EN PAUSE[GRATUIT] Clefs Steam, UPlay, Origin et download (25/11/2018) - Achat & Ventes - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 21:54:20
Ben j'en veux bien 1
edit : commando 1 ?
edit 2 : ça marche au poil ! Merci à toi
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 22:23:25
Moi je veux bien commando 3 ! Jamais joué.
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 22:35:42
Un grand merci pour ton initiative.
Pour ma part, je veux bien Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Merci d'avance et à plus.
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 23:07:46
salut tout d'abord grand bravo pour ton initiative des gens généreux sa se fait rare voila j'aimerais avoir the void merci d'avance
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 23:16:27
ReplyMarsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 23:17:05
Aymerike a écrit : salut tout d'abord grand bravo pour ton initiative des gens généreux sa se fait rare voila j'aimerais avoir the void merci d'avance |
Oui cela arrive de temps en temps des personnes qui sont sympa, un grand merci à toi Ewen.
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 23:37:24
De rien, c'était l'occasion d'apporter un peu de variété au niveau des balises.
Pour éviter toute confusion, 3 packs, cela signifie que je dispose de 3 clés pour chaque titre.
Inutile de lire toute la filière, lorsqu'un titre sera épuisé, j'éditerai le message original.
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 00:34:24
C'est vraiment sympa bravo!
Commandos 3 a l'air vraiment pas mal.Je ne savais pas qu'il y avait d'autre pack que le "Humble bundle" merci j'achèterai le prochain.
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 00:44:34
clem95vovo a écrit : C'est vraiment sympa bravo! |
Ton message n'est pas très clair.
Souhaites-tu une clé pour Commandos 3?
Le Humble Bundle reste la référence, particulièrement le dernier avec sa MAJ rétroactive.
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 01:58:32
Non garde les clé pour quelqu'un qui en aura vraiment envie
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 21:44:15
ReplyMarsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 23:05:45
Clair je pensais que plus de personne serai interessé.
AU cas où tu veux donner plus de key de jeux, j'en veux bien d'autre lol.
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 23:07:22
interressé par une clé de commandos
le premier de preference !
Merci bcp
Edit : C'est ok pour moi
tres beau geste de ta part, merci bcp
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 23:18:54
Si tu as, je prendrais bien une clé pour The Void.
En tout cas c'est plutôt sympa de ta part, peu auraient eu une telle initiative
Marsh Posté le 08-07-2012 à 23:56:23
Kain77270 a écrit : Clair je pensais que plus de personne serai interessé. |
Peut-être qu'ils prennent la balise pour un fake?
Je vais attendre encore un peu avant d'assouplir les règles, mais tu peux mettre une option.
Marsh Posté le 09-07-2012 à 00:16:22
The Void est bien noté sur jeuxvidéo.com donc une petite option dessus ^^
En tout cas trauma est pas mal j'aime assez
Marsh Posté le 09-07-2012 à 08:50:09
Je veux bien une clé pour Commando 2 s'il te plait
Merci beaucoup pour cette initiative
Marsh Posté le 09-07-2012 à 18:42:49
ReplyMarsh Posté le 09-07-2012 à 19:23:55
the void si possible , merci
Edit : ça marche impeccable , merci
Marsh Posté le 10-07-2012 à 00:08:01
Est-ce que je pourais avoir Commandos 3: Destination Berlin stp ?
Marche nikel merci beaucoup !
Marsh Posté le 10-07-2012 à 19:11:23
Salut Ewen,
je prendrai bien un ptit Ion Assault si possible
En tout cas bravo a toi de faire profiter tlm comme ca !
Marsh Posté le 10-07-2012 à 19:21:00
salut, j'aimerai bien un air conflits ^^
Un grand bravo et merci aussi
Marsh Posté le 10-07-2012 à 19:27:02
Je confirme, deja recu aussi, fonctionne nickel ! Merci Ewen !
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 18:51:40
Devoir upper pour des clés c'est fou
Intéressé par " Commandos 2: Men of Courage " !
Edit. Merci
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 18:57:49
Perfect007 a écrit : Devoir upper pour des clés c'est fou |
Au moins on ne peut pas accuser les forumeurs d'abuser de la gratuité.
C'est quand même un peu long, donc ce soir je passe à 2 clés.
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 19:23:52
je veux bien essayer Trauma !
Merci bcp
edit : c ok merci !!
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 19:28:37
tombraider83 a écrit : je veux bien essayer Trauma ! |
Je note, j'actualise et j'exécute les options ce soir.
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 20:56:46
slt, bien vue que tu veux en donner une autre, j'aimerai bien prendre
Ion Assault
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 21:06:50
Air Conflicts Secret Wars pour moi si jamais on a droit à une deuxième clé
Edit. clé fonctionnelle, merci
Marsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 22:08:56
ReplyMarsh Posté le 11-07-2012 à 22:09:35
Liste spéciale:
Mise à jour le 28/01/2018.
Classement fait par ilyama999 ( 02/01/2016 ).
3SwitcheD ( pigin )
8-bit Commando ( odjinan )
8BitBoy X2 ( nooblipa & gee )
A Valley Without Wind 1 and 2 ( vax71 )
Absconding Zatwor ( nooblipa )
ADMIRAL NEMO ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Aerena - Clash of Champions ( Gift Steam ) ( hice33 )
Age of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord ( Perfect007 )
AI War: Vengeance ( vax71 )
Albedo ( ronaldo800 )
Angvik ( giHefca )
Anomaly korea X2 ( odjinan )
Anomaly warzone earth ( odjinan )
Anomaly: Warzone Earth ( romain27111 )
Anomaly: Warzone Earth ( tef310 )
Anomaly: Warzone Earth X2
Anoxemia X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Archon Classic ( nooblipa )
ARMA: Cold War Assault ( the_fennec )
Astro Emporia ( odjinan )
Astro Emporia X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Astro Emporia X2 ( disinc )
Astroloco: Worst Contact ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Avadon 2 : The Corruption ( odjinan )
Axis Game Factory ( arnograph )
BANZAI PECAN: The Last Hope For the Young Century ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Battle Group 2 ( Tidus13 )
BEEP ( giHefca )
Biglands ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Bionic Dues ( nicolas81000 )
Bionic Dues X2 ( odjinan & gee )
Blaster Shooter GunGuy! ( tef310 )
Blindside ( Desura ) ( totoz )
Blood of Old X2 ( nooblipa & Perfect007 )
Bloop ( nooblipa )
Bloop X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Bloop X2 ( disinc )
BRET AIRBORNE ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Bret Airborne ( nooblipa )
Brilliant Bob ( nooblipa )
Burgers ( nooblipa )
Burstfire X3 ( odjinan, nooblipa & Perfect007 )
Canyon Capers ( Coop' )
Canyon Capers X3 ( romain27111 )
Captain Morgane and the Golden Turtle ( nicolas81000 )
Cardinal Quest ( Desura ) ( Vorphalas )
Catmouth Island: Episode 1 ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Chaser ( Tidus13 )
Chip ( nooblipa )
CITY OF STEAM: ARKADIA DLC(GAME) In-Game Activation Key ( nooblipa )
Clones ( Desura ) ( pigin )
CLUSTERPUCK 99 ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Cobi Treasure Deluxe ( romain27111 )
Company of Heroes 2: German Skin - Four Color Disruptive Pattern X2 ( Coop' & lepereafarid )
Company of Heroes 2: Soviet Skin - Four Color Belorussian X2 ( Coop' & lepereafarid )
Containment: The Zombie Puzzler X3
Creatures Exodus ( GOG ) ( FrenchyEve )
CreaVures ( nicolas81000 )
Crystals of time ( Demons_vols )
CT Special Forces: Fire for Effect ( nooblipa )
Cubetractor ( odjinan )
Cubicity ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Culling of the cow ( nooblipa )
Damnation City of Death ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Darkstone ( nooblipa )
Data Hacker - Initiation X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Data Hacker - Initiation X2 ( disinc )
Dead Bits ( lord666 )
Dead Bits ( nooblipa )
Dead bits ( odjinan )
Dead Island Epidemic X4 ( Gift Steam ) ( coop' )
Dead Island: Epidemic Beta ( lepereafarid )
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten ( GOG ) ( nixnbk )
Desert thunder ( nooblipa )
Devilian Extra Life Humble Bundle Package ( Nikora )
Doc Clock: The Toasted Sandwich of Time ( Desura ) ( Tidus13 )
Dungeon of Dredmor ( Desura ) ( Arkaon93 )
Dungeon of gain ( nooblipa )
Dwarfs!? ( killen )
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project ( nooblipa )
Earth 2150 - The Moon Project X2 ( scorbutic )
Edge ( giHefca )
Enemy Mind ( nooblipa )
Epigenesis ( odjinan )
Ethan: Meteor Hunter ( lony1337 )
Eurofighter Typhoon ( nooblipa )
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin ( hice33 )
EVE Online: Rifter Ship Skin ( lepereafarid )
EVE Online: Trial Key ( hice33 )
FACE NOIR ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Fairy Tale About Father Frost, Ivan and Nastya ( nooblipa )
Fearless Fantasy ( Rhadamenthos )
Final Dusk ( nicolas81000 )
Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood ( giHefca )
Forge Starter Pack ( giHefca )
Frozen Hearth Gold ( giHefca )
Glacier 3: The Meltdown X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Glacier 3: The Meltdown X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Gold Rush! Anniversary ( Perfect007 )
Goodies pour "Dragons & Titans" ( standby )
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit ( Eife )
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit ( tigrouille )
Gratuitous Space Battles Multiplayer Key ( Aerox )
Gravi ( giHefca )
Guardians of Middle-earth ( blood_sam )
Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure ( mgs-solidsnake- )
Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC ( blood_sam )
Gun Monkey ( Perfect007 )
Gun Monkeys ( Gift Steam ) ( disinc )
Gun Monkeys ( Gift Steam ) ( lord666 )
Gun Monkeys X4 ( romain27111 )
GunWorld ( nooblipa )
Hacker Evolution Duality ( giHefca )
Hacker Evolution Duality ( lgypti1- )
Hacker Evolution Duality + 4 DLCs ( FrenchyEve )
Hamlet ( giHefca )
Hero of Stormhold Pack ( DLC pour Villagers and Heroes ) X3 ( romain27111 )
Hero of the Kingdom ( nooblipa )
Heroes & Legends: Conquerors of Kolhar ( nooblipa )
Humanity Asset ( nooblipa )
Humble Bundle 1 + Humble Bundle 2 ( Desura ) ( mattgiver )
Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle ( Desura ) ( Arkaon93 )
Humble Frozenbyte Bundle ( Desura ) ( Arkaon93 )
Humble Indie Bundle 2 ( Desura ) ( Braid, Machinarium, Osmos et Revenge of the Titans ) ( lony1337 )
Humble Indie Bundle 3 ( Desura ) ( Crayon Physics Deluxe, Cogs, VVVVVV, Hammerfight, And Yet It Moves, Steel Storm: Burning Retribution et Atom Zombie Smasher ) ( lony1337 )
Hyper Fighters X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Inherit the Earth: Quest for the Orb ( nooblipa )
International Snooker X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Ion Assault ( nicolas81000 )
Ionball 2: Ionstorm ( romain27111 )
Iron Grip: Warlord ( giHefca )
Jagged Alliance 1: Gold Edition ( Tidus13 )
Kill The Bad Guy ( download ) ( steph777 )
Knights & Merchants ( nicolas81000 )
Knights and Merchants HD X2 ( alcopsy & Perfect007 )
Knightshift ( nooblipa )
Knightshift ( topware ) ( nooblipa )
Kraven Manor ( Vorphalas )
Kung-Fu Strike Warriors Rise ( m0j )
(+)Kung Fu Strike Warriors Rise Master Level DLC ( m0j )
Landmark 1-Week Closed Beta Key ( hice33 )
Landmark 1-Week Closed Beta Key ( lepereafarid )
Light of Altair ( nooblipa )
Litil Divil ( ananas-poilu )
Litil Divil ( fatalix41 )
Low Light Combat X2 ( Robindesbois X2 )
Luna's Wandering Stars X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Luna's Wandering Stars X2 ( disinc )
Magic Meisters - Alpha X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Magicka: Wizard Wars E3 Robe ( hice33 )
Magicka: Wizard Wars E3 Robe X2 ( Coop' & lepereafarid )
Make it Indie! ( nooblipa )
Making History: The Great War ( Perfect007 )
Marine Sharpshooter II: Jungle Warfare ( nicolas81000 )
Mind Dead ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Naval Warfare ( Vorphalas )
Numba Deluxe ( romain27111 )
Numba Deluxe ( romain27111 )
Nux ( nooblipa )
Oil Rush ( Aerox )
ONE DAY for Ched X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
ONE DAY for Ched X2 ( disinc )
One Month of Twitch Turbo ( hice33 )
One Way Heroics ( the_fennec )
Orborun X3 ( odjinan, nooblipa & nicolas81000 )
Original War ( lony1337 )
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Particula ( nooblipa )
Particula ( nooblipa )
Pester X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
PixelJunk Monsters ( romain27111 )
Platypus II X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Postal ( romain27111 )
President for a Day: Flooding ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Probability 0 ( edomath )
Project Cyber X2 ( tigrouille )
Prophour23 ( Perfect007 )
Proteus ( nooblipa )
QuestRun ( nooblipa )
QuestRun ( odjinan )
Really Big Sky ( bloodyangel54 )
Really Big Sky X3 ( CRUZVISTA )
REalM Walk of Soul ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Realms of the Haunting ( alcopsy )
Realms of the Haunting ( ananas-poilu )
Realms Of The Haunting ( nooblipa )
Realms Of The Haunting ( nooblipa )
REALMS OF THE HAUNTING ( ShinyLoot ) ( nooblipa )
Restaurant Empire II ( Robindesbois )
Retention ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Retention ( odjinan )
Rhiannon: Curse of the Four Branches ( nicolas81000 )
Rise of the Argonauts ( tristan444 )
Rituals ( nicolas81000 ) Rock of Ages X3 ( nicolas81000, arnograph & giHefca )
Roogoo ( Docteur Tenma )
Sam Glyph: Private Eye ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
SanctuaryRPG ( Desura ) ( romain27111 )
SANCTUARYRPG ( Desura ) ( toto l'asticot )
Sanctum X3 ( romain27111 )
Shadowgate: MacVenture Series ( Nikora )
Shaiya (Aeria Games) Pack FUSION DES SERVEURS : 10 x Rune d'Invocation + 10 x Rune de Réunion + 10 x Pierre de Téléportation + 25 x Potion de Regnum + 10 x Glace à la Vanille + 10 x Glace au Melon + 10 x Glace au Raisin + Wolf (+5) + Teinture pour Familier + Teinture pour Costume ( tigrouille )
Shattered Haven ( FrenchyEve )
Shattered Haven ( vax71 )
Skyward Collapse ( FrenchyEve )
Skyward Collapse ( vax71 )
(+)Skyward Collapse: Nihon no Mura DLC ( vax71 )
SMITE - Almighty Zeus ( lepereafarid )
Social Justice Warriors ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Solar 2 X3
Song of the Myrne ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Song of the Myrne: What Lies Beneath X2 ( disinc )
SOUL GAMBLER X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
SOUL GAMBLER X2 ( disinc )
SOULBRINGER ( nooblipa )
SOULBRINGER ( ShinyLoot ) ( nooblipa )
Space Hack ( toper_harley_ )
SPACE WAR COMMANDER ( ShinyLoot ) ( nooblipa )
Spy Fox in "Dry Cereal" ( nooblipa )
Stealth Inc 2 X2 ( raphael02100 & tef310 )
Steel & Steam: Episode 1 X2 ( odjinan & nooblipa )
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution ( giHefca )
Stingray X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
Summoner ( freeza01 )
Summoner ( nixnbk )
SUPER DISTRO ( nooblipa )
Supreme Commander X2
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance X2
Survivalist ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
The Blue Flamingo ( Kaiser Panda )
The Club ( Desura ) ( tortue36 )
The Gamers: Director’s Cut ( GoG ) ( Bocal83 )
THE ISLAND CASTAWAY ( ShinyLoot ) ( nooblipa )
The Journey Down: Chapter One ( odjinan )
The Lord of the Rings Online Steely Dawn Starter Pack ( blood_sam )
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack ( Eife )
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack ( Maxistyle )
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack ( Supral )
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack ( the_fennec )
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North X2 ( lord666 & jakwarrior )
The Maker's Eden ( nooblipa )
THEM - THE SUMMONING ( nooblipa )
Three Fourths Home ( Desura ) ( nooblipa )
Tidalis ( MrFreeze )
Tiestru ( nooblipa )
Time Gentlemen, Please! & Ben There, Dan that! X2 ( odjinan & gee )
Tinboy ( nooblipa )
Total War: Rome II - Nomadic Tribes Culture Pack X2 ( Coop' & lepereafarid )
VALCARTA: RISE OF THE DEMON ( ShinyLoot ) ( nooblipa )
Victim of Xen ( romain27111 )
Vitrum ( nooblipa )
Voyage: Journey to the Moon ( nooblipa )
War of the human tank ( Desura ) ( nicolas81000 ) Warfare ( misato )
Wasteland ( dathomir )
Why so evil ( nooblipa )
Why So Evil 2 ( nooblipa )
Wildlife Park 3 ( Sheytan )
X-note ( nooblipa )
You are not a Banana ( nooblipa )
Yrminsul X2 ( Desura ) ( disinc )
East India Company Gold Edition ( Perfect007 )
Hyper Fighters ( Perfect007 )
Two Worlds - Game of the Year Edition ( Perfect007 )
Gun Metal ( gee )
Earth 2140 ( solidshark )
Earth 2150 Trilogy ( solidshark )
American Conquest ( solidshark )
Shiplord ( Ulaw )
Culling Of The Cows ( Ulaw )
Particula ( Ulaw )
SickBrick ( Ulaw )
Hacker_Evolution_ ( Ulaw )
Hacker_Evolution__Untold ( Ulaw )
Super 3-D Noah's Ark ( alcopsy )
Horizon Shift ( alcopsy )
Fancy Skulls ( alcopsy )
Iron Grip: Warlord and Scorched Earth DLC ( alcopsy )
GemCraft - Chasing Shadows ( seb666astien )
Super 3-D Noah's Ark ( seb666astien )
Cast of the Seven Godsends ( seb666astien )
Horizon Shift ( seb666astien )
Russian Horror Story ( dathomir )
Two Worlds 2 ( dathomir )
Two Worlds Game of the Year Edition ( dathomir )
East India Company Gold Edition ( dathomir )
ShipLord ( spirou59 )
Loot Hero DX ( m4t3w )
Arcadecraft ( m4t3w )
FLASHOUT 2 ( m4t3w )
Nyctophobia ( Gotchaaaaa )
Kraven Manor ( Gotchaaaaa )
Septerra Core ( format_c )
Hard Room ( format_c )
Russian Horror Story ( format_c )
Two Worlds 2 ( format_c )
Stigmat ( format_c )
Princess.Loot.Pixel.Again ( format_c )
Locked-in syndrome ( format_c )
Bloo Kid 2 ( Gotchaaaaa )
Earth 2150 - the moon project ( format_c )
Relic hunters zero ( format_c )
Slipstream 5000 ( format_c )
Particula ( format_c )
Forbidden Planet ( format_c )
Journey to the center of the earth ( format_c )
Commando Jack ( format_c )
Bloo Kid 2 ( format_c )
Beast Blaster ( nooblipa )
Dreaming Sarah ( nooblipa )
Pre-Civilization Marble Age ( nooblipa )
Settled ( nooblipa )
Undead vs Plants ( nooblipa )
East India Company Gold Edition ( format_c )
Bell Ringer ( format_c )
Sentinels of the Multiverse ( rasko11 )
Sentinels of the Multiverse ( rudytheboulet )
Lexica ( rudytheboulet )
AI War: Children of Neinzul ( rudytheboulet )
Containment: The Zombie Puzzler ( rudytheboulet )
Doodle God ( rudytheboulet )
Real Boxing ( Tidus13 )
Magnifico ( Tidus13 )
The Troma Project ( format_c )
Attrition Nuclear Domination ( format_c )
Medieval Mercs ( format_c )
Krog Wars ( format_c )
Starship: Nova Strike ( format_c )
Woodle tree adventures ( format_c )
1993 Space Machine ( rudytheboulet )
Top Trumps Turbo ( Perfect007 )
Barony ( beholder2 )
Système de dons:
-Créez un MP avec comme sujet "[DONS] Votre Pseudo" et sur lequel vous réunirez tous vos dons ainsi que vos demandes de jeux en tant que donateur.
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-Pour les dons à privilégier, évidemment les bundles faisant l'objet d'un appel ainsi que les jeux qui en font partie, les jeux AAA, ceux figurant en FP et épuisés, mais surtout offrez des bons jeux susceptibles d'intéresser les utilisateurs. Tous les jeux devront soit figurer en FP, soit en liste donateur pas de fonds de tiroir, de jeux gratuits ou de plateformes confidentielles.
Appels aux dons:
Régulièrement des appels aux dons sont postés en FP, exclusivement sur Humble Bundle pour l'instant. La marche à suivre est simple, il suffit de cocher la case "This bundle is a gift; send me a gift code." et de me MP le lien. Merci de préciser le type de bundle $1 / BTA / Full.
Ci-dessous vous trouverez des listes réservées aux personnes participants au topic.
La liste donateur est accessible à tous les participants occasionnels en revanche les listes premium et matériel sont exclusivement réservées aux donateurs réguliers.
Les demandes en tant que donateur sont soumises à la règle d'équivalence entre ce que vous donnez et ce que vous demandez, merci de ne pas abuser du système.
Liste donateur:
Tropico 4 Collector's Bundle ( Gift Steam ) X2 Mini Motor Racing EVO ( SolidShark )
Half-Life 2: Episode Two ( Gift Steam ) ( nonosore )
Nightsky ( Aerox )
Waking Mars ( Aerox )
Type:Rider X2 ( zephiel )
Warhammer 40k - Dawn of War X2 ( Arkaon93 ) Titan Quest ( FrenchyEve )
Solar 2 ( solal94 )
Year Walk ( Kaiser Panda )
Eidolon ( Kaiser Panda )
Murdered: Soul Suspect ( oscar le connard )
Gun Monkeys ( Gift Steam ) ( Robindesbois )
Costume Quest ( Android ) ( Kaiser Panda ) Ironclad Tactics Deluxe ( Kaiser Panda )
Ironclad Tactics Deluxe ( Android ) ( Kaiser Panda )
Solar Flux ( Kaiser Panda )
Solar Flux ( Android ) ( Kaiser Panda )
Toast Time ( Kaiser Panda )
Toast Time ( Android ) ( Kaiser Panda )
Eufloria HD ( Kaiser Panda )
Eufloria HD ( Android ) ( Kaiser Panda )
Tropico Trilogy ( jhericool )
Legends of Persia ( lony1337 )
(+)Red Faction Armageddon - Path to War (DLC) ( Arkaon93 )
FORCED ( Gift Steam ) ( beholder2 )
Clef Origin Humble Bundle ( inclus Wing Commander 3™: Heart of the Tiger, SimCity 2000™ Special Edition, Wing Commander™ IV: The Price of Freedom, and Ultima VII The Complete Edition ) X3 ( nooblipa, steph777 & FrenchyEve )
Might & Magic 1 à 6 ( UPlay ) ( wlitw )
Dead Island: Riptide - Fashion Victim DLC ( Robindesbois )
Dead Island: Riptide - Survivor Pack DLC ( Robindesbois )
Arma: Gold Edition ( lony1337 )
Orcs Must Die! GOTY ( astoria2297 )
Monaco ( ronaldo800 )
ARMA: Cold War Assault ( Gift Steam ) ( couilleshot )
Red Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition ( Tidus13 )
Orcs must die! GOTY ( couilleshot )
Two Worlds 2 ( Perfect007 )
Star Wars Republic Commando ( blood_sam )
Overture ( trollandco )
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate + Shooter Bundle ( trollandco )
Cossacks: Campaign Expansion ( solidshark )
Overture ( alcopsy )
Frozenbyte bundle ( Trine, Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds: Survivor, Splot, and Jack Claw ) ( Desura ) ( mattgiver )
Silence of the sleep ( seyz )
Painkiller: Black Edition ( lony1337 ) Skulls of the Shogun ( mdonnate )
Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East ( UPlay ) ( Robindesbois )
The Incredible Adventure of Van Helsing 2 ( Goreinu ) Crusader Kings 2 - Sons of Abraham ( Goreinu )
BEJEWELED 3 ( mattgiver )
Deep Dungeons of Doom ( misato )
Hero of the Kingdom ( misato )
Stick RPG 2: Director's Cut ( misato )
Hero of the Kingdom II ( aelendelis )
The Sun and Moon ( aelendelis )
Of Guards And Thieves ( aelendelis )
Sudeki ( aelendelis )
Overture ( aelendelis )
Godus ( aelendelis )
Outland ( aelendelis )
Fallen Enchantress ( aelendelis )
Battle vs Chess ( totoz )
SEGA Make War not Love 3 X6 ( inclus Viking: Battle for Asgard, Renegade Ops + DLC & Gunstar Heroes ) ( mattgiver X3, Perfect007, xiam & clads92 )
Darkness Within 1: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder ( nicolas81000 )
Farming Simulator 2013 Titanium Edition X2 ( Rhadamenthos & Kaiser Panda )
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage ( Robindesbois )
Psychonauts ( anisVR6 )
Darkness Within 2: The Dark Lineage ( lony1337 )
The Marvellous Miss Take ( lony1337 )
Might & Magic Heroes Online - Angel Starter Pack ( Enermax29 )
Might & Magic Duel of Champions – Starter Pack ( Enermax29 )
Humble Bundle ( inclus Wizorb, BIT.TRIP.RUNNER, Gratuitous Space Battles & Jamestown ) ( ilyama999 )
Cave Story ( ilyama999 )
Gratuitous Space Battles Multiplayer Key ( ilyama999 ) Life is Hard ( sanglier )
Planetary Annihilation X2 ( ysilog )
Holodrive ( Gotchaaaaa )
Holodrive ( format_c )
Magicka + 2 DLC ( spirou59 ) Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC Steam Edition ( spirou59 )
Titan Quest ( spirou59 )
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War ( spirou59 )
Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche ( x1fr )
Nova-111 ( x1fr )
Dear Esther ( the_fennec )
LIMBO ( the_fennec )
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP ( the_fennec )
Waking Mars ( the_fennec )
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy ( rudytheboulet )
Battle Group 2 ( rudytheboulet )
AI War: Fleet Command ( rudytheboulet )
(+)AI War: Light of the Spire ( rudytheboulet )
(+)AI War: The Zenith Remnant ( rudytheboulet )
Solar 2 ( rudytheboulet )
Screencheat ( rudytheboulet ) Nova-111 ( rudytheboulet )
The Magic Circle ( rudytheboulet )
Avalanche 2: Super Avalanche ( rudytheboulet )
AI War + 4 DLC packs & Tidalis
Out of the Park Baseball 15 ( Tidus13 )
Guardians of Middle-earth ( Tidus13 )
(+)Guardians of Middle-earth: Smaug's Treasure DLC ( Tidus13 ) Batman: Arkham Origins DLC ( Tidus13 )
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn Starter Pack ( Tidus13 )
The Lord of the Rings: War in the North ( Tidus13 )
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit ( Tidus13 )
Door Kickers X2
Blitzkrieg 1 Anthology ( sanglier )
Anomaly: Warzone Earth ( petburn )
JumpJet Rex ( rudytheboulet )
Asteroid Bounty Hunter ( Nikora )
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution ( m4t3w )
Dead Island: Epidemic ( x-taz )
Dead Island: Epidemic Beta ( Gift Steam ) ( x-taz )
Sentinels of the Multiverse ( kamikaze24 )
Penarium ( kamikaze24 )
Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: US Forces ( kamikaze24 )
Neon Struct Deluxe Edition ( kamikaze24 )
The Sims 3 Date Night Key ( Origin ) ( kamikaze24 )
Max Gentlemen Triple DLC Pack ( ColonelMortime ) Sportsfriends ( ColonelMortime )
The Ship - 2 Pack Gift ( inclus The Ship: Murder Party, The Ship: Single Player ) X2 ( symphmetal )
Cubetractor ( bigboss69 )
Amerzone: The Explorer's Legacy ( bigboss69 )
Vanguard Princess ( bigboss69 )
(+)Vanguard Princess Lilith Pack
(+)Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize Pack
Remnants of Isolation ( bigboss69 )
Last Word ( bigboss69 )
Labyrinthine Dreams ( bigboss69 )
Axis Game Factory: AGFPRO v3.0 ( bigboss69 )
Game Guru ( bigboss69 )
Might & Magic Heroes VI - Shades of Darkness ( UPlay ) ( bigboss69 )
Mini's Magic World ( nooblipa )
Mountain X2 ( solal94 )
SUPERFIGHT Closed Beta Access ( solal94 )
SUPERFIGHT - The Joiner Micro Deck ( solal94 )
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack ( solal94 )
Psychonauts X3 ( solal94 )
Psychonauts ( trollandco )
Mountain ( trollandco )
SUPERFIGHT Closed Beta Access ( trollandco )
SUPERFIGHT - The Joiner Micro Deck ( trollandco )
Overlord ( bigboss69 )
The Sun and Moon ( killen )
Earth 2150 Trilogy ( m4t3w )
Septerra Core ( m4t3w )
Two Worlds II ( m4t3w )
Psychonauts ( dathomir )
Mountain X2 ( dathomir )
Ghost in the shell stand alone complex X2 ( dathomir )
SUPERFIGHT X2 ( dathomir )
BASEBALL STARS 2 ( tyhump )
Bulb Boy ( Robindesbois )
Switchcars ( Robindesbois )
Penarium ( Robindesbois )
Axis Game Factory: AGFPRO v3.0 ( Robindesbois )
Game Guru ( Robindesbois )
Last Word ( Robindesbois )
Remnants of Isolation ( Robindesbois )
Pixel Piracy ( Robindesbois )
Batman: Arkham Origins DLC ( Robindesbois )
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit ( Robindesbois )
TIS-100 ( ColonelMortime )
Stereden ( giHefca )
Rising Storm ( Vorphalas )
Killing Floor ( Gift Steam ) ( disinc ) Blackwell 2: Unbound ( Ariakan ) Blackwell 3: Convergence ( Ariakan )
Cubemen ( Ariakan )
Cubemen 2 ( Ariakan )
Avencast ( Tidus13 )
FF14 ( Klaw )
Puzzle Agent ( Klaw )
bit Dungeon II ( Klaw )
FATE: Hero Bundle ( Klaw )
Eufloria HD ( Klaw )
Toast Time ( Klaw )
Steel Storm: Burning Retribution + DLC ( totoz )
10000000 ( ChtiGariX )
SPACECOM ( ChtiGariX )
You Must Build A Boat ( ChtiGariX )
Desktop Dungeons ( ChtiGariX )
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition ( ChtiGariX )
Asdivine Hearts ( ChtiGariX )
1000000 ( mdonnate )
Knights of Pen & Paper +1 Edition ( mdonnate )
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls ( mdonnate )
The Sims 3 Key ( Origin ) ( mdonnate )
(+)The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff
(+)The Sims 3 Late Night
Roguelands ( FrenchyEve )
Golf With Your Friends ( maximotepp )
Crawl ( Goreinu )
Nouveautés 01/2018:
Democracy 3 Collector Edition ( pilote04 ) Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack ( rudytheboulet )
Planetary Annihilation TITANS ( rudytheboulet )
Hurtworld ( rudytheboulet )
Satellite Reign ( rudytheboulet )
TIS-100 ( rudytheboulet )
The Red Solstice ( rudytheboulet )
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls ( rudytheboulet ) Cthulhu Realms - Full Version ( rudytheboulet ) Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack ( mr-toc ) Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack ( ColonelMortime )
Wasted ( mr-toc )
Planetary Annihilation TITANS ( mr-toc ) The Forest ( mr-toc )
WARMACHINE Tactics ( mr-toc )
WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle ( mr-toc ) Grey Goo Definitive Edition ( mr-toc )
Planetary Annihilation TITANS ( Tidus13 ) Steredenn ( Tidus13 )
Wasted ( Tidus13 )
Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Multiplayer Starter Pack ( Robindesbois )
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 ( Robindesbois )
Planet of the Eyes ( Robindesbois )
Poi ( Robindesbois )
Random Access Murder ( Robindesbois )
Starward Rogue ( Robindesbois )
10000000 ( Robindesbois )
Asdivine Hearts ( Robindesbois )
Please Don't Touch Anything ( Robindesbois )
Spider: Rite of the Shrouded Moon ( Robindesbois ) Unmechanical ( Robindesbois )
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls ( Robindesbois )
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version ( Robindesbois )
Hurtworld ( Robindesbois ) Kentucky Route Zero ( Robindesbois )
The Red Solstice ( Robindesbois )
TIS-100 ( Robindesbois ) Fran Bow ( nounours80 )
1993 Space Machine ( nounours80 )
Random Access Murder ( mdonnate )
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 ( mdonnate )
Sonic The Hedgehog 4 - Episode 1 / Sonic & SEGA All Star Racing / Sonic The Hedgehog 2 / Sonic Adventure 2 + Battle DLC ( Gracchus13 )
Sonic The Hedgehog / Sonic Adventure DX / Sonic 3D Blast / Sonic CD ( Gracchus13 ) Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed ( Gracchus13 ) Sonic Generations ( Gracchus13 ) Viking : Battle For Asgard ( Gracchus13 ) Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy ( Gracchus13 )
Antichamber ( Gracchus13 )
FEZ ( Gracchus13 )
Cities In Motion 2 ( Gracchus13 )
Ors Must Die! GOTY ( Gracchus13 ) Bastion ( Gracchus13 ) Castle of Illusion ( Falconpage )
Battleborn X3
(+)230 Battleborn Platinum Currency X3 Starwars Battlefront ( Origin ) ( format_c ) Life is hard ( format_c ) MX vs. ATV Supercross Encore ( format_c ) Uncanny Valley ( ouioui92612_benchmark )
Cook, Serve, Delicious! ( ouioui92612_benchmark )
INK ( ouioui92612_benchmark ) GameMaker Studio Pro ( ouioui92612_benchmark )
Insurgency ( totoz )
Risen 3 - Titan Lords ( totoz )
Rock 'N' Roll Defense ( killen )
Age of Fear 2: The Chaos Lord ( killen )
Insurgency ( Dolas )
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 ( rudytheboulet )
Poi ( rudytheboulet )
Planet of the Eyes ( rudytheboulet )
Starward Rogue ( rudytheboulet )
Random Access Murder ( rudytheboulet )
One More Dungeon ( rudytheboulet )
Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunter Reborn ( rudytheboulet )
Star Ruler 2 ( rudytheboulet ) Dead Effect 2 ( rudytheboulet )
Blue Estate The Game ( rudytheboulet )
Hexcells Complete Pack ( rudytheboulet ) The Banner Saga ( rudytheboulet )
WWE 2K16 ( rudytheboulet ) Epistory - Typing Chronicles ( rudytheboulet )
Town of Salem ( rudytheboulet ) Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse ( rudytheboulet ) Dead In Bermuda ( rudytheboulet )
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl ( latoucheF7duclavier )
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky ( latoucheF7duclavier )
Spacecom ( mr-toc ) FTL ( luke2fr )
Spacecom ( gee )
Mirror's Edge ( SiZZiGETTE )
Neighbours From Hell Compilation ( SiZZiGETTE )
The Sims 3 Date Night ( SiZZiGETTE )
(+)The Sims 3 High End Loft Stuff
(+)The Sims 3
(+)The Sims 3 Late Night Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number ( Robindesbois )
THOTH ( Robindesbois ) WWE 2K16 ( mdonnate )
Plantera ( mdonnate ) Grim Dawn ( mdonnate )
THOTH ( ColonelMortime )
Hexcells Complete Pack ( ColonelMortime )
The Jackbox Party Pack 2 ( ColonelMortime )
Starward Rogue ( ColonelMortime )
Random Access Murder ( ColonelMortime )
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version ( ColonelMortime ) Sid Meier's Pirates! ( maximotepp )
Hoven the Sages Spinel ( maximotepp )
Far Cry Blood Dragon ( ilyama ) FlatOut Complete Bundle ( FlatOut, FlatOut 2, Flatout 3: Chaos & Destruction & FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage ) ( froc )
Corporate Lifestyle Simulator ( mastoy )
Huntsman: The Orphanage ( mastoy )
Lifeless (accès anticipé) ( mastoy )
Three Dead Zed ( mastoy )
Hexcells Complete Pack ( mastoy ) Broforce ( Robindesbois )
Pirate Pop Plus ( Robindesbois ) Sheltered ( Robindesbois )
Town of Salem ( Robindesbois )
Planetary Annihilation TITANS ( Robindesbois )
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero ( Robindesbois )
JumpJet Rex ( Robindesbois ) Renowned Explorers: International Society ( Robindesbois )
Sentinels of the Multiverse ( Robindesbois )
Guns of Icarus ( format_c ) Tomb Raider (2013) ( seb666astien )
Lifeless ( LaMoR )
Gunstar Heroes Megadrive ( LaMoR )
The Apogee Throwback Pack ( Ariakan )
Alien Breed: Impact ( Ariakan )
Ubersoldier II ( Ariakan )
Solstice ( Ariakan ) SpeedRunners ( yuf47 )
Max Gentlemen Triple DLC Pack X2 ( yuf47 )
Qvadriga X2 ( yuf47 )
Vertiginous Golf ( yuf47 )
Strata ( yuf47 ) LEGO Batman 3 ( giHefca )
Spacebase DF-9 ( Gift Steam ) ( gee )
Toy Soldiers ( Gift Steam ) ( format_c )
The Silent Age ( Gift Steam ) ( format_c )
Orbital Gear ( Gift Steam ) ( format_c ) Batman: Arkham Knight Premium Edition ( Gift Steam ) ( Painsec )
Last Survivor ( format_c )
hacknet ( Fred152 )
western press ( Fred152 )
minion masters ( Fred152 ) Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number ( rudytheboulet )
Insurgency ( rudytheboulet ) Slime Rancher (Early Access) ( rudytheboulet ) Train Valley ( rudytheboulet )
THOTH ( rudytheboulet ) Prison Architect ( rudytheboulet ) BROFORCE ( rudytheboulet ) Rebel Galaxy ( rudytheboulet )
Beyond Eyes ( rudytheboulet ) Styx: Master of Shadows ( rudytheboulet )
Pirate Pop Plus ( rudytheboulet ) The Escapists - Base Game ( rudytheboulet )
(+)The Escapists - Duct Tapes are Forever
(+)The Escapists - Escape Team
(+)The Escapists - Alcatraz
(+)The Escapists - Fhurst PeakMordheim City of the Damned ( rudytheboulet )
Hacknet ( rudytheboulet )
Western Press ( rudytheboulet )
(+)Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC
Minion Masters ( rudytheboulet ) Prison Architect ( x1fr )
Beast Blaster ( arkim34090 )
Realms Of The Haunting ( mr-toc )
Toybox Turbos ( mr-toc )
DiRT Showdown ( mr-toc )
1993 Space Machine ( mr-toc ) Dungeon of the Endless - Crystal Pack ( mr-toc )
Deathtrap ( mr-toc )
Bulb Boy ( mr-toc )
Satellite Reign ( mr-toc )
The Red Solstice ( mr-toc )
Cthulhu Realms - Full Version ( mr-toc ) Avernum 2: Crystal Souls ( mr-toc )
Starward Rogue ( mr-toc )
Random Access Murder ( mr-toc )
Planet of the Eyes ( mr-toc )
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut ( mr-toc )
Team Fortress 2 Badges - Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser, Hannah's Altruistic Aspect, Sips' Selfless Simulacrum, Sjin's Generous Guise ( mr-toc )
GUILTY GEAR XX ACCENT CORE PLUS R ( mr-toc ) Choplifter HD ( mr-toc )
Stronghold Kingdoms — Humble Kingmaker Bundle ( mr-toc )
Enigmatis 2: The Mists of Ravenwood ( pojev )
One Finger Death Punch ( greg9229 )
Hidden Mysteries: Civil War ( greg9229 )
Trine 2: Complete Story ( Gift Steam ) ( Anim@l ) LIGHTNING RETURNS: FINAL FANTASY XIII ( petburn )
GOETIA ( petburn ) LEGACY OF KAIN: SOUL REAVER ( petburn ) LEGACY OF KAIN: SOUL REAVER 2 ( petburn ) HITMAN INTRO PACK ( petburn )
HITMAN GO: DEFINITIVE EDITION ( Piraa ) Torchlight 2 ( giHefca )
Minion Masters ( x1fr ) Torchlight 2 ( FrenchyEve )
Psychonauts ( FrenchyEve )
Deep Dungeons of Doom ( FrenchyEve )
Binary Domain ( FrenchyEve )
Dark Skavenger ( FrenchyEve ) Assassin's Creed Liberation HD ( UPlay ) ( oscar le connard )
Assassin's Creed III ( UPlay ) ( oscar le connard ) Assassin's Creed III - Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy (DLC) ( UPlay ) ( oscar le connard ) Assassin's Creed II Deluxe Edition ( UPlay ) ( oscar le connard ) Assassin's Creed Brotherhood ( UPlay ) ( oscar le connard )
Depth Hunter 2 - Deep Dive ( lsage )
Anomaly 2 ( maximotepp )
Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount ( maximotepp )
Binary Domain ( maximotepp )
BiT Evolution ( maximotepp )
Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack ( maximotepp )
Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artb ( maximotepp ) Choplifter HD ( maximotepp )
Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack ( maximotepp )
Curses 'N Chaos ( maximotepp )
Dark Scavenger ( maximotepp )
Deep Dungeons of Doom ( maximotepp )
Dinocide ( maximotepp ) Eisenwald: Blood of November ( maximotepp )
Faeria Early Access Bundle ( maximotepp )
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero ( maximotepp )
Guns of Icarus Online ( maximotepp )
Guns of Icarus Online Costume Pack ( maximotepp )
Guns of Icarus Online Soundtrack ( maximotepp )
Multimirror ( maximotepp )
Neverwinter Enthusiast Pack + Humble Bundle ( maximotepp )
Overture ( maximotepp ) Shadwen ( maximotepp )
Syder Arcade ( maximotepp )
Tales Across Time ( maximotepp )
Team Fortress 2 Badges -Duncan's Kindhearted Kisser ( maximotepp ) Torchlight II ( maximotepp )
Waddle Home (VR) ( maximotepp )
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack ( maximotepp ) Skullgirls + All Characters + Color Palette Bundle DLC ( maximotepp ) Shantae and the Pirate's Curse ( mastoy )
Epic Battle Fantasy 4 ( mastoy )
Pony Island ( mastoy )
Assassin's Creed III ( UPlay ) ( trollandco )
Anomaly 2 ( mr-toc )
Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount ( mr-toc )
Binary Domain ( mr-toc )
BiT Evolution ( mr-toc )
The Blue Flamingo ( mr-toc )
Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbooks DLC ( mr-toc )
Chronology: Time Changes Everything ( mr-toc ) Cosmonautica ( mr-toc )
Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack ( mr-toc )
Curses 'N Chaos ( mr-toc )
Deep Dungeons of Doom ( mr-toc )
Disc Jam BETA ( mr-toc ) Oozi: Earth Adventure ( mr-toc )
Overture ( mr-toc )
Rocket Riot ( mr-toc )
Shu ( mr-toc )
Small Radios, Big Televisions ( mr-toc )
Tales Across Time ( mr-toc )
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found ( mr-toc )
Eisenwald: Blood of November ( mr-toc )
Frog Climbers ( mr-toc )
Blade & Soul Yogscast Pack ( mr-toc )
Anomaly 2 ( Sevdu31 )
Battlerite DLC: YogYog Bear Mount ( Sevdu31 )
Binary Domain ( Sevdu31 )
BiT Evolution ( Sevdu31 )
The Blue Flamingo ( Sevdu31 )
Bohemian Killing - Original Soundtrack and Artbook ( Sevdu31 )
Choplifter HD ( Sevdu31 )
Chronology: Time Changes Everything ( Sevdu31 ) Cosmonautica ( Sevdu31 )
Crusaders of the Lost Idols Legendary Starter Pack ( Sevdu31 )
Curses 'N Chaos ( Sevdu31 )
Dark Scavenger ( Sevdu31 )
Deep Dungeons of Doom ( Sevdu31 )
Dinocide ( Sevdu31 )
Disc Jam BETA ( Sevdu31 )
Eisenwald: Blood of November ( Sevdu31 )
Faeria Early Access Bundle ( Sevdu31 )
Frog Climbers ( Sevdu31 )
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero ( Sevdu31 )
Guns of Icarus Online ( Sevdu31 )
Guns of Icarus Online Soundtrack ( Sevdu31 )
Hue ( Sevdu31 )
Karma. Incarnation 1 ( Sevdu31 )
King Arthur's Gold ( Sevdu31 )
Magicka 2 ( Sevdu31 )
Multimirror ( Sevdu31 )
Oozi: Earth Adventure ( Sevdu31 )
Overture ( Sevdu31 )
Rocket Riot ( Sevdu31 ) Shadwen ( Sevdu31 )
Shu ( Sevdu31 )
Small Radios, Big Televisions ( Sevdu31 )
Syder Arcade ( Sevdu31 )
Tales Across Time ( Sevdu31 ) Torchlight II ( Sevdu31 )
Toy Odyssey: The Lost and Found ( Sevdu31 )
Waddle Home ( Sevdu31 ) Assassin's Creed Liberation HD ( UPlay ) ( tombraider83 )
Assassin's Creed III ( UPlay ) ( tombraider83 )
Assassin's Creed III - Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy (DLC) ( UPlay ) ( tombraider83 )
Assassin's Creed II Deluxe Edition ( UPlay ) ( tombraider83 )
Frog Climbers ( mukumi )
Scribblenauts Unlimited ( mukumi )
Guardians of Middle Earth ( mukumi )
Guardians of Middle Earth Snaug DLC ( mukumi )
Anomaly 2 ( mukumi )
BiT Evolution ( mukumi )
Tales Accross Times ( mukumi )
Cosmonotica ( mukumi )
Dark Scavenger ( mukumi )
Karma Incarnation 1 ( mukumi )
Eisenwald Blood of november ( mukumi )
Overture ( mukumi )
Multimirror ( mukumi )
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero ( mukumi )
Blue Flamingo ( mukumi ) Guild Wars 2 Heroic Edition ( mukumi )
Blade & Soul Yogascast ( mukumi )
Subject 13 ( lsage ) Battlefield 3 ( Origin ) ( vente7950 ) Dead Space 3 ( Origin ) ( piwig )
Sims 3 Starter Pack ( Origin ) ( piwig )
LEGACY OF KAIN: SOUL REAVER 2 ( + bender + )
The Walking Dead: 400 Days ( giHefca )
The Walking Dead: Season 1 ( giHefca ) Styx: Master of Shadows ( giHefca ) BROFORCE ( giHefca ) Magicka 2 ( giHefca )
Mother Russia Bleeds ( giHefca ) Goat Simulator ( giHefca ) DiRT 3 Complete Edition ( mr-toc )
Gunmetal Arcadia Zero ( mr-toc )
Guns of Icarus Online ( mr-toc )
(+)Guns of Icarus Online Costume Pack ( mr-toc )
(+)Guns of Icarus Online Soundtrack ( mr-toc ) Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas ( mr-toc ) Guild Wars 2: Heroic Edition ( clef ingame ) ( mr-toc )
Robocraft Jingle Jam Pack ( clef ingame ) ( mr-toc ) Psychonauts ( alcopsy )
SUPERFIGHT Closed Beta Access ( alcopsy )
SUPERFIGHT - The Joiner Micro Deck ( alcopsy )
Neverwinter Adventurer's Helper Pack + Exclusive Lord of the Labyrinth Title ( alcopsy )
Armoured Warfare E3 Pack ( alcopsy )
WildStar E3 Pack ( alcopsy )
Pathfinder Adventures - 40 Chests ( 40 coffres du jeu Pathfinder ) ( alcopsy )
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II ( alcopsy )
Leisure Suit Larry in the Land of the Lounge Lizards: Reloaded ( alcopsy ) Just Cause Collection ( Sebastien )
Space Moth DX ( mastoy )
HUNTSMAN THE ORPHANAGE ( x1fr ) Tales of Zestiria ( Sebastien )
Final Fantasy XIV : A Realm Reborn ( clef Square Enix ) ( Sebastien )
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade ( giHefca ) Nuclear Throne ( format_c )
Asguaard ( format_c )
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year Edition LEGO MARVEL's Avengers Stardew Valley ( Sebastien )
Super Meat Boy ( Sebastien ) Nuclear Throne ( Sebastien ) Guacamelee Super Turbo Championship Edition ( Sebastien )
Beat Hazard Ultra ( Sebastien )
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition ( Sebastien ) Guacamelee! Gold Edition ( Sebastien )
Guns of Icarus Online ( Sebastien )
Hot Tin Roof: The Cat That Wore A Fedora Deluxe ( Sebastien )
JumpJet Rex ( Sebastien )
Ninja Pizza Girl ( Sebastien )
Potatoman Seeks the Troof ( Sebastien )
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut ( Sebastien )
Rituals ( Sebastien )
Streamline ( Sebastien )
Team Indie ( Sebastien )
Thirty Flights of Loving ( Sebastien )
TIMEframe ( Sebastien ) Sid Meier's Civilization V ( Sebastien ) Tales of Zestiria ( ever_over ) f.e.a.r. 2 ( jul91 )
Darkstone ( Fabv60 ) Call of Duty: World at War ( Fabv60 )
Super Meat Boy ( Hickey )
Superbrothers: Sword & Sworcery EP ( Hickey ) Abzu ( leboz ) Ryse Son of Rome ( leboz )
PIXEL PUZZLES 2 - BIRDS X2 ( lsage ) Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition ( Kaiser Panda ) Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II ( Kaiser Panda ) STAR WARS: Rogue Squadron 3D ( Kaiser Panda )
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire ( Kaiser Panda ) Star Wars Empire At War: Gold Pack ( Kaiser Panda )
FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn ( cinqpesetas )
Shining Force ( the_fennec ) Golden Axe II ( the_fennec )
Tomb Raider (2013) ( format_c )
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD ( UPlay )
Assassin's Creed III ( UPlay )
(+)Assassin's Creed III - Tyranny of King Washington: The Infamy (DLC)
Assassin's Creed II Deluxe Edition ( UPlay ) Project CARS On-Demand Pack Tales of Zestiria Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
STAR WARS: Rogue Squadron 3D
Star Wars Shadows of the Empire
Star Wars Empire At War: Gold Pack
Star Wars Empire At War: Gold Pack
ARMA: Cold War Assault ( greg9229 ) Shadowrun Returns ( erebos )
Minion Masters ( lsage ) Driver San Fransisco ( UPlay ) ( lgypti1- )
Survive in Space ( lgypti1- ) Rust (Early Access) ( mdonnate )
Space Run Galaxy ( mdonnate )
Flat Heroes ( mdonnate )
Minion Masters ( mdonnate ) Ace Combat Assault Horizon Enhanced Edition ( mukumi )
Thirty Flights of Loving ( mukumi )
Waking Mars ( mukumi )
Monster Loves You ( mukumi )
AI War: Fleet Command ( mukumi )
Girls Like Robots ( mukumi )
Ellipsis ( mukumi )
Secrets of Raetikon ( mukumi )
Guns of Icarus Online ( mukumi )
Q.U.B.E: Director's Cut ( mukumi )
Rituals ( mukumi )
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble ( mukumi )
Super Galaxy Squadron EX ( mukumi )
Eon Altar Episode 1 ( mastoy ) Primal Carnage: Extinction ( mastoy )
Overlord ( lsage )
Damnation X2 ( dobermann78 )
Square's Route ( dobermann78 )
3079 -- Block Action RPG ( dobermann78 )
FINNISH ROLLER ( nounours80 ) MAELSTROM ( nounours80 )
IDOL HANDS ( nounours80 )
Civilization ( froc)
Galactic Civilizations ( froc ) One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 ( MrFreeze )
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered ( MrFreeze )
Pinball FX2 - Star Wars™ Pinball: Balance of the Force Pack ( MrFreeze ) Unmechanical ( MrFreeze ) 3DMark Advanced Edition ( kamikaze24 )
VRMark Advanced Edition ( kamikaze24 )
AirParrot 2-Pack 2.6.2 ( 14/08/2017 ) ( kamikaze24 ) Sid Meier's Civilization V ( kamikaze24 )
(+)Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings
(+)Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World
Husk ( gee )
Space Run Galaxy ( gee )
Flat Heroes ( gee )
Morphblade ( gee ) Dirt Rally ( bigboss69 ) Sid Meier's Civilization V X3
(+)Sid Meier's Civilization V DLC
(+)Sid Meier's Civilization V - Gods and Kings
(+)Sid Meier's Civilization V: Brave New World
AI War: Fleet Command ( mr-toc )
Dangerous High School Girls in Trouble ( mr-toc )
Dusty Revenge: Co-Op Edition ( mr-toc )
Guacamelee! Gold Edition ( mr-toc )
Guns of Icarus Online ( mr-toc )
Luna's Wandering Stars ( mr-toc )
Song of the Deep ( mr-toc )
Streamline Early Access ( mr-toc ) Subnautica ( mr-toc )
Team Indie ( mr-toc )
Thirty Flights of Loving ( mr-toc )
TIMEframe ( mr-toc )
Double Fine Adventure Documentary ( mr-toc ) Kentucky Route Zero ( FlyinPoulpus )
The Basement Collection ( FlyinPoulpus )
The Deadly Tower of Monsters ( ilyama )
F.E.A.R. ( Mantos )
F.E.A.R. 2 ( Mantos ) F.E.A.R. 3 ( Mantos )
Gotham City Impostors: Professional Kit ( Mantos )
Guardians of Middle-earth ( Mantos )
(+)Guardians of middle earth DLC Smaug ( Mantos )
The Lord of the Rings Online: Steely Dawn ( Mantos )
Warhammer® 40,000: Dawn of War ( Mantos )
World of Goo, Anomaly, Osmos, and EDGE ( Mantos )
Fieldrunners, BIT.TRIP BEAT, SpaceChem, and Uplink ( Mantos )
Wizorb, BIT.TRIP.RUNNER, Gratuitous Space Battles, and Jamestown ( Mantos )
Battlefield 3 ( Origin ) ( Mantos ) Raiden IV: OverKill ( Mantos )
GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition ( nounours80 )
Metrico+ ( nounours80 )
Super Rude Bear Resurrection ( nounours80 ) This is the Police ( nounours80 ) The Turing Test ( nounours80 )
Viscera Cleanup Detail ( gee )
(+)Viscera Cleanup Detail - House of Horror DLC
UnEpic ( gee )
Memoria ( gee )
Steamworld Heist ( gee ) Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide ( gee ) Spintires ( gee ) Total War: Warhammer ( gee )
Witcher 2 ( GOG ) ( FlyinPoulpus ) This is the Police ( bigboss69 ) Undertale ( bigboss69 )
Metrico+ ( bigboss69 )
GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition ( bigboss69 ) Super Rude Bear Resurrection ( bigboss69 ) Raiden IV: OverKill ( bigboss69 ) Lego Starwars the complete saga ( kokola ) Super Meat Boy ( primseven )
Risk Of Rain ( primseven )
Planetary Annihilation ( primseven )
The SIMS 3 ( primseven )
(+)The SIMS 3 Late Night
(+)The SIMS 3 High End Loft
(+)The SIMS 3 Date Night Dark Souls II: Scholar of the First Sin ( Robindesbois ) DiRT Rally ( Robindesbois ) Tropico 5 ( Robindesbois )
Party Hard
Guts and Glory
Punch Club Deluxe
The Final Station
Divine Slice of Life ( Visual Novel 18+ ) ( Ashura75013 )
HighSchool Possession ( Visual Novel 18+ ) ( Ashura75013 )
Beach Bounce ( Visual Novel 18+ ) ( Ashura75013 ) Pack Tomb Raider ( inclus Tomb Raider (2013), Tomb Raider: Underworld, Tomb Raider: Anniversary, Tomb Raider: Legend, Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light & Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ) ( format_c )
Copoka ( neosquall ) Gunmetal Arcadia Zero ( neosquall ) Jurassic Park: The Game ( nixnbk ) The Walking Dead: 400 Days ( nixnbk )
Solarix ( lsage ) NBA 2K17 ( Robindesbois ) Pillars of Eternity ( Robindesbois )
Nongünz ( Robindesbois )
Kero Blaster ( Robindesbois ) SimplePlanes ( Robindesbois )
Minion Masters ( Robindesbois )
Space Pilgrim Episodes 1 à 4 ( ilyama )
Oh...Sir! The Hollywood Roast ( ilyama )
Pony Island ( ilyama )
Hand of Fate ( mr-toc )
JumpJet Rex ( mr-toc )
Magicka 2 ( mr-toc )
Minecraft: Story Mode - A Telltale Games Series ( Kaiser Panda )
Minecraft: Story Mode - Adventure Pass ( Kaiser Panda ) Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut ( FrenchyEve ) Killing Floor 2 ( giHefca ) Dead Rising 2 Dead Rising 3 - Apocalypse Edition
Anomaly Korea ( Blackyell )
Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign ( Blackyell )
Canabalt ( Blackyell ) Cave Story Plus ( Blackyell )
Cogs ( Blackyell ) Crayon Physics Deluxe ( Blackyell ) Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition ( Blackyell ) Machinarium ( Blackyell )
Nightsky ( Blackyell )
Splice ( Blackyell )
Waking Mars ( Blackyell )
Bejeweled 3 ( Blackyell ) Call of Juarez: Gunslinger ( Blackyell )
Guacamelee! Gold Edition ( Blackyell )
Insurgency ( Blackyell )
Mass Effect 2 ( Blackyell ) Resident Evil HD Remaster ( Blackyell )
Peggle Deluxe, Bejeweled 3, Bookworm Deluxe, Escape Rosecliff Island, Feeding Frenzy 2 Deluxe ( Origin ) ( Blackyell )
Plants vs Zombies GOTY Edition, Peggle Nights, Zuma's Revenge ( Origin ) ( Blackyell )
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten ( GOG ) ( Blackyell )
Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon ( UPlay ) ( Blackyell )
Skullgirls ( format_c )
(+)4 DLCs
HuniePop ( seb666astien )
Sakura Agent ( daviddetroyes )
Sakura beach ( daviddetroyes )
Sakura beach 2 ( daviddetroyes ) Mad Max ( Kaiser Panda ) Goat Simulator ( Kaiser Panda )
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut ( Kaiser Panda ) I am Bread ( Kaiser Panda )
Cortex Command ( Kaiser Panda )
Unbox: Newbie's Adventure ( Kaiser Panda )
Vanguard Princess ( Kaiser Panda )
(+)Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess Kurumi DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess Lilith DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess - Artwork and Soundtrack DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess Director's Cut DLC
Offworld Company ( Kenadan )
Wuppo ( Kenadan )
Nongünz ( Kenadan )
Banner Saga 2 ( Kenadan ) Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight ( Kenadan )
Stories Untold ( Kenadan )
HackyZack ( Kenadan )
Eterium ( Kenadan ) Rayman Origins ( Gift Steam ) ( madeharl )
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing - Complete ( JohnWayne ) Batman: Arkham Asylum GOTY ( JohnWayne )
F.E.A.R ( JohnWayne )
F.E.A.R. 2 : Project Origin ( JohnWayne )
F.E.A.R. 3 ( JohnWayne )
Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War ( JohnWayne ) ADR1FT ( JohnWayne )
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon ( JohnWayne ) Quake Champions ( nixnbk )
Dead Effect 2 ( Kaiser Panda ) Dispatcher ( Kaiser Panda ) Emily Wants To Play ( Kaiser Panda )
Nevermind ( Kaiser Panda )
Neverending Nightmares ( Kaiser Panda ) Bulb Boy ( Kaiser Panda )
Black Sails - The Ghost Ship ( Kaiser Panda )
The Last Door - Collector's Edition (saison 1) ( Kaiser Panda )
Rebuild 3: Gangs of Deadsville ( froc ) SimplePlanes ( froc )
Out of the Park Baseball 18 ( froc )
Mad Games Tycoon ( froc ) Train Simulator 2017 ( froc )
(+)Train Simulator 2017: Town Scenery Pack
(+)Train Simulator 2017: Platform Clutter PackLoot rascals ( Rhadamenthos ) Everything ( Rhadamenthos ) Full thottle remastered ( Rhadamenthos ) Everything ( TomSpring ) Full Throttle Remastered ( TomSpring ) The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited ( Perfect007 ) The Elder Scrolls: Legends: 2 Card Packs (Skyrim) 1 Event Ticket 100 Gold 100 Souls ( clef Bethesda ) ( Perfect007 ) Quake Champions Early Access plus 50 Shards, 100 Platinum, 2000 Favor ( Perfect007 ) Dead Rising 2 ( kamass )
Mordheim City of the Damned ( ColonelMortime )
Western Press ( ColonelMortime )
(+)Western Press Mk Cans II Character DLC ( ColonelMortime ) The Beginner's Guide ( ColonelMortime )
Copoka ( ColonelMortime ) System Shock: Enhanced Edition ( bravo 16s ) Serial Cleaner ( bravo 16s )
Monochroma ( bravo 16s )
Sudden Strike Gold ( bravo 16s ) Furi ( trollandco ) Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You ( trollandco )
The Shrouded Isle ( trollandco ) Wargame: Red Dragon ( trollandco ) Scanner Sombre ( trollandco )
Syberia 1 et 2 ( trollandco )
Brütal Legend ( primseven )
Ultimate Chicken Horse ( castormalin ) PAYDAY 2 ( bigboss69 )
(+)PAYDAY 2 - Lycanwulf and The One Below Mas
(+)PAYDAY 2 John Wick Weapon Pack DLC
(+)PAYDAY 2 The Bomb Heists DLCUndertale ( bigboss69 ) This is the Police ( bigboss69 )
Super Rude Bear Resurrection ( bigboss69 )
Metrico+ ( bigboss69 )
GoNNER - Press Jump To Die Edition ( bigboss69 ) DiRT Rally ( bigboss69 )
DreadOut ( bigboss69 ) Dead by Daylight ( bigboss69 ) Alien: Isolation ( bigboss69 )
Batman: Arkham Origins DLC ( JohnWayne )
Broken Sword 2 ( JohnWayne )
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger ( JohnWayne ) Crusader Kings II ( JohnWayne )
(+)Crusader Kings II - African Unit Pack
(+)Crusader Kings II - Norse Unit Pack
(+)Crusader Kings II - Russian Unit PackDeadlight ( JohnWayne )
Kingdom Rush ( JohnWayne )
Legend of Grimrock ( JohnWayne )
Primal Carnage: Extinction ( JohnWayne ) Rust (Early Access) ( JohnWayne )
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition ( JohnWayne )
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition ( JohnWayne )
Solstice ( JohnWayne ) Dead Rising 2 ( Dolas )
Resident Evil 6 ( Dolas )
DiRT Showdown ( satrincha ) Tomb Raider 2013 GOTY Edition ( satrincha ) Ryse: Son of Rome ( satrincha )
Uurnog Uurnlimited ( satrincha )
Tiny Echo ( satrincha ) NBA 2K17 ( satrincha )
Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy ( satrincha )
Emily is Away Too ( satrincha )
Rivals of Aether ( satrincha ) H1Z1 ( satrincha )
(+)H1Z1 Trickster Crate
Scanner Sombre ( satrincha )
Mirage: Arcane Warfare ( satrincha ) Rust (Early Access) ( satrincha )
Garry's Mod ( satrincha )
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare ( satrincha )
Sanctum 2 ( satrincha ) Tomb Raider 2013 ( satrincha ) Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition ( satrincha ) Everything ( kuwabara ) Everything ( Robindesbois ) Wasteland 2: Director's Cut - Standard Edition ( Robindesbois )
Emily is Away Too ( Robindesbois ) Orwell: Keeping an Eye On You ( Robindesbois )
Scanner Sombre ( Robindesbois )
Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon ( Uplay ) ( ManfOo )
Hitman Absolution ( Fry777 )
Orcs Must Die! GOTY ( Fry777 )
Garry's Mod ( Fry777 )
Cities in Motion 2 ( Fry777 )
Tomb Raider 2013 ( jchenry ) Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 ( format_c )
Magicka 2 - 4 Pack Gift Copies ( Gift Steam ) X2 ( vente7950 ) Everything Full Throttle Remastered
Liste Premium ( exclusivement réservée aux donateurs réguliers ):
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Blacklist ( Uplay ) X7 ( mcmjau X1, Ulaw X1 & Docteur Tenma X1 )
Borderlands 2 GOTY
The Crew ( UPlay ) ( ManfOo )
Assassin's Creed Liberation HD ( UPlay ) ( format_c ) South Park: The Stick of Truth X3 ( giHefca, rudytheboulet & kokola ) The Walking Dead: Season 2 ( AgainAgain ) Diablo III ( Battlenet ) ( format_c )
Ryse : son of Rome ( format_c ) Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty ( Battlenet ) ( format_c )
Mortal Combat Komplete Edition ( format_c )
Battleborn ( format_c )
(+)Battleborn first born pack
The Crew ( Goreinu )
Manettes: Manette XBOX 360 filaire ( blanche ) ( réservée à Robindesbois ) Manette XBOX 360 sans fil PC ( noire ) ( réservée à DiB91 )
Souris gaming:
Pack Razer Lycosa + Deathadder ( testé ) Razer Diamondback ( testé )
Steelseries Kinzu ( orange )
Steelseries Xai ( RUSE / MoH ) Steelseries Sensei ( Cod BO2 ) Mionix Naos 5000 ( réservée à FrenchyEve ) Nova Glider X 400 ( réservée à Robindesbois )
Raptor Gaming M3
Logitech G500 ( testé )
Microsoft Sidewinder X8 ( testé )
Souris bureautique: Logitech MX1100R
Logitech VX Revolution
Logitech M500
Casques intra:
VSonic AN16 ( testé )
VSonic GR02 ( testé ) Brainwavz M2 ( réservée à Robindesbois )
Brainwavz Pro Alpha
Brainwavz Beta
KZ ATE ( testé )
KZ ED2 ( testé )
Meelectronics M6
Sound Magic PL50 ( testé )
Sound Magic PL30 ( testé )
Lampes Torches LED:
Olight S15 et S15R
Olight S30
Sunwayman C20C CW ( testé )
Mods possibles sur base Convoy S2+ ( pour l'instant ) XM-L2, XP-L, etc....
Myth Cloth ( tous les golds sauf gémeaux )
Hot Toys
Et beaucoup d'autres choses ....
Marsh Posté le 07-07-2012 à 21:51:13
Actualités du topic:
La cagnotte mise en ligne par ilyama est toujours d'actualité, à vot' bon cœur m’sieurs dames…
Cagnotte récupérée, merci à tous.
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A Kiss For the Petals - Remembering How We Me
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AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
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Blackguards 2BLACKHOLE
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Blade Symphony
BlazBlue: Calamity TriggerBlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend
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Blood Knights
Blood of the Werewolf
BloodRayne 2
BloodRayne Betrayal
BloodRealm: Battlegrounds Debut Champion "Lora" + 3 Elite Packs
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Bridge Constructor
Broken Age
Broken Sword: Director's Cut
Broken Sword 2: The Smoking Mirror
Broken Sword 3: The Sleeping DragonBroken Sword 5
Broken Sword Trilogy
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Car Mechanic Simulator 2014
Car Mechanic Simulator 2015
Card City Nights
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Cargo ! The Quest for Gravity
CAT Interstellar
Cave Story+Cat on a Diet
Chaos Domain
Chaos on DeponiaChaser
Chicken Shoot 2
Chicken Shoot
Chivalry: Medieval WarfareChoice Chamber
Chroma Squad
Cities in Motion 2
Cities in Motion 2 Collection
Cities XL PlatinumCitizens of Earth
Clive Barker's Jericho
Cloud Chamber
Coffin Dodgers
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Cold Dreams
Cold War
Coldfire Keep
Colin McRae Rally
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Commander: Conquest of the Americas
Commando Jack
Commandos: Behind Enemy Lines
Commandos: Beyond the Call of Duty
Commandos 2: Men of Courage
Commandos 3: Destination Berlin
Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: Oberkommando West
Company of Heroes 2 - The Western Front Armies: US ForcesCompany of Heroes 2 - Whale and Dolphin Conservation Charity Pattern Pack
Company of Heroes 2Company of Heroes Complete EditionContagion
Contraption Maker
Contrast: Collector's EditionConvoy
Cook, Serve, Delicious!
Cortex Command
Cossacks: Art of War
Cossacks: Back to War
Cossacks II: Battle for EuropeCostume QuestCostume Quest 2
Crash Time 2
Crazy Machines 2Crow
Crusader Kings Complete
Crusader Kings II
(+)Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods DLC
Crusader Kings II(+)Crusader Kings II - Norse Unit Pack
(+)Crusader Kings II - African Unit Pack
(+)Crusader Kings II - Russian Unit Pack
Crysis 2 Maximum EditionCthulhu Saves the WorldCultures: Northland + 8th Wonder of the World
Cyberpunk 3776
Dangerous Golf
Dangerous Waters
Dark Fear
Dark Sector
Darkest Hour: A Hearts of Iron Game
Darkness Within 1: In Pursuit of Loath Nolder
Dawn of Fantasy: Kingdom Wars
Dawn Of Magic 2
Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Dead Age
Dead by DaylightDead Hungry Diner
Dead Island: Game of the Year EditionDead Island Riptide - Complete EditionDEAD RISINGDead Rising 2: Off the Record
Dead Space
Dead State: Reanimated
Dead Synchronicity: Tomorrow Comes Today
Deadlight Directors Cut
Deadly Premonition: The Director's Cut
Dear EstherDeath Goat
Death Rally (Classic)
Death Road to Canada
Death to Spies & Death to Spies: Moment of Truth
Death Track Resurrection
Decay: The Mare
Deep Under The Sky
Defenders of Ardania
Dementium II HD
Democracy 3 Collector's EditionDeponia
Deponia Doomsday
Depths of Fear :: Knossos
Depths of Peril
Detective Grimoire
Deus Ex: Invisible WarDeus Ex: The FallDEUS EX MACHINA 2
Devil Daggers
Devils & Demons
Dino D-Day
DiRT ShowdownDirt4 Hyundai R5 Rally Car DLC
Dirt4 Team Booster Pack
Disciples III: Reincarnation
Disciples III: Renaissance
Disciples III: Resurrection
Divide By Sheep
DmC: Devil May CryDoc Clock: Toasted Sandwich of Time
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games - Season 1Dogfight 1942
Dollar Dash + 3 DLCs
Dominique Pamplemousse
Door Kickers
Doorways: Chapter 1 & 2
Double Dragon: Neon
Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition
Dracula: Love Kills
Dracula: Origin
Drakensang: The River of TimeDraw a Stickman: EPIC
DreadOut: Keepers of The Dark
(+)DreadOut Soundtrack & Manga DLC
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Dreamcast CollectionDreamfall ChaptersDrew and the Floating Labyrinth
Drift Streets Japan
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton EditionDuke Nukem Forever
Duke Nukem: Manhattan Project
Dungeon Defenders + All DLCDungeon Souls
Dungeons: The Dark Lord
Dungeons 2
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete
Dungeon of the Endless
Dungeons Steam Special Edition + 2 DLCsDust: An Elysian TailDustforce
Dustforce DX
Dwarfs!?Dynamite Jack
Dysan the Shapeshifter
Eador: Masters of the Broken World + Genesis
Earth 2160
East India Company
Edna & Harvey: Harvey's New Eyes
Eets Munchies
El Matador
Elegy for a Dead World
Else Heart.Break()
Elven Legacy
Empire: Total WarEmpire: Total War CollectionEnclave
Endless Legend - Classic Edition
Endless Legend - Classic Edition
(+)Endless Legend - Tempest DLC
Endless Space - Collection
English Country Tune
ENSLAVED: Odyssey to the West Premium EditionEon Altar: Episode 1
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Eryi's Action
Escape from Puzzlegate
Eschalon: Book I
Eschalon: Book II
Eschalon: Book III
Ethan: Meteor HunterEther Vapor Remaster
Euro Truck Simulator 2Europa Universalis 3 Complete
Evoland 2
eXceed - Gun Bullet Children
eXceed 2nd - Vampire REX
eXceed 3rd - Jade Penetrate Black Package
Expand - Soundtrack Edition
F.E.A.R. 2: Project OriginF1 2011
F1 2012
F1 2014
F1 2015
F1 2017 1988 McLAREN MP4/4 Classic Car DLC
F1 Racestars + Season Pass
Face Noir
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Fallen Enchantress: Legendary Heroes
Fallen Enchantress Ultimate Edition
Fallen Enchantress
Fantasy Wars
Fermi's Path
Fester Mudd: Curse of the Gold - Episode 1
FEZFieldrunners 2Fieldrunners
Final Exam
Finding Teddy
Fish Fillets 2
Fist Of Jesus
Fist Slash: Of Ultimate Fury
Five Nights at Freddy'sFive Nights at Freddy’s: Sister Location
Flat Kingdom Paper's Cut Edition
FORCED: Slightly Better Edition
FortressCraft Evolved!
Fortune's Tavern - The Fantasy Tavern Simulator
Forward to the Sky
Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich
Freedom Force
Freedom PlanetFrom the Depths
Front Mission Evolved
Frozen Cortex
Frozen Synapse
Frozen Synapse Prime (Double Pack)
FuelFull Mojo Rampage
Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers 20th Anniversary Edition
Galactic Arms Race
Galactic Civilizations I: Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations II: Ultimate Edition
Galactic Civilizations III
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD
Galcon Fusion
Galcon Legends
Game of ThronesGame of Thrones: A Telltale Games SeriesGarry's ModGas Guzzlers ExtremeGEARCRACK Arena
Genesis Rising
Ghost Master
Giana Sisters: Dream Runners
Giana Sisters: Twisted Bundle
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Glass Wing
Goat Simulator
Goat Simulator: GOATYGo To Bed: Survive The Night
God Mode
Gods Will Be Watching
Gold Rush! Classic
Gone Home
Gone Home With Soundtrack
Goodbye DeponiaGood Robot
Gorky 17
GRAV (Early Access)
Gravity Badgers
Gray Matter
Greed: Black Border
Greed Corp
Grey Cubes
Grey Goo Definitive Edition
GRID 2GRID AutosportGRID Autosport(+)GRID Autosport Road & Track Car Pack
(+)GRID Autosport Drag Pack
GRIDGrim Fandango Remastered
Grimm (Complete Serie)
Grotesque Tactics: Evil Heroes
Grotesque Tactics 2: Dungeons and Donuts
Grow Home
Gryphon Knight Epic
GT LegendsGTR 2: FIA GT Racing GameGTR Evolution
Guacamelee! Gold EditionGuardians of Ember - Fanatical Edition
Guardians of Victoria
Guild of Dungeoneering
Guilty Gear X2 #Reload
Gunman Clive
Guns of Icarus Online - Collector's EditionGunspell - Steam Edition
Hack 'n' Slash
Hack 'n' Slash + Soundtrack
(+)Hacknet Labyrinths DLC
Haegemonia: Legions of Iron
Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION)
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate BoyHammerfight
Hand of Fate
Hard Reset Extended Edition
Hard Room
Hard WestHare In The Hat
Hearts of Iron II
Hearts of Iron 3Hearts of Iron III Collection
Hector: Badge of Carnage
Heileen 3: New Horizons - Deluxe Edition
Helicopter Simulator 2014: Search and RescueHer Story
Hero of Many + OST
Hexcells Complete PackHexcells PlusHigurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.2 Watanagashi
Hitman: Codename 47
Hitman: ContractsHitman 2: Silent AssassinHitman AbsolutionHitman Blood MoneyHive Jump
Holy Potatoes! A Weapon Shop?!
Holy Potatoes! We’re in Space?!
Homefront: The RevolutionHospital Tycoon
Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising
Hot Pinball Thrills
How to Survive ( Gift Steam )
How to Survive 2Human: Fall Flat
Human Resource Machine
Humanity Asset
Huntsman: The Orphanage - Halloween Edition
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
I am Bread
I Want To Be Human
Ice Lakes
ICY: Frostbite Edition
IL-2 Sturmovik: 1946Imagine Me
Imperial Glory
Imperium Romanum: Gold Edition
In Between
Industry Giant 2
Infected: The Twin Vaccine
Infested Planet
(+)Infested Planet - Trickster's Arsenal DLC
Infectonator: Survivors
Insanely Twisted Shadow PlanetInsecticide
InsurgencyInterstellar Marines
Interstellar Marines - Spearhead EditionInto the Dark: Ultimate Trash Edition
Into the Void
Intrusion 2
Invite the Dwarves to Dinner
Iron Grip: Marauders ( $10 content coupon )
It came from space, and ate our brains
Ittle DewJack Orlando: Director's Cut
Jagged Alliance Collection ( Back in Action, Crossfire & 6 DLCs )Jagged Alliance: Crossfire
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost Colony
JazzpunkJerry McPartlin - Rebel with a Cause
Jet Racing Extreme
Jets'n'Guns Gold
Joe Danger 2: The MovieJoe Dever's Lone Wolf HD Remastered
Joint Task Force
Jolly Rover
JotunJourney of a Roach
Jurassic Park: The Game
Just CauseJust Cause CollectionJYDGE
Kane & Lynch CollectionKarateka
Karmaflow: The Rock Opera Videogame - Act I
Kathy Rain
Kelvin and the Infamous Machine
Kentucky Route Zero
KickBeat Steam Edition
Killer is Dead - Nightmare Edition
Killing Floor
Killing Floor
(+)Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 3 DLC
(+)Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 2 DLC
(+)Killing Floor - Community Weapon Pack 1 DLC
(+)Killing Floor - Chickenator DLC
Killing Floor 2King's Bounty: Armored Princess
King's Bounty: Crossworlds
King's Bounty: Dark Side
King's Bounty: Platinum Edition
King's Bounty: The Legend
Kingdom: New Lands
Knight Shift
Knight Squad
Knights of Honor
Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition
Konung 2
Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty
Kraven Manor
Kung Fu Strike: The Warrior's Rise
Labyrinthine Dreams
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Larva Mortus
Last Dream
Layers of Fear: Masterpiece Edition
Legena: Union Tides
Legend of Dungeon
Legend of GrimrockLegend of Grimrock 2Legendary
Legends of Eisenwald
Leisure Suit Larry ReloadedLethal League
Lethe - Episode One
Letter Quest: Grimm's Journey
Leviathan: Warships
Lichdom: Battlemage
Life Is Strange - Episode 1
Lifeless PlanetLight
Lilly Looking Through
Little Inferno
Little Racers STREET
Lone SurvivorLoot Rascals
(+)Loot Rascals Soundtrack
Lost Civilization
Lost Horizon
Lost in Paradise
LOST PLANET 3Lost Planet 3 Complete PackLost World Zero
Lovers in a Dangerous SpacetimeLUFTRAUSERSLume
Lumino City
Lux Delux
Luxor Evolved
MacGuffin's Curse
Mad Games Tycoon
Madballs in Babo: Invasion
(+)Madballs in Babo: Invasion DLCs
Mafia IIMafia II Director's CutMagicka + 2 DLCsMagicka
Magicka 2
Magnetic: Cage Closed Collector's Edition
Majesty 2
Majesty 2 Collection
March of the Living
March of War ( $10 In Game Coupon )
Mars: War Logs
Massive Chalice
Mata Hari
Match 3 Revolution
Mechanic Escape
Medal of Honor
Megabyte Punch
Melissa K. and the Heart of Gold Collector's Edition
Memento Mori
MemoriaMemories of a Vagabond
Men of War
Men of War: Assault Squad GOTY
Men of War: Condemned Heroes
Men of War: Red Tide
Men of War: Vietnam
Mercenary KingsMerchants of Kaidan
Meridian: New World
METAL SLUG 3Miasmata
Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor Game of the Year EditionMighty No. 9
Millionaire Manor
Mind: Path to Thalamus
Miner Warfare
Miner Wars 2081
Miner Wars Arena
Mini MetroMini Motor Racing EVO
Mini NinjasMirror's EdgeMirrorMoon EP
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Monster Jam Battlegrounds
Monster Slayers
Monster Slayers
(+)Monster Slayers - Fire and Steel Expansion
(+)Monster Slayers - Advanced Classes Unlocker
Mount & Blade: With Fire & Sword
Mount & Blade
Muffin Knight
Murdered: Soul Suspect
Musaic Box
Mushroom 11
Mushroom Men: Truffle Trouble
Mutant Mudds Deluxe
N.P.P.D. RUSH - The milk of Ultraviolet
NaissanceENARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 3 Full BurstNatural Selection 2Naval War - Arctic Circle
Naval Warfare
NBA 2K16NecroVision
Neon Chrome
Neon Drive
Never Alone + Foxtales DLC
Never Alone (Kisima Ingitchuna)
Never Alone Arctic Collection
NiGHTS Into Dreams
Nikopol: Secrets of the Immortals
No Time to Explain
No Time To Explain Remastered
Noct (Early Access)
Nosgoth Veteran Pack
NOT A HERONot The Robots
Nuclear Dawn
Numen: Contest of Heroes
Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted SeasOctodad: Dadliest CatchOdallus: The Dark Call
Oddworld: Abe's OddyseeOdysseus Kosmos and his Robot Quest: Adventure Game
Of Orcs And Men
Oil Rush
OlliOlli2: Welcome to OlliwoodOn the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode One
On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness, Episode Two
One Finger Death PunchOne More Dungeon
Operation Flashpoint : Dragon Rising
Operation Flashpoint : Red River
OPUS: The Day We Found Earth
Orbital Gear
Orcs Must Die! GOTYOrcs Must Die! 2: Complete PackOrgan Trail: Director's Cut
(+)Organ Trail - Final Cut Expansion DLC
Original War
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Out of the Park Baseball 17
Outland - Special EditionOutlastOverlord 2
Overlord and Overlord Raising Hell
Pacific Storm Allies
Painkiller: Black EditionPainkiller : Overdose
Painkiller: Recurring Evil
Panzer Tactics HDPapers, PleasePapo & YoParanautical Activity
Paranautical Activity: Deluxe Atonement Edition
Party Hard
Patrician IV ( Steam Special Edition )(+)Patrician IV: Rise of the DynastyPAYDAY 2(+)PAYDAY 2 The Bomb Heists DLC
(+)PAYDAY 2 John Wick Weapon Pack DLC
(+)PAYDAY 2 - Lycanwulf and The One Below Masks
Penny Arcade’s On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 3 ( offert par ysilog )
Perfect Universe
PewDiePie: Legend of the Brofist
Pillars of EternityPirates of Black Cove
Pix the Cat
Pixel Heroes: Byte & Magic
Pixel PiracyPixel Puzzles: Japan
PixelJunk Eden
PixelJunk Monsters Ultimate
Pixeljunk shooter
Plain Sight
Planetary AnnihilationPlanetary Annihilation TITANS
Play the Mayor: Become the Mayor of Fortune's City
Plazma Being
Poker Night 2
Poker Night at the Inventory
Poly Bridge
Pony Island
PoofPool NationPost Apocalyptic Mayhem
POSTAL 1Postmortem: One Must Die - Extended Cut
Primal Carnage
Prime World: Defenders
Prison ArchitectProbably Archery
Project Aftermath
Project CARSProject Remedium
Project Temporality
Punch Club
Puzzle Agent
Puzzle Agent 2
Puzzle Bots
Q.U.B.E.Q.U.B.E.: Director's CutQbeh-1: The Atlas Cube
Quantum Rush Champions
Quest of Dungeons
R.I.P.D.: The Game
RACE: The WTCC Game + Caterham Expansion
Race Injection
Race On
Race the Sun
Racer 8
Raiden IV: OverKillRailroad Tycoon 3
Randal's Monday
Ratz Instagib
Ravaged - Zombie Apocalypse
Ravensword: Shadowlands
RC Mini Racers
Really Big Sky
Realms of Arkania: Blade of Destiny
Reaper - Tale of a Pale Swordsman
Rebel GalaxyRed Faction Guerrilla Steam Edition
Red Johnson's Chronicles: 1 & 2
Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - GOTYRed Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad with Rising Storm
Regency Solitaire
Reign: Conflicts of Nations
Remember MeRenegade Ops Collection
Resident Evil 0 HD REMASTERResident Evil HD REMASTERResident Evil 4Resident Evil 5Resident Evil 6Resident Evil RevelationsResident Evil Revelations 2 - Episode 1: Penal Colony
Residue: Final Cut
Restaurant Empire II
Retro City Rampage DX
Return NULL - Episode 1
rFactorRhythm Destruction
Riptide GP2
Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition(+)Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition - Furious Wings DLC(+)Rise of Flight: Channel Battles Edition - Legendary BombersRise of the Argonauts
Rise of the Triad
Risen 2: Dark Waters Gold Edition
Risen 3 Complete Edition
Risk of RainRisky Rescue
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
Road to Ballhalla
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball
(+)Rochard Hard Times DLCRock of Ages
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
RollerCoaster Tycoon: Deluxe
RollerCoaster Tycoon 2: Triple Thrill Pack
Rollers of the Realm
Rooks Keep
Rover Rescue
Runaway: A Road AdventureRunaway: A Twist of FateRunaway: The Dream of the TurtleRunestone Keeper
Rush Bros.
Rust (Early Access)Rusty Lake: Roots
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Call of PripyatS.T.A.L.K.E.R: Clear Sky
S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl
Sacred Franchise Pack
Sacred 3 Gold
Saints Row: Gat Out of Hell
(+)Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell - Devil's Workshop PackSaints Row 2
Saints Row IV: Game of the CenturySaints Row: The Third - The Full PackageSaints Row The Third
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
Sam & Max: Season 1
Sam & Max: Season 2
Samorost 3
SanctuaryRPG: Black Edition
Sanctum: Collection
Sanctum 2Sang-Froid - Tales of Werewolves
Satellite Reign
Saturday Morning RPG
Savage Lands (Early Access)
School Bus Fun
Schrödinger’s Cat And The Raiders Of The Lost Quark
Scourge: Outbreak
Scratches - Director's Cut
Secret Files: Tunguska
Section 8Selknam Defense
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Serious Sam 2Serious Sam Double D
Seven Kingdoms 2 HD
Shadow Blade: Reload
Shadow Complex RemasteredShadow Warrior Classic Redux
Shadow Warrior Special EditionShadowgrounds
Shadowgrounds Survivor
Shadowrun Chronicles - Boston Lockdown
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
Shadowrun: Hong Kong - Extended Edition
Shadowrun Returns
Shadows on the Vatican Act I: Greed
Shadows: Price for Our Sins Bonus Edition
ShankShantae and the Pirate's Curse
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut
Shattered Planet
Shelter 2
Sherlock Holmes: Mystery of the Mummy
Sherlock Holmes: Nemesis
Sherlock Holmes: Secret of the Silver Earring
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakened
Sherlock Holmes: The Mystery of the Persian Carpet
Sherlock Holmes and the Hound of the Baskervilles
Shin Samurai Jazz
Shiny The Firefly
Shooting Stars!
Shoppe Keep
Shufflepuck Cantina DeluxeShut Up And Dig
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol: Pacific Skies
Sid Meier’s Ace Patrol
Sid Meier's Civilization III: Complete
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete EditionSid Meier's Civilization VSid Meier's Pirates!Sid Meier's Railroads!Silence
Silence of the Sleep
Sine MoraSinless + OST
Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion
Sins of a Solar Empire: Trinity
Sir, You Are Being Hunted
Skara - The Blade Remains
Skullgirls + All DLCSkulls of the ShogunSkyDriftSkyward Collapse
Slain: Back from Hell
Slam Bolt Scrappers
Slender: The Arrival
Small Radios Big Televisions
Smugglers 5: Invasion
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 2 - Collector's EditionSniper: Ghost WarriorSnuggle Truck
Solar Flux
SolForge — Dinosaur Starter
SOMASonic Adventure 2
Sonic Generations CollectionSorcerer King: Rivals
Sorcery! Parts 1 and 2
Space Empires V
Space Engineers (Early Access)Space Farmers
Space Hack
Space Hulk Ascension
Space Pirates and Zombies
Space Rangers
Space Run
Space Trader: Merchant Marine
(+)SpaceChem: 63 Corvi DLC
Spaera (Early Access)
Spark Rising
Sparkle 2 Evo
Sparkle 3 Genesis
Sparkle Zero
Spec Ops : The LineSpeedball 2 HD
SpeedRunners (Early Access)SpeedRunners
SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition
Spy Chameleon - RGB Agent
Star Ruler
Star Trek
Star Wars: Dark Forces
STAR WARS: Rebel Assault I + II
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed IIStar Wars: TIE Fighter Special Edition
Star Wars: X-Wing Alliance
Star Wars: X-Wing Special Edition
Star Wars: X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns
Star Wars Battlefront IIStar Wars Empire At War: Gold PackStar Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi AcademyStar Wars Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
Star Wars Rebellion
Star Wars Republic CommandoStar Wars Starfighter
Star Wars The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith EditionStar WolvesStar Wolves 3: Civil War
Starseed Pilgrim
SteamWorld Dig
Steamworld Heist
Stellar Impact
Still Life
Still Life 2
Still Not Dead
Stories: The Path of Destinies
Strategic War in Europe
Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People: Season 1
Stronghold Crusader 2
StuntMANIA Reloaded
Styx: Master of ShadowsSugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory
Sunless SeaSuper Comboman: Don't Mash Edition
Super Cyborg
Super Hexagon
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection
Super Meat BoySuper Mega Baseball: Extra Innings
Super Motherload
Super Sanctum TD
Super Splatters
Super Time Force Ultra
Super Toy CarsSuper Turbo Demon Busters!
Superfrog HD
Supreme Commander
Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
Supreme Commander 2
Surgeon Simulator 2013Survivalist
Sweet Lily Dreams
Sword of the Stars: Complete Collection
Sword of the Stars II: Enhanced Edition
Swords & Soldiers HD
(+)Super Saucy Sausage Fest DLC
Syberia 2
System Shock 2
Take On HelicoptersTake On Helicopters Bundle
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Tales from the BorderlandsTales From The Dragon Mountain: The Strix
Tales of Maj'Eyal
Talisman: Digital Edition(+)Talisman: Digital Edition: Martyr Character Packs(+)Talisman: Digital Edition: Gambler Character PacksTalisman Prologue
Tank Operations - European Campaign
Telltale Texas Hold'em
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
Terrian Saga: KR-17
TerrariaTesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
TeslagradTetrobot and Co.
The 39 Steps
The 7th Guest
The Albino Hunter
The Baconing
The Bard's Tale
The Beginner's GuideThe Book of Legends
The Book of Unwritten Tales Digital Deluxe Edition
The Bridge
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified
The Campaign Series: Fall Weiss
The Cat Lady
The Chaos Engine
The Corporate Machine
The Culling Of The Cows
The Dark Eye: Chains of Satinav
The Darkness II
The Deadly Tower of Monsters Special Edition
The Dream Machine
The Escapists DLC: Alcatraz
The Fall
The Fall of the Dungeon Guardians - Enhanced Edition ( à activer avant le 9 mars 2018 )
The Final Station
The First Templar ( Steam Special Edition )
The Flame in the Flood
The Geneforge Saga
The Great Jitters: Pudding Panic
The Guild II CollectionThe Haunted: Hells Reach
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II + 2 DLCs
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
The Inner World
The Interactive Adventures of Dog Mendonça and Pizza Boy
The Journey Down: Chapter 1
The Journey Down: Chapter Two
The Journey Down 1 + 2 Bundle
The Land of Eyas
The Last Door - Collector's EditionThe Last Remnant
The Last Tinker: City of Colors
The Longest Journey
The Marvellous Miss Take
The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare
The Mooseman
The Mysterious Cities of Gold
The Night of the Rabbit
The Novelist
The Original Strife: Veteran Edition
The Political Machine 2016
The Second Avernum Trilogy
The Secret WorldThe Showdown Effect
The Signal From Tölva
The Silent Age
The Stanley Parable
The SwapperThe Swindle
The Tape
The TechnomancerThe Uncertain: Episode 1 - The Last Quiet Day
The Vanishing of Ethan CarterThe Void
The Walking Dead - Season 1
(+)The Walking Dead: 400 days
The Walking Dead: Season 2The Walking Dead: Michonne - A Telltale MiniseriesThe Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Way
The Whispered World
The Whispered World: Special Edition
The Wolf Among UsTheatre of War 2: Africa 1943
Theatre of War 2: Kursk + DLC
theHunter: Primal
There Was A Caveman
They Bleed Pixels
Thief Gold
Think of the Children
Thomas was Alone
ThreadSpace: Hyperbol
Three Fourths Home: Extended Edition
Thunder Wolves
Time Gentlemen Please - Ben There, Dan That
Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers
Tiny Troopers
Titan Attacks!
Titan Souls
To the Moon
Tobe's Vertical Adventure
Toki Tori
Toki Tori 2+
Tomb Raider ( 2013 )Tomb Raider: AnniversaryTomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Tomb Raider I
Tomb Raider II
Tomb Raider III
Torchlight IIToren
Tormentor X Punisher
Total War: ROME II - Caesar in Gaul ( DLC )
Tower of Guns
Tower Wars
TowerFall AscensionToybox Turbos
Train Simulator 2016Train ValleyTranscriptedTransOcean: The Shipping Company
Trine Enchanted EditionTrine 3: The Artifacts of PowerTropico 4 ( Steam Special Edition )Tropico 4: Collectors Bundle
Tropico 5Tropico 5
(+)Tropico 5 - Espionage
(+)Tropico 5 - Waterborne
Truck RacerTruffle Saga
Two Brothers ( Ne pas confondre avec Brothers : A Tale of Two Sons )
Two Digits
Two Worlds Epic Edition
Two Worlds II Castle Defense
UFO: Afterlight
Ultimate Chicken HorseUltimate General Gettysburg
Umbrella Corps
(+)Umbrella Corps Deluxe Edition Upgrade Pack
Unbox: Newbie's Adventure
Uncanny Valley
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender ActionValdis Story: Abyssal CityValhalla Hills
Vanguard Princess
(+)Vanguard Princess Hilda Rize DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess Kurumi DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess Lilith DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess - Artwork and Soundtrack DLC
(+)Vanguard Princess Director's Cut DLC
Vegas Make It Big
Velvet Assassin
Venetica - Gold Edition
VerdunVertical Drop Heroes HD
Victor Vran
Victoria II
Victory: The Age of Racing
Viking : Battle for AsgardViolett Remastered
Virus 14
Viscera Cleanup Detail(+)Viscera Cleanup Detail - House of Horror DLCViscera Cleanup Detail: Santa's Rampage
Void Destroyer
War of the Roses: Kingmaker
War, the Game
Warhammer: End Times - VermintideWarhammer 40,000: Dawn of War - Game of the Year EditionWarhammer 40,000: Dawn of War II: RetributionWarhammer 40,000: Dawn of War IIWarhammer: End Times - Vermintide
(+)Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Drachenfels DLC(+)Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide Item: Razorfang Poison
Warhammer 40,000: Eternal CrusadeWarhammer 40K: Space MarineWarlock : Master of the Arcane
Wasteland Angel
Wacky Wheels
War in a Box: Paper Tanks
Wargame: European Escalation
(+)WARMACHINE Tactics - Mercenaries Faction Bundle
Wasteland 2: Director's Cut - Standard EditionWeird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space
Westerado: Double Barreled
Where is my Heart?
Who's Your Daddy
Wildlife Park 3
Wooden Floor
Wooden Floor 2 - Resurrection
World of Goo
World War I
Worms ArmageddonWorms Blast
Worms Clan Wars
Worms Crazy Golf
Worms Pinball
Worms ReloadedWorms Revolution GOLDWorms Ultimate Mayhem: Deluxe EditionWurm Unlimited
X-COM: Apocalypse
X-COM: Enforcer
X-COM: Interceptor
X-COM: Terror from the Deep
X-COM: UFO Defense
Xeodrifter Special Edition
XIII Century Gold
Year Walk
Yesterday Origins
You Are Not A Banana
Yumsters 2: Around the World
Zack Zero
Zanzarah: The Hidden Portal
Zenbound 2
Zeno Clash
Zeno Clash 2
Zombie Driver Apocalypse Pack ( DLC nécessite Zombie Driver HD )
Zombie Driver HD Complete Edition
Zombie Party
Zombie Pirates
Zombie Vikings
Zombie Zoeds
Clefs UPlay :
Anno 2070 Complete EditionAssassin's Creed
Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China
Assassin's Creed Chronicles India
Assassin's Creed Chronicles Russia
Far Cry 3Far Cry 3: Blood DragonRayman Origins
Silent hunter 5Tom Clancy's EndWarTom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future SoldierTom Clancy's Ghost Recon
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3 Gold (Raven Shield / Athena Sword)
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege - Multiplayer Beta
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell BlacklistTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Conviction Deluxe EditionTom Clancy's Splinter Cell Double AgentTom Clancy's Splinter Cell
Trials Fusion--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Clefs Origin :
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Crysis 2 Maximum Edition
Dead Space
Dead Space 3Medal of Honor
Mirror's Edge
Clefs GamersGate :
Guilty Gear Isuka
Gun Metal
Street Racing Syndicate
Clefs ManiaPlanet :
TrackMania² Stadium----
Clefs GOG :
BloodRayne 2
Clefs Square Enix :
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn--------------------------------------------------------------------------
Liens direct download ( DRM free ):
7 Grand Steps: What Ancients Begat
7.62 MM
A Fistful of Gun
A Story About My Uncle
A Virus Named TOM
A.I.M. RacingAaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAaAAAAA!!! for the Awesome
Achtung Panzer: Operation Star
Action Henk
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders
Alan Wake
Alan Wake's American Nightmare
Always Sometimes Monsters
Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs
Amnesia: Dark Descent
Angelica Weaver: Catch Me When You CanAntichamber
ARMA Tactics
Assault Android Cactus
Aurion: Legacy of the Kori-Odan
Avadon: The Black Fortress
Avernum: The Great Trials Trilogy
Back To Bed
Back to the Future: The Game ( inclus tous les épisodes )Bastion
Battle Mages: Sign of Darkness
Beatbuddy: Tale of the Guardians
Big Pharma
BigHead BASH + In-game Content packBiology BattleBioshock
BIT.TRIP Presents... Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm AlienBlades of Avernum
Blocks That Matter
Boximals Bounce
Breach & Clear
Broken Age
Broken Sword 5
Brütal Legend
Card City Nights Print and Play
Card City Nights
Cave Story+
Chaos on Deponia
Choice Chamber
Chompy Chomp ChompChroma Squad
City Generator Prototype
Cognition Episode 1: The HangmanCognition Episode 2: The Wise MonkeyCoin Crypt
Constant CContraption Maker
Costume Quest
Crazy FairiesCrazy Machines 2
Creatures: The Albian Years
Dawn of Magic 2Day of the Tentacle Remastered
Dear Esther
Death Road to Canada
Deep Under The Sky
Democracy 3 Collector's Edition
Department 42: The Mystery of the Nine
Depths of PerilDetective Grimoire
Dominique Pamplemousse
Door Kickers
Draw a Stickman: EPIC
Dreamfall Chapters
Dungeon Defenders + All DLC
Dungeon Souls
Dungeons of Dredmor Complete
Dust: An Elysian Tail
Dustforce DX
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage ChaosEador: Masters of the Broken World + GenesisEets
Eets Munchies
Elegy for a Dead World
EleusisElse Heart.Break()
English Country Tune
Epic Battle Fantasy 4
Epistory - Typing Chronicles
Escape From The Aliens In Outer Space
Ether Vapor RemasterEvoland 2
Expand - Soundtrack Edition
Fairy Bloom FreesiaFairytaleFEZ
Fieldrunners 2
Freedom Planet
Freight Tycoon Inc.Frozen Synapse
FTL: Faster Than LightFull Mojo Rampage
Galcon Fusion
Galcon Legends
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Goat Simulator: GOATY
Gods Will Be Watching
Gone Home
Goodbye Deponia
Grim Fandango Remastered
Guacamelee! Gold Edition
(+)Hacknet Labyrinths DLC
Halcyon 6: Starbase Commander (LIGHTSPEED EDITION)
Hand of Fate
Hector: Badge of Carnage! ( inclus tous les épisodes )
Her Story
Hexcells Infinite
Hexcells Plus
Human Resource Machine
Imperial Glory
Intrusion 2
Ittle Dew
Jamestown: Legend of the Lost ColonyJazzpunk
JiseiJoe Danger 2: The Movie
Journey: Heart of Gaia
Journey to the Center of the Earth
KanseiKeep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Kentucky Route Zero
King's Bounty: Crossworlds
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Legend of Grimrock
Legend of Grimrock 2
Legends of Eisenwald
Little Inferno
Lone Survivor
Loot Rascals
Lost MarblesLovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
MacGuffin's CurseMark of the Ninja
Massive Chalice
Megabyte Punch
METAL SLUG 3Miles' tactic for Football Manager 2015 (DLC Only)
Miner Wars: Arena
Mini Metro
MirrorMoon EP
Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine
Mushroom 11
Naval WarfareNeon Chrome
Neon Drive
Never Alone + Foxtales DLC
Oceanhorn: Monster of the Uncharted Seas
Octodad: Dadliest Catch
Odallus: The Dark Call
Oil Rush + Oil Rush DLC
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You
Papers, Please
Papo & Yo
Paranautical ActivityParanormal
ParticularsParty Hard 2 Alpha
PesterPixel Piracy
Planetary Annihilation
Poker Night at the Inventory
Poly Bridge
Pony Island
PrimordiaPrison Architect
Project AftermathPuzzle Agent 1
Puzzle Agent 2
Puzzle Bots
Q.U.B.E.: Director's Cut
Race the Sun
Radical RoachRakuen
Read Only Memories
Regency Solitaire
Retro City Rampage DX
RhiannonRing Runner: Flight of the SagesRisk of Rain
RIVE: Wreck, Hack, Die, Retry
Roaming Fortress
Rochard + Hard Times DLC
Rocketbirds: Hardboiled Chicken
Runestone Keeper
Saints Row 2
Saints Row The Third
Sam & Max: Devil's Playhouse
Samorost 3
SataziusSatellite Reign
SBK 2010
Sentinel 3: Homeworld
Serious Sam: The Random Encounter
Serious Sam Classic: The First Encounter
Serious Sam Classic: The Second Encounter
Serious Sam Double D
Serious Sam Kamikaze Attack
Shadow Warrior Special Edition
Shadowrun: Dragonfall - Director's Cut
Shadowrun Returns
Shank 2
Shattered Planet
Shelter 2
Sir, You Are Being Hunted
Skulls of the Shogun
Smooth Operators
SplatterSpy Chameleon - RGB Agent
Starseed Pilgrim
SteamWorld Dig
Steamworld Heist
Streets of MoscowStrike Suit Zero
Sunless Sea
Super Comboman: Don't Mash Edition
Super Hexagon
Super Meat Boy
Super Panda AdventuresSuper Splatters
Super Time Force Ultra
Superstars V8 Racing
Surgeon Simulator 2013
Tales From Space: Mutant Blobs Attack
Talisman Prologue
Tempest: Pirate Action RPG
Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure
Tetrobot and Co.
The 39 StepsThe Abbey
The Bard's Tale
The Beginner's Guide
The Bridge
The First Avernum Trilogy
The Geneforge Saga
The Great Jitters: Pudding Panic
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut
The Inner World + Special Content
The Mean Greens - Plastic Warfare
The Novelist
The Stanley Parable
The Swapper
The Warlock of Firetop Mountain
The Whispered WorldThey Bleed Pixels
Thomas was Alone
Tiny and Big in Granpda's Leftovers
Titan Attacks!
Titan Souls
To the Moon
Toki Tori 2+
Torchlight II
Tower of Guns
TowerFall Ascension
Trine 2 : Complete StoryTrine 3: The Artifacts of Power
Tropico Reloaded ( inclus Tropico + DLC et Tropico 2 )
UFO: AfterlightUltimate General Gettysburg
VA-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action
Valdis Story: Abyssal City
Valhalla Hills
Void Destroyer
Volgarr the Viking
Voxel Destruction Prototype
Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures ( inclus tous les épisodes )
Where is my Heart?
Woodle TreeWorld of Goo
WRC 2010
X-COM: Apocalypse
X-COM: Enforcer
X-COM: Interceptor
X-COM: Terror from the Deep
X-COM: UFO Defense
YatagarasuYou Are Empty
Zenbound 2
Liens Android direct download ( DRM free ):
Astro Drop
Battle Group
CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~Call of Cthulhu: Wasted Land
Deep Under The Sky
Dungeon Defenders + All DLC
Hitman GO
Serious Sam Kamikaze Attack
Tetrobot and Co.
The Inner World + Special Content
Titan Attacks!
Clefs autres plateformes :
Battleborn Starter Skin Pack
Scrolls Full Version
Star Realms Full Version
Clefs Desura :
Adventure Apes and the Mayan Mystery
Alcarys Complex
CAFE 0 ~The Drowned Mermaid~ DELUXE
Chompy Chomp Chomp
Cognition Episode 1: The Hangman
Cognition Episode 2: The Wise Monkey
Constant C
Doom & Destiny
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos
Eryi's Action
Ether Vapor Remaster
Fairy Bloom Freesia
Ice Cream Surfer
Jazz, Trump's Journey
Kill Fun Yeah
Knytt Underground
Laxius Force
Little Trus Man
Lost Marbles
Me and PostApocalypse 2: Scraping
Micy Roll
Millennium - A New Hope
Paranautical Activity
Porradaria Upgrade
Radical Roach
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages
Roaming Fortress
Shufflepuck Cantina Deluxe
Super Panda Adventures
Survivor Squad
Sylia - Act I
Talisman Prologue
The Body Changer
Three Dead Zed
Ultionus: A Tale of Petty Revenge
Volgarr the Viking
Woodle Tree
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(+)Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures ( inclus tous les épisodes )
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