
psychology in france?
it will have more sense, and more people would come.


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:33:30    

printf a écrit :

Wrong :o
You don't have to obtain a medical doctorate to exerce psychology (you probably meant psychiatry).

Une loi est passée il y a 2 ou 3 semaines pour changer ça : avant n'importe quel marabou pouvait se déclarer psychothérapeute, maintenant c'est impossible...


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:36:18    

osama a écrit :

Une loi est passée il y a 2 ou 3 semaines pour changer ça : avant n'importe quel marabou pouvait se déclarer psychothérapeute, maintenant c'est impossible...

Oui, mais moi je parlais des psychologues.

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:37:32    

printf a écrit :

Oui, mais moi je parlais des psychologues.

Ben dans ce cas là tu te trompes aussi, les psychologues sont obligatoirement titulaires d'un DESS de psycho pour avoir le droit d'exercer


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:37:32   


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:38:59    

osama a écrit :

Ben dans ce cas là tu te trompes aussi, les psychologues sont obligatoirement titulaires d'un DESS de psycho pour avoir le droit d'exercer

Heu j'ai pas dit le contraire il me semble [:meganne]

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:40:10    

osama a écrit :

Ben dans ce cas là tu te trompes aussi, les psychologues sont obligatoirement titulaires d'un DESS de psycho pour avoir le droit d'exercer

je crois que c'est tres récent.
En tout cas, il y a un an encore, tout le monde pouvait mettre une plaque psychologue en bas de chez lui et commencer les consultations


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:42:41    

pti vampire a écrit :

je crois que c'est tres récent.
En tout cas, il y a un an encore, tout le monde pouvait mettre une plaque psychologue en bas de chez lui et commencer les consultations

Non, vous confondez tout.
Là, tu veux parler des psychanalystes. Encore que, pour être psychanalyste, il faut avoir subi soi-même une analyse.
Les psychiatres ont un doctorat de médecine, et les psychologues un DESS, comme l'a rappelé osama (les psychologues ne peuvent pas prescrire de médicaments, les psychiatres le peuvent).
Il y a un topic à ce sujet sur Discussions il me semble.

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:44:16    

au temps pour moi :o


Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:50:12    

pti vampire a écrit :

au temps pour moi :o

at the time for me [:aloy]

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 12-01-2004 à 23:57:22    

how many answer! Weel, I see that there are many different opinion! that's good:)
But I haven't ask the principal question....
which one university would you choose? :)


Marsh Posté le 13-01-2004 à 09:34:00    

kiky a écrit :

how many answer! Weel, I see that there are many different opinion! that's good:)
But I haven't ask the principal question....
which one university would you choose? :)

I think paris V  is better, but paris VII is near the centre...
I dont' know anything about paris VIII paris X paris XIII  ...


Marsh Posté le 13-01-2004 à 10:00:53    

kiky a écrit :

A lot of French professional recommend to study somewhere else than France. And remember that a diploma or a certificate gained in France will be only useful in France! If you return to Italy next, I'm not sure your French diploma will help you

Those professionals are definitely right.
I strongly advise you to study psychology either in England or in the US.  
Indeed, anglo-saxon universities propose fully dedicated undergraduate/bachelor (4 year) and graduate/master (2 year) programs in psychology.  
A degree in psychology from the UK or the US is strongly valued in any country as opposed to a French one.
Bear in mind that France's higher educational system is very good at "training" good-to-be unemployed. Many french teachers/professors - because of their socialist/communist beliefs - are very reluctant to fully cooperate with private firms.  
Worldwide leaders/corporations prefer hiring graduates from US/UK, german or even swedish universities.

Message édité par Planbfr le 13-01-2004 à 10:04:39

Marsh Posté le 13-01-2004 à 12:29:00    

Planbfr a écrit :

Those professionals are definitely right.
I strongly advise you to study psychology either in England or in the US.  
Indeed, anglo-saxon universities propose fully dedicated undergraduate/bachelor (4 year) and graduate/master (2 year) programs in psychology.  
A degree in psychology from the UK or the US is strongly valued in any country as opposed to a French one.
Bear in mind that France's higher educational system is very good at "training" good-to-be unemployed. Many french teachers/professors - because of their socialist/communist beliefs - are very reluctant to fully cooperate with private firms.  
Worldwide leaders/corporations prefer hiring graduates from US/UK, german or even swedish universities.

What a troll [:ddr555]

Un matin je me lèverai et il fera beau.

Marsh Posté le 13-01-2004 à 13:25:21    

printf a écrit :

What a troll [:ddr555]  

What a truth  :D


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