Silent Hunter 3 = Anti-French?

Silent Hunter 3 = Anti-French? - PC - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 21-12-2005 à 03:12:35    

First of all I apologise because my French  is not perfect (I am still learning it), so my message is in English. I play Silent Hunter 3 and participate on the Ubisoft forums for that game. Someone posted a thread against French people and I asked to have it removed. I have a French girlfriend and so was offended by it. Instead of removing it, they suspended me for 2 weeks. The irony is, Ubisoft is a French company?
Please write an email to Ubisoft asking for it to be removed.
Here is the thread: [...] 070583/p/1


Marsh Posté le 21-12-2005 à 03:12:35   


Marsh Posté le 21-12-2005 à 03:13:42    

et ?


Marsh Posté le 21-12-2005 à 03:50:27    

In that forum no one have a girlfriend... so the users will be jealous and then you'll get banned...  [:ddr555]

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 21-12-2005 à 03:56:56

Marsh Posté le 21-12-2005 à 09:05:09    

(sorry for my awfull english)
I just read this thread on (not all the thread but some coments (je sais plus comment dire un commentaire...)),
don't worry about it, it is just some kind of humour. and it not only against french but against army of many country and also american (the picture from cnn is a good example)
but why were you suspended??? I don't understand!


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