Quel drivers, Sempron>3000+ & Cool'n'Quiet

Quel drivers, Sempron>3000+ & Cool'n'Quiet - Carte mère - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 15-12-2005 à 23:23:10    

:hello: bonjour, j'ai un sempron 3000+ 64bit, et je voudrais savoir  quel drivers utiliser pour le Cool'n'Quiet, ceux des athlon64 ?  
quelqu'un pour m'eclairer, sur le site officiel, ca n'est pas mentionné :??: , j'utilise winxp  :jap:  
http://www.amd.com/us-en/Processor [...] 86,00.html


Marsh Posté le 15-12-2005 à 23:23:10   


Marsh Posté le 15-12-2005 à 23:29:17    

AMD Sempron™ Processor Driver for Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 Version (exe) - Allows the system to automatically adjust the CPU speed, voltage and power combination that match the instantaneous user performance need. Download this Setup Installation program (EXE) to automatically update all the files necessary for installation. This package is recommended for users whom desire a graphical user interface for installation. This .EXE driver is a user friendly localized software installation of the driver designed for end-users. This driver supports AMD Sempron processor on Windows 32 bit OS.
http://www.amd.com/us-en/assets/co [...] amdcpu.exe


Marsh Posté le 15-12-2005 à 23:35:51    

ok, je vais tenter ca, merci :jap:


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