Mail (ECS, Elitegroup) vous avez essayé ?

Mail (ECS, Elitegroup) vous avez essayé ? - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 01-02-2002 à 14:56:47    

Je leur ai envoye un mail depuis plus d une semaine et toujours pas de reponses ...
Je commence a m impatienter, et oui le mail etait en anglais et ecrit par un anglais donc je suppose bien ecrit, pour info voici le contenu du mail au cas ou l un d entre vous aurait la reponse...
I having been trying to figure out a problem with my DVD player installed on the mother board P6BAT-Me v 1.1  . Whenever I play any DVD, it doesn't run smoothly. It runs with small interval of time and it seems like the snaps are appearing on the screen one after another. Please read the following information about my system.
My hardware :
Intel Celeron 500 (Socket 370)
256 Mo SD-RAM PC100
3D PROPHET sdr (Geforce 256)
DVD 6x/32x
No problems with VCD, Divx, Asf, mpeg movies  
With a mother board MSI 6309  that has exactly the same configuration, it works properly.
The Via  4 in 1 is installed (one of the latest versions)
The latest driver for the video card ( the detonators) is installed.
Could you please find out the solution to above mentioned problem?  
I have already got the most recent bios version than the one available on the site for the P6BAT-Me V1.1 mother board .  
Is it possible to install bios for the V2.0 on the V1.1 motherboard ?
Many Thanks,

Ebook - 802.11 Les réseaux sans fils

Marsh Posté le 01-02-2002 à 14:56:47   


Marsh Posté le 01-02-2002 à 15:24:22    

Pourquoi personne ne repond jamais a mes posts bouh hou hou :cry:
Je suis trop technique ?
pas assez (je pense pas) ?
je poste pas des choses interessantes ?

Ebook - 802.11 Les réseaux sans fils

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