Attendre solde d'été? Combien d'économie à envisager?

Attendre solde d'été? Combien d'économie à envisager? - Carte mère - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 06:48:12    

You might have drifted away from the sport since then, but you know what? Your self was on something. Table tennis is a great - and fun - way. If you're searching for a exercise with hardly any risk of injury, your self that is older might want to test it. And you might even gain from the positive effects the sport is widely credited with having on mind functions.
Then there is Navin Kumar, a 40-year-old government worker who told me, "I'm playing table tennisreally for my survival."
Players must not only track its moves carefully with their own eyes but instantly make strategic decisions and respond with their bodies although given a ball travel short distances at high rate.
Not only that, but at the recent visit to his neurologist, Kumar showed improvement on evaluations of memory, reflexes and his motor skills. "Aside from the bodily motion, the hand-eye coordination which you develop this is fantastic," Fred Siskind of McLean, Va., (the 70-year-old) told me. "I believed I would have lost the hand-eye quickness [following many years not playing the game], and I'm positive I'm not how I had been in my 20s, but I've been surprised... . The quickness is still there."
Obviously, Kumar also has some other goals in mind.
"Study after study demonstrates how it helps the brain, it delays the onset of Alzheimer's disease," says Larry Hodges, Kumar's mentor and also a co-founder of MDTTC. In terms of the rest of the human body, "you've got to move so fast. At a rally that is quick, you do training. Your legs need to be in fantastic shape, and if you have extra fat, you can't move." About a year and a half ago, Kumar was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. He may have gotten that diagnosis sooner, but the start of symptoms was initally difficult to differentiate from the essential tremor (ET) disease he'd long had.
While Parkinson's manifests itself on his right, the side he also uses to hold his paddle, ET affects the left side of the own body of Kumar. During a training session, I watched Kumar request his coach when he could switch to some drills on the side, because forehands had become temporarily difficult.
The Maryland centre is the oldest in the country a operation, also, according to Hodges. On a Caribbean cruise a few years ago, Kumar won a ping-pong tournament (most aficionados refer to it as dining table tennis, however the more informal term is still acceptable), and he had been reminded of just how much he'd enjoyed the game as a child, even competing in an officially sanctioned event in 1986. He began coming to the Maryland Table Tennis Center in Gaithersburg but then had to take off some time because of some problems, in addition to a child's arrival. "As of 2007, there were only eight full-time training centres in the United States," Hodges said. "When we started in 1992, we were the first... . Currently there are 76 - we have been keeping track." At the Northern Virginia Table Tennis Center in Chantilly,Va., head trainer Zhongxing Lu pointed out (through his daughter, who interpreted his Chinese) still more selling points, including table tennis' capability to improve eyesight and reflexes, the unlikelihood of serious injury and the almost unlimited age variety. His member is 6. "With the Parkinson's, I am getting the extra advantage of less muscular stiffness, some improvement from the tremors, as well," Kumar added. "I'm always going to have the tremors, but at least this helps keep my hands more relaxed." Table tennis is certainly a game one can play well into the senior years, if my visit to the Northern Virginia Table Tennis Club in Arlington, Va., was any indication. There, I talked to three members of this club executive board, two of whom were a spry 71, with all the next checking in at an even sprier (one supposes) 70.
"I look at my 2 women, and I want to be about them forever. I really don't want this Parkinson's to have its way. So I play for my survival." When he first got back to table tennis, Kumar was looking for a lively but non-contact activity, because of "the mechanical things inside" as well as the fact that he takes anticoagulant medication. He's gotten his cardio level way up, all right, and some side effects which are currently proving helpful in battling a much more pressing problem.
As your parents set up a table at the basement perhaps you and ping-pong played as a kid. You played in high school because you hung out with friends at the rec center. And because, you know you played that other version of pong which demands a ball however no paddles and a table, you're in school. Kumar has gotten back into the sport in a big way lately. The Gaithersburg, Md., resident has been born with a congenital heart condition and has experienced five open-heart surgeries, two of these when he was only 3 years old. His heart is mechanical, with valves made out of carbon fiber, and a pacemaker is used by him.
Nonetheless, the fluidity of the playing "was much worse three months ago," Kumar told me. Table tennis has been linked to enhanced cognitive function at least as far back as 1992, when tests ran on players. Their conclusion: "It is evident from this study that table tennis players preserve far better emotional ability even in the older age in comparison to non-players." Hodges described Maryland as "one of the hotbeds for table tennis," and MDTTC has long been home to some of the best table tennis players in the USA, including many national group members.
Tom Norwood, also from McLean, added, "This is how I fight off my diabetes. It is very good exercise... . If it weren't for this, I would be running on a treadmill someplace." Since July, Kumar has been back at MDTTC with a vengeance, saying that, "in actuality, today I'm playing better because, by a heart standpoint, I have had all the open-heart surgeries I need - knock on wood." [...] d5067cc180
He knows he can become much better, and he's enthusiastic about his chances of getting there, although Kumar is great at table tennis. In the short term, he is looking forward to competing at the national championships in Las Vegas this season.

Message édité par davestephans le 15-12-2017 à 10:25:58

Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 06:48:12   


Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 07:22:10    

Avec l'informatique il n'y a pas réellement de soldes mais toute l'année tu peux trouver des promos, offres spéciales, cashback et autres réductions ponctuelles.
Après tout dépend si tu pars de zéro ou si tu mets une config à jour, en fonction des sorties prochaines celà peut avoir une importance d'attendre un nouveau CPU ou un nouveau GPU. En partant de zéro si tu dois attendre 6 mois pour faire ta config il y aura toujours une nouveauté en approche et t'es pas rendu :lol:


Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 08:16:58    

oui les soldes sur le hardware c'est toute l'année il faut choper la bonne offre


Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 08:18:36    

black friday dans un mois.
On trouve pas grand chose mais avec un peu de chance..


Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 12:12:13    

Voilà, y a des soldes toute l'année, pas que l'été.
Sur hfr il y a aussi les topics "Bonnes affaire du moment" et "Soldes" (quand c'est la période) qui sont bons à suivre.
Il y a aussi les sites comme dealabs, etc.


edit : liens : [...] w=0&nojs=0 [...] w=0&nojs=0


On ferme :o

Message édité par TotalRecall le 23-10-2017 à 12:13:15

Topic .Net - C# @ Prog

Marsh Posté le 23-10-2017 à 15:46:24    

En période de soldes tu as surtout des ruptures de stocks. Sans compter que rien ne dit que les composants que tu souhaites seront soldés. Si c'est pour acheter ce que tu n'aurais pas acheté tout ça pour grappiller 10€ par-ci ou par-là, il n'y a pas grand intérêt.


De plus, les prix fluctuent pas mal. En septembre 2016 mes 16Go de RAM DDR4 coutaient 70€, maintenant c'est 150€. Donc même avec -20%, t'es largement perdant. Or, on ne connait pas la variation des prix à l'avance, ni les ruptures de stock sur un type de produit (qui a dit minage ?).


Bref, pas grand intérêt je trouve.
Perso j'ai acheté mon PC principal pendant les solde de l'été 2016 (pas prémédité :o ). Sur 2500€ d'achat (PC+périphériques) sur, j'ai dû gagner des clopinettes sur des câbles SATA, 30€ sur un clavier à 100€ et 20€ sur un onduleur à 100€ également. Bref, -2% sur le total.  :sleep:


Il faut dire que je fais d'abord ma liste de composants et qu'ensuite, si il y a des soldes c'est cool mais je ne change pas pour autant ma liste ou alors vraiment à la marge pour quelque chose de rigoureusement similaire. :D


En fin de compte, j'ai plus gagner sur une offre promotionnelle Intel-Gigabite (70€ remboursé pour l'achat d'un i7 6700K + Z170X Gaming 7 Gigabyte), mais rien à voir avec les soldes. Idem pour mon HDD de 10To à 370€ (Seagate IronWolf) alors qu'il en coûtait 500€ lors du "Black Friday" l'année dernière (novembre 2016). Maintenant il coûte 370€ sur Amazon sans promo. :D Je comptais de toute manière l'acheter une fois que le prix aurait baissé à ce niveau. J'ai juste avancé mon achat au lieu d'attendre 1 an. :p


Mon second PC (HTPC / NAS Homemade) je l'ai aussi acheté en solde cet été (là aussi pas prémédité :lol: ). Au final je l'ai payé plus cher que prévu car pas mal de composants en rupture de stock ce qui m'a forcé en prendre des composants plus chers mais dispo (notamment processeur Pentium au lieu de Celeron, ou SSD un peu plus cher pour la même capacité/performance/type de mémoire/garantie).


T'façon ces derniers temps les soldes en informatique ce n'est pas dingue. :o
Tu gagnes souvent plus sur des promo "normales" durant l'année. :spamafote:

Message édité par Psilocybe le 23-10-2017 à 16:00:32

~ Config PC / Matos photo / Imprimante 3D / Trottinette ~

Marsh Posté le 24-10-2017 à 15:28:09    

je rejoins mes camarades, tu peux avoir quand mêmes de bonnes promos mais pas vraiment de "soldes"
Perso je me suis monté un PC sur LDLC en décembre 2014, 100 euros d'économies sur 1900 euros d'achat + 120 euros de Cashback INTEL ;)


Marsh Posté le 26-10-2017 à 19:53:56    

Le mieux c'est de comparé les prix de chaque composant sur plusieurs sites, et d'attendre les bonne occasion. Les soldes c'est pour les invendus. Par exemple ya bcp de z170x qui sont resté invendu suite à la sortie rapide des z270x


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