Les jeux videos c'est mal !

Les jeux videos c'est mal ! - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 01:32:28    

Dans le dernier gamespoting, un des pigistes de gamespot a posté quelques mails de lecteurs : y'a pas a dire les jeux video rendent fous  :ouch:  
http://gamespot.com/gamespot/featu [...] p7_01.html

Citation :

I looked at the poll and it reminded me of an incident I had once when I was a younger lad. I can vividly remember a time where I played Super Mario World to the point I simply couldn't put the game down. All I remember afterwards was my father entering my room and asking, "Why are your pants wet?" My only reaction was to look down at my pants, shrug, look up at him and quietly reply, "I couldn't hold it any longer..." And I continued to play.


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 01:32:28   


Marsh Posté le 27-04-2002 à 01:33:31    

Mouais, ce sont des malades aussi ^^
Ca aurait pu être provoqué par autre chose, comme la télé :)

When it comes to business/legal topics, just assume almost everyone commenting has no idea what they’re taking about and have no background in these subjects because that’s how it really is. Harkonnen 8-> Elmoricq 8====>

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