Myst Help!

Myst Help! - PC - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 15-02-2003 à 19:17:15    

Hello a tous!
Je viens d'acquérir le jeux Myst: L'apogée.
Ce jeu n'étant plus de toute premiere génération, il ne veux pas se lancer sous Windaube 2000.
Quelqu'un saurait-il m'indiquer l'adresse d'un site où je pourrais trouver un patch. Ne trouve pas!!
A plus et merci d'avance.


Marsh Posté le 15-02-2003 à 19:17:15   


Marsh Posté le 15-02-2003 à 19:19:37    


Citation :

Can run Myst under
Windows NT 4.0 (sp3 and later). - Make sure to install the *16 bit*
version. To do this, don't click on the setup.exe icon on the CD or
allow autoplay to run. Go to the setup16 folder on the CD and launch the
file ls_setup16.exe. Follow normal installation procedures. - When the
installer asks you, allow it to install its 16-bit version of Quicktime.
Even if you have a 32-bit version already on your machine, they're
stored in different places and won't interfere with each other. - In the
Display control panel's Settings tab, set your display's color palette
to 256 colors. 16-bit Myst won't run if it's any higher. While you're
there, you may also want to change the display to 640x480, but it's not
necessary for the program to work. - Run and play the game normally. You
should note, however, that any saved games from the 32-bit version will
cause the 16-bit version to crash -- maybe not immediately, but sometime
later in the game and possibly at the most inconvenient time.

Sinon essay en mode comptabilité


Marsh Posté le 15-02-2003 à 19:31:18    

Merci pour ta réponse mais étant sous 2000 (et non XP) je ne sais pas lancer l'.exe en mode compatible 95/98.
Pour ce qui est de, il me parle d'une autre version de Myst. J'ai la version "remasterisée" : l'apogée, pour laquelle, aucune info  :cry:  
Une autre idée?


Marsh Posté le 15-02-2003 à 22:02:23    

up ;-)


Marsh Posté le 20-02-2003 à 17:38:20    



Marsh Posté le 23-02-2003 à 20:04:48    

Please, help!!


Marsh Posté le 23-02-2003 à 21:17:36    


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