[HELP] comment faire fonctionner nvu sous linux ???

comment faire fonctionner nvu sous linux ??? [HELP] - Logiciels - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 16-02-2004 à 14:40:20    

La question peut paraitre "conne" mais pourtant en essayant toutes les methodes du site http://www.nvu.com/ je n'arrives tjs pas a faire fonctionner ce composer new look :) Sous windob j'y arrive tres simplement mais sous linux alors la c'est pas la meme chose et pourtant j'ai essaye avec les sources et meme les binaires et j'ai rien :(


Marsh Posté le 16-02-2004 à 14:40:20   


Marsh Posté le 16-02-2004 à 14:42:42    



Marsh Posté le 16-02-2004 à 14:44:27    

Citation :

# Nvu is built with gcc3. You may have to install libstdc++.so.3.0.4 for instance in /usr/lib or /usr/local/lib (just make sure the place where that lib is going to live in is listed in LD_LIBRARY_PATH) and symlink libstdc++.so.3 to that file if you still have a gcc2.9x-only system. If you have an even more recent libstdc++* file in your /usr/lib, it will work as well; just make a symlink to /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.3
# To view an external URL (to browse an edited file or select one Help menu entry) with Mozilla Application Suite, install this executable script in your system, for instance in the directory where mozilla lives. Edit the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME environment variable in that script to meet your system settings. Add the following lines to your prefs.js:
user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.http", "/path/to/the_shell_script" ); user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.https", "/path/to/the_shell_script" ); user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.ftp", "/path/to/the_shell_script" ); user_pref("network.protocol-handler.app.file", "/path/to/the_shell_script" );
For Mozilla Firebird, adjust that variable too and change the last line of the script to
exec $MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME/MozillaFirebird $url
# If you can't launch Mozilla after Nvu, it's because your Mozilla version is too old. You need a build made after 22-nov-2003. Just get a 1.6 from Mozilla.org if you don't want to try a nightly.

T'as tenu compte de tout ca ?


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