sous windows 2000 [ULTIMA 8] - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 16-01-2002 à 17:36:07
Tiens salut titoine
Alors tu veux faire marcher Ultima 8 sur ton PC bien que ce soit le pire des Ultima?
Sur Win2k c'est pas gagné, il ne marche déja pas sur Win9x normalement.
Pour que ca fonctionne il faut soit un mode DOS pur, soit un patch third party qui permet de le faire marcher mais sous Win9x.
Peut être que le patch passe sous 2000 mais ca m'étonnerait.
Je ne sais plus où le trouver sur le net, je vais voir si il est resté sur mon HD.
Marsh Posté le 16-01-2002 à 17:46:28
LordXanxi a écrit a écrit : Tiens salut titoine ![]() |
Excuses ma familiarité, je t'ai confondu avec un gars à qui j'avais vendu des jeux Game Gear. En fait toi tu es le gars qui m'avait vendu un celeron
Marsh Posté le 16-01-2002 à 17:49:27
J'ai retrouvé le patch, apparament ca peut marcher sous 2k.
Voils le read me:
ReadMe file for U8WIN9X
February 2001
Gilbert Rouquié
Dragon Baroque
| Version 1.08
U8WIN9X allows Ultima 8 Pagan to be played on a PC with a regular
Windows 95, 98, and ME, without the need for a DOS reboot or a MSDOS
boot diskette.
It also fixes Ultima 8 storage management that caused the game not
to run on PC with more than 128 M Ram.
Installation of Ultima 8 (if not done already)
Install Ultima 8 Pagan.
Then check that your game is the most recent patch. This patch, from
Origin, stopped Ultima 8 from being a bad platform game. Also, you
should find in a barrel near the execution pier near Tenebrae, at the
beginning of the game, a dagger AND a keyring.
If installed from a Ultima 8 original CD, it probably is NOT, whereas
if installed from the Ultima Collection, it is.
If not you may have to download the patch from Origin.
In any case, U8WIN9X depends on Ultima 8 being the US distribution of :
Ultima 8 Pagan : U8.EXE 1117596 bytes.
U8.EXE contains a version stamp at offset D11DA
Feb 10 1995
| Some Distributions may use a shortened U8.EXE
| Dated Nov 1995 with stamp 2.13. It is equivalent
| to 2.12.
Please do not try to use U8WIN9X on Ultima 8 if it does not fit this version.
If not already done, use the program INSTALL.EXE to select and configure the
sound and music devices.
Installation of U8WIN9X
Unzip U8WIN9X.ZIP in the same directory where U8.EXE resides.
This will create, apart from this readme file, one file
| U8WIN9X.EXE Feb 24 2001 1:08
Or copy these two files from wherever you unzipped U8WIN9X.
U8W Patch Build
U8WIN9X.EXE is a patcher program. If run from the MSDOS Window prompt,
it produces a new U8W.EXE that is the Ultima 8 Windows version proper.
Here is a copy of the output it produces on the MSDOS Window console :
19:58:39,27 C:\ULTIMA8>u8win9x
| U8Win9X Version 1.08 Produced on February 24, 2001 by Dragon Baroque.
| About to produce 'U8W.EXE' from 'U8.EXE'.
| [ 1 at 0d11ef] :: 'Main [148] Check Game Version '2.1x''
| [ 2 at 041d06] :: 'Main [007] Bypass processor type check'
| [ 3 at 073bb7] :: 'Main [059] Increase LDT size'
| [ 4 at 074c0e] :: 'Main [060] Accept huge memory (1)'
| [ 5 at 074ce6] :: 'Main [060] Accept huge memory (2)'
| [ 6 at 074d77] :: 'Main [060] Accept huge memory (3)'
| [ 7 at 081225] :: 'Main [080] Bypass SPANKER'
| [ 8 at 081786] :: 'Main [080] Rework interrupt hook (1)'
| [ 9 at 0817d8] :: 'Main [080] Rework interrupt hook (2)'
| [ 10 at 081831] :: 'Main [080] Rework interrupt unhook (1)'
| [ 11 at 081887] :: 'Main [080] Rework interrupt unhook (2)'
| [ 12 at 0bb978] :: 'Main [129] Bypass DOS end of interrupt'
| [ 13 at 0bea1b] :: 'Main [130] Rework timer interrupt (1)'
| [ 14 at 0beac1] :: 'Main [130] Rework timer interrupt (2)'
| [ 15 at 0bead8] :: 'Main [130] Rework timer interrupt (3)'
| [ 16 at 003c95] :: 'DExD [003] Bypass Int 21 DPMI Hook'
| [ 17 at 0336c8] :: 'DExP [007] Bypass Int 10-1A, 33 Hooks'
| [ 18 at 03669c] :: 'MouP [001] Bypass Int 33 Hook'
| [ 19 at 06b09e] :: 'Main [044] Rework Mouse event hook (1)'
| [ 20 at 06b0a5] :: 'Main [044] Rework Mouse event hook (2)'
| [ 21 at 06b0bb] :: 'Main [044] Rework Mouse event hook (3)'
| [ 22 at 037980] :: 'Main [001] Force Window exit'
| [ 23 at 03ed9a] :: 'Main [002] Un-Shared Selector (01)'
| [ 24 at 03ef25] :: 'Main [002] Un-Shared Selector (02)'
| [ 25 at 0615bb] :: 'Main [035] Un-Shared Selector (03)'
| [ 26 at 06e17d] :: 'Main [049] Un-Shared Selector (04)'
| [ 27 at 06e3c1] :: 'Main [049] Un-Shared Selector (05)'
| [ 28 at 073193] :: 'Main [058] Un-Shared Selector (06)'
| [ 29 at 073a5b] :: 'Main [059] Un-Shared Selector (07)'
| [ 30 at 073b43] :: 'Main [059] Un-Shared Selector (08)'
| [ 31 at 073ee5] :: 'Main [060] Un-Shared Selector (09)'
| [ 32 at 074195] :: 'Main [060] Un-Shared Selector (10)'
| [ 33 at 07edf9] :: 'Main [075] Un-Shared Selector (11)'
| [ 34 at 07ee5d] :: 'Main [075] Un-Shared Selector (12)'
| [ 35 at 07ee86] :: 'Main [075] Un-Shared Selector (13)'
| [ 36 at 0b2dbe] :: 'Main [122] Un-Shared Selector (14)'
| [ 37 at 073b36] :: 'Main [059] Bypass Share LDT'
| [ 38 at 073bb1] :: 'Main [059] Bypass Share GDT'
| [ 39 at 074af7] :: 'Main [060] Bypass Memory Mgr (1)'
| [ 40 at 074c08] :: 'Main [060] Bypass Memory Mgr (2)'
| [ 41 at 07514a] :: 'Main [060] Bypass Memory Mgr (3)'
| [ 42 at 075800] :: 'Main [061] Selector Allocator (1)'
| [ 43 at 0758e7] :: 'Main [061] Selector Allocator (2)'
| [ 44 at 075933] :: 'Main [061] Selector Allocator (3)'
| [ 45 at 0759d2] :: 'Main [061] Selector Allocator (4)'
| [ 46 at 073c22] :: 'Main [059] DPMI Get Selector Base'
| [ 47 at 0739fc] :: 'Main [059] DPMI Set Selector Base (1)'
| [ 48 at 073ac8] :: 'Main [059] DPMI Set Selector Base (2)'
| [ 49 at 07ee2e] :: 'Main [075] DPMI Set Selector Base (3)'
| [ 50 at 07ef90] :: 'Main [075] DPMI Set Selector Base (4)'
| [ 51 at 07efd4] :: 'Main [075] DPMI Set Selector Base (5)'
| [ 52 at 0748b8] :: 'Main [060] Memory Allocator (1)'
| [ 53 at 0749e2] :: 'Main [060] Memory Allocator (2)'
| [ 54 at 0749f8] :: 'Main [060] Memory Allocator (3)'
| [ 55 at 074b48] :: 'Main [060] Memory Allocator (4)'
| [ 56 at 0751a9] :: 'Main [060] Memory Allocator (5)'
| [ 57 at 0be9c6] :: 'Main [130] Event Main Loop'
I am here asking to whoever uses U8WIN9X, not to redistribute U8W.EXE, since
this executable has copyrights by Origin and PharLap.
Game Play
Open a MSDOS Window.
CD to the directory where U8.EXE and now U8W.EXE reside.
| Type U8W instead od U8. Be prepared to the fact that the MSDOS Window
| shall close when U8W completes.
| Alternativaly, type START U8W instead of U8.
| Alternatively, use the Explorer, locate U8W.EXE, double click on it.
This is all.
Enjoy the Game.
To activate the Cheat Mode, type the password after U8RUN as you would have
done after ULTIMA7 or SERPENT. No, I am not giving the passwords here ...
History of Changes
1.00 Distribution limited to Gaseous Dragon
(Ron Windeyer) for Testing.
1.01 Added fix for large memory machines.
1.02 Switched from Ultima 8 version 2.10 to version 2.12.
1.03 Feb 6 2001 Packaged 1.02 for public delivery, wrote the ReadMe.
| 1.04 Feb 11 2001 Added support for U8 version 2.13.
| Revised Real-Protected management, including Mouse.
| 1.05 Feb 15 2001 To prevent the Windows crash that 1.04 caused when
| U8W was run from the MSDOS prompt, EXIT the
| MSDOS Window anyway.
| 1.06 Feb 17 2001 Switch off U8 special memory management. This is
| one reason WinNT/2K chokes on U8W.
| 1.07 Feb 21 2001 Rework the main Event Loop.
| -------------------
| 1.08 Feb 24 2001 Packaged 1.07 for public delivery, revised the
| ReadMe.
This work is not sponsored, funded, or supported in any way by Origin, Inc,
or Electronic Arts, Inc.
This work is the personal result of a personal will to prove that Ultima 8
could be run under Windows 9X. In particular, it does not engage my company.
It is Copyright Gilbert Rouquié, February 2001.
It cannot be sold, it can only be distributed or redistributed free of charge
and only in full without any file being tampered with, including this ReadMe
file with the Copyright and Disclaimer notices. It cannot be made part of a
commercial product without my prior written agreement. If any doubt arises
about the authenticity of the distribution, you should fetch the original
ZIP file from Gaseous Dragon Ultima 8 Web page.
Even I do not release it with any garantee that it shall work on any PC
or any Windows 9X, though I promise to look at trouble reports.
Anyway, should the Ultima 8 run with No Sound but not run with a sound/music
board being selected, there is probably little that I can help you about.
I promise that I will NOT try to make U8WIN9X run with Ultima 8 distributions
that predate Version 2.12. Please download the patches instead.
| Version 1.08 now also kind of supports Win 2000 / Win NT. Kind of only
| because
| Win 2000 / Win NT is highly suspicious of programs that want to
| reach the hardware directly. This hits old fashioned games in full
| as they generally reach the Video Board [VGA Registers and Frame
| Buffer], the Sound Board [SoundBlaster IO Ports], and the Timers
| [Timer Counter ports]. Moreover games also use Interrupt Enabling
| and Disabling, [Interrupt Controller ports and CLI/STI instructions]
| rather often.
| All these cause a trap into Win NT/2K which in turns reflects the
| event to a Virtual Device Driver. The path length of this means
| that running U8 under Win NT/2K requires a very powerfull CPU.
| Performance may be tweaked by playing with such parameters as
| Idle Sensitivity in the MSDOS properties,
| Full / Part emulation of Hardware Timers,
| Scheduling priority of the NTVDM process,
| [Others possibly ?].
Finally, I do not condone software piracy. So please refrain from asking
from me or from any person listed here, any file from the game proper.
And as mentionned above, please do not redistribute either Origin's U8.EXE
or the patched U8W.EXE.
Known Quirks
| Solid failure reported by users. Occurs mainly when the mouse is clicked.
| (Fixed by 1.04)
| If the game is started by the command prompt with just U8W.EXE, after the
| game completes, the MSDOS Window crashes either immediately if the mouse
| hovers over it, or later, on EXIT. But then it may bring Windows down if
| one tries to open a new MSDOS Window (Caused by 1.04, Fixed by 1.05)
| No proper way to enforce a clean termination of U8W under both Win9x and
| Win NT. Since leaving the Win9x termination in U8W causes only a crash
| of the game at exit time in WinNT, whereas leaving the WinNT termination
| causes a whole Win9x crash, leave the Win9x termination.
Test Platforms so Far (feel free to report new successes)
Intel Pentium : 133 MHz
Intel Pentium II : 233 MHz
Intel Pentium III : 450 MHz, 800 MHz
64 MB to 384 MB
(PCI) Guillemot Fortissimo XL
(PCI) Creative PCI 128
(PCI) Creative SB Live !
(ISA) Creative SB 16
Operating System (I would like to mention the OSR levels)
Microsoft Windows 95 B
Microsoft Windows 98, Windows 98 SE
Microsoft Windows ME
| Microsoft Windows 2000
USB Mouse
PS/2 Mouse
Marsh Posté le 16-01-2002 à 18:02:42
Deja qu'a l'epoque ont en chiait pour l'installer avec nos vieille becane , ca chie encore plus de nos jours avec des becanes a la hauteur ...
Marsh Posté le 18-01-2002 à 18:01:44
merci pour les réponse
j'ai trouvé une page avec la méthode et les fichiers nécessaires (patch et launcher)
le problème c'est que lors de l'installation, je lance la "copie des fichiers" et il quitte immédiatement le programme d'installation
PS: j'ai la version sur 8 disquettes
Marsh Posté le 18-01-2002 à 18:04:01
Le gros probleme c'est qu'il digere pas les becane en mode 8086 ... et ca j'ai pas encore trouvé l'astuce pour les faire tourner ...
Marsh Posté le 18-01-2002 à 18:21:06
Moi g eu aucun probleme pour le lancer....
je lai depuis une semaine sous win98
inside de boite tout est marké pour le faire fonctionner avec le 95....
Marsh Posté le 16-01-2002 à 17:18:10
comment le faire fonctionner?
j'ai essayer d'installer le mode de compatibilité mais il n'est pas disponible pour les raccourcis MS-DOS et aucun des réglages de mémoire ne semble faire fonctionner le jeu.
merci d'avance