Que pensez-vous de çà ?

Que pensez-vous de çà ? - Consoles - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 23-05-2002 à 14:53:52    

IGN:  OK, but the other part of my question was, does Mr. Kojima see some really great possibilities for making future games on the Xbox? I realize that this is a rather difficult transition to make going from the PS2 to the Xbox, but I'm interested in whether Mr. Kojima sees any fantastic possibilities making great games on the Xbox?  
Kojima: Ahhh, the Xbox, the graphics are probably a little better, but the systems are pretty much the same, the Xbox and the PS2. They're not that different. If I spent a lot of time creating a game specific for the Xbox, I could come up with something great. But I feel that they are basically the same, you know, memory wise, etc.

- "Qui diable es-tu ?"

Marsh Posté le 23-05-2002 à 14:53:52   


Marsh Posté le 23-05-2002 à 15:15:01    

pr Kojima, bwâte et ps2 se valent !  
elle a vraiment rien ds le ventre la bwâte à bides  :sweat:  :D  :lol:  
pr la ps2, au moins, on le sait depuis lgtps ms ça s'arrange :bounce:  :bounce:


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