Je ne sais pas si un jour yaura un emulateur xbox, mais en tout cas...

Je ne sais pas si un jour yaura un emulateur xbox, mais en tout cas... - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 16-08-2002 à 15:12:29    

...ya un émultateur pc qui vient de sortir pour xbox :lol:  

Citation :

"This is an x86 emulator for the XBox. This basically emulates a PC and allows you to install DOS, Linux, Windows, etc onto it. There is also a virtual SB16 card to output SB16 sound (except for MIDI which doesn't work yet.) There is no network support in this version, though - so don't get your hopes up about running a linux server. The linux-xbox project will work much better than any emulation anyway. I ported Bochs primarily to play old DOS games."
"I've tried installing DOS, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, Windows 95, and Redhat.
They all installed fine and they all work. Windows 95 runs pretty slowly. I didn't try any X11 stuff in linux, but I suspect it would also be slow. Also, Windows 95 takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to install. *Be patient* It *will* finish. Once it's installed it runs at a somewhat acceptable speed. Like I said, this is really an emulator for playing old DOS games. If you're expecting to play games like DOOM, though, I have some bad news. It's too slow to be playable. Bochs is pretty accurate, but the cost is speed. You'll be able to play hundreds of other old DOS games though."

A moi duke nukem 3D sur la tailai [:yaisse2]  [:theblob]

Message édité par darkangel le 16-08-2002 à 15:14:29

Marsh Posté le 16-08-2002 à 15:12:29   


Marsh Posté le 16-08-2002 à 15:18:57    

tu rêves, au moins pour l'instant : si Doom est trop lent d'après cet article, Duke3d devrait être atroce.
qui sait? ptetre que DNF est prévu sur la boîte en secret?

Still learning how to fall

Marsh Posté le 16-08-2002 à 16:27:12    

Lol duke je disais ca pour rire. Mais rejouer à mes vieux jeux la dessus, ba pk pas :lol:


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