Warning embetant avec spamassassin+postfix+amavis - Logiciels - Linux et OS Alternatifs
Marsh Posté le 09-05-2007 à 16:14:57
c'est le queue manager qui t'envoie ce message, donc c'est surement d'anciens messages qui date du moment ou tu devais avoir une autre configuration
Marsh Posté le 27-05-2007 à 12:57:57
toniotonio a écrit : c'est le queue manager qui t'envoie ce message, donc c'est surement d'anciens messages qui date du moment ou tu devais avoir une autre configuration |
et comment on les purge pour qu'il arrete d'envoyer ce message ?
Marsh Posté le 27-05-2007 à 13:26:04
mailq pour verifie la queue
puis postsuper -d ALL pour la vider
pour faire message par message regarde le man de postsuper
Marsh Posté le 27-05-2007 à 18:01:29
mille fois merci .. ca a fonctionné.
Je conaissais pas du tout ca, et c'est nickel
Marsh Posté le 30-11-2006 à 00:27:36
Bonsoir voila je suis a bout de nerf a cause d'un warning qui me pouris mes log plus qu'autre chose
Nov 30 00:07:12 chocobo postfix/qmgr[15646]: warning: connect to transport spamassassin: No such file or directory
Nov 30 00:08:12 chocobo postfix/qmgr[15646]: warning: connect to transport spamassassin: No such file or directory
Nov 30 00:09:12 chocobo postfix/qmgr[15646]: warning: connect to transport spamassassin: No such file or directory
voila c'est vite embetant sa rend mon mail.log illisible d'autant plus que les mails sont bien scannés!!!!
Conf postfix
# See /usr/share/postfix/main.cf.dist for a commented, more complete version
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name (Debian/GNU)
biff = no
# appending .domain is the MUA's job.
append_dot_mydomain = no
#tls parameters
#smtpd_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtpd_scache
#smtp_tls_session_cache_database = btree:${queue_directory}/smtp_scache
# Uncomment the next line to generate "delayed mail" warnings
delay_warning_time = 4h
myhostname = chocobo.dreamkiller.no-ip.org
mydomain = dreamkiller.no-ip.org
#alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
#alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
myorigin = $mydomain
mydestination =$myhostname localhost.$mydomain #$mydomain
relayhost = smtp.tele2.fr
relay_domains =$mydestination,, localhost, localhost.localdomain
mynetworks =,,
#mailbox_command = procmail -a "$EXTENSION"
#mailbox_size_limit = 0
#recipient_delimiter = +
inet_interfaces = all
content_filter =smtp-amavis:[]:10024
#stockage mysql
virtual_mailbox_domains = mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual_domaine.cf
virtual_alias_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual_forward.cf
virtual_mailbox_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual_emplacement.cf
virtual_mailbox_base = /var/spool/vmail/
virtual_uid_maps = static:5000
virtual_gid_maps = static:5000
#regle antispam
smtpd_helo_required = yes
smtpd_helo_restriction =
smtpd_sender_restriction =
#refuser les clients sans resolution de nom inverse et non compris dans access
#smtpd_client_restrictions = reject_unknow_client
#smtpd_client_restrictions = reject_maps_rbl
#reject_maps_rbl = rbl.maps.vix.com, dul.maps.vix.com
#expression reguliere header body
header_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/header_checks
body_checks = regexp:/etc/postfix/body_checks
#controle destinataire
#smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
# permit_mynetwork, #accepte si recipient est dans mynetworks
# hash:/etc/postfix/protected, #protection listes internes
# reject_unauth_destination, #rejette le mail sauf si destinataire est dans relay_domains ou mydestination
#check_policy_service inet: #greylisting
#smtpd_restriction_classes = insiders_only
#insiders_only = check_sender_access, hash:/etc/postfix/insiders, reject
#controle de charge
#control memoire
# ==========================================================================
# service type private unpriv chroot wakeup maxproc command + args
# (yes) (yes) (yes) (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
smtp inet n - - - - smtpd
#submission inet n - - - - smtpd
# -o smtpd_etrn_restrictions=reject
#628 inet n - - - - qmqpd
pickup fifo n - - 60 1 pickup
cleanup unix n - - - 0 cleanup
qmgr fifo n - - 300 1 qmgr
#qmgr fifo n - - 300 1 oqmgr
rewrite unix - - - - - trivial-rewrite
bounce unix - - - - 0 bounce
defer unix - - - - 0 bounce
trace unix - - - - 0 bounce
verify unix - - - - 1 verify
flush unix n - - 1000? 0 flush
proxymap unix - - n - - proxymap
smtp unix - - - - - smtp
relay unix - - - - - smtp
# -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5
showq unix n - - - - showq
error unix - - - - - error
local unix - n n - - local
virtual unix - n n - - virtual
lmtp unix - - n - - lmtp
anvil unix - - n - 1 anvil
# Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
# pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.
# maildrop. See the Postfix MAILDROP_README file for details.
maildrop unix - n n - - pipe
flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
uucp unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)
ifmail unix - n n - - pipe
flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
bsmtp unix - n n - - pipe
flags=Fq. user=bsmtp argv=/usr/lib/bsmtp/bsmtp -d -t$nexthop -f$sender $recipient
scalemail-backend unix - n n - 2 pipe
flags=R user=scalemail argv=/usr/lib/scalemail/bin/scalemail-store ${nexthop} ${user} ${extension}
smtp-amavis unix - - y - 2 lmtp
-o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
-o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
-o disable_dns_lookups=yes
localhost:10025 inet n - n - - smtpd
$MYHOME ='/var/lib/amavis'; # (default is '/var/amavis')
# $mydomain serves as a quick default for some other configuration settings.
# More refined control is available with each individual setting further down.
# $mydomain is never used directly by the program.
$mydomain ='dreamkiller.no-ip.org'; # (no useful default)
# $myhostname = 'host.example.com'; # fqdn of this host, default by uname(3)
# Set the user and group to which the daemon will change if started as root
# (otherwise just keeps the UID unchanged, and these settings have no effect):
$daemon_user = 'amavis'; # (no default (undef))
$daemon_group = 'amavis'; # (no default (undef))
$TEMPBASE = $MYHOME; # (must be set if other config vars use is)
$pid_file = "/var/run/amavis/amavisd.pid"; # (default: "$MYHOME/amavisd.pid" )
$lock_file = "/var/run/amavis/amavisd.lock"; # (default: "$MYHOME/amavisd.lock" )
# set environment variables if you want (no defaults):
$ENV{TMPDIR} = $TEMPBASE; # wise to set TMPDIR, but not obligatory
$forward_method = 'smtp:'; # where to forward checked mail
$notify_method = $forward_method; # where to submit notifications
$max_servers = 5; # number of pre-forked children (default 2)
$max_requests = 15; # retire a child after that many accepts (default 10)
$child_timeout=10*60; # abort child if it does not complete each task in n sec
# (default: 8*60 seconds)
$relayhost_is_client = 0; # (defaults to false)
$insert_received_line = 1; # behave like MTA: insert 'Received:' header
# (does not apply to sendmail/milter)
# (default is true (1) )
$unix_socketname = undef; # disable listening on a unix socket
# (default is undef, i.e. disabled)
# SMTP SERVER (INPUT) PROTOCOL SETTINGS (e.g. with Postfix, Exim v4, ...)
# (used when MTA is configured to pass mail to amavisd via SMTP or LMTP)
$inet_socket_port = 10024; # accept SMTP on this local TCP port
# (default is undef, i.e. disabled)
# multiple ports may be provided: $inet_socket_port = [10024, 10026, 10028];
# SMTP SERVER (INPUT) access control
# - do not allow free access to the amavisd SMTP port !!!
# when MTA is at the same host, use the following (one or the other or both):
$inet_socket_bind = ''; # limit socket bind to loopback interface
# (default is '')
@inet_acl = qw( ); # allow SMTP access only from localhost IP
# (default is qw( ) )
# Section III - Logging
# true (e.g. 1) => syslog; false (e.g. 0) => logging to file
$DO_SYSLOG = 0; # (defaults to false)
#$SYSLOG_LEVEL = 'user.info'; # (facility.priority, default 'mail.info')
# Log file (if not using syslog)
$LOGFILE = "/var/log/amavis.log"; # (defaults to empty, no log)
#NOTE: levels are not strictly observed and are somewhat arbitrary
# 0: startup/exit/failure messages, viruses detected
# 1: args passed from client, some more interesting messages
# 2: virus scanner output, timing
# 3: server, client
# 4: decompose parts
# 5: more debug details
$log_level = 2; # (defaults to 0)
# Customizable template for the most interesting log file entry (e.g. with
# $log_level=0) (take care to properly quote Perl special characters like '\')
# For a list of available macros see README.customize .
# only log infected messages (useful with log level 0):
# $log_templ = '[? %#V |[? %#F ||banned filename ([%F|,])]|infected ([%V|,])]#
# [? %#V |[? %#F ||, from=[?%o|(?)|<%o>], to=[<%R>|,][? %i ||, quarantine %i]]#
# |, from=[?%o|(?)|<%o>], to=[<%R>|,][? %i ||, quarantine %i]]';
# log both infected and noninfected messages (default):
$log_templ = '[? %#V |[? %#F |[?%#D|Not-Delivered|Passed]|BANNED name/type (%F)]|INFECTED (%V)], #
[?%o|(?)|<%o>] -> [<%R>|,][? %i ||, quarantine %i], Message-ID: %m, Hits: %c';
# Section IV - Notifications/DSN, BOUNCE/REJECT/DROP/PASS destiny, quarantine
$final_virus_destiny = D_DISCARD; # (defaults to D_BOUNCE)
$final_banned_destiny = D_BOUNCE; # (defaults to D_BOUNCE)
$final_spam_destiny = D_PASS; # (defaults to D_REJECT)
$final_bad_header_destiny = D_PASS; # (defaults to D_PASS), D_BOUNCE suggested
# Notify virus sender?
$warnvirussender = 1; # (defaults to false (undef))
# Notify spam sender?
#$warnspamsender = 1; # (defaults to false (undef))
# Notify sender of banned files?
$warnbannedsender = 1; # (defaults to false (undef))
# Notify sender of syntactically invalid header containing non-ASCII characters?
#$warnbadhsender = 1; # (defaults to false (undef))
# Notify virus (or banned files) RECIPIENT?
# (not very useful, but some policies demand it)
$warnvirusrecip = 1; # (defaults to false (undef))
$warnbannedrecip = 1; # (defaults to false (undef))
# Notify also non-local virus/banned recipients if $warn*recip is true?
# (including those not matching local_domains*)
$warn_offsite = 1; # (defaults to false (undef), i.e. only notify locals)
# Treat envelope sender address as unreliable and don't send sender
# Note that virus names are supplied by external virus scanner(s) and are
# not standardized, so virus names may need to be adjusted.
# See README.lookups for syntax, check also README.policy-on-notifications
$viruses_that_fake_sender_re = new_RE(
# Empty or undef lookup disables virus admin notifications.
# $virus_admin = undef; # do not send virus admin notifications (default)
# $virus_admin = {'not.example.com' => '', '.' => 'virusalert@example.com'};
# $virus_admin = 'virus-admin@example.com';
$virus_admin = "postmaster\@$mydomain"; # due to D_DISCARD default
# whom quarantined messages appear to be sent from (envelope sender);
# keeps original sender if undef, or set it explicitly, default is undef
$mailfrom_to_quarantine = ''; # override sender address with null return path
# Location to put infected mail into: (applies to 'local:' quarantine method)
# empty for not quarantining, may be a file (mailbox),
# or a directory (no trailing slash)
# (the default value is undef, meaning no quarantine)
$QUARANTINEDIR = '/var/lib/amavis/virusmails';
# (the default value is undef, meaning no quarantine)
$virus_quarantine_to = 'virus-quarantine'; # traditional local quarantine
#$virus_quarantine_to = 'infected@'; # forward to MTA for delivery
#$virus_quarantine_to = "virus-quarantine\@$mydomain"; # similar
#$virus_quarantine_to = 'virus-quarantine@example.com'; # similar
#$virus_quarantine_to = undef; # no quarantine
#$virus_quarantine_to = new_RE( # per-recip multiple quarantines
# [qr'^user@example\.com$'i => 'infected@'],
# [qr'^(.*)@example\.com$'i => 'virus-${1}@example.com'],
# [qr'^(.*)(@[^@])?$'i => 'virus-${1}${2}'],
# [qr/.*/ => 'virus-quarantine'] );
# similar for spam
# (the default value is undef, meaning no quarantine)
$spam_quarantine_to = 'spam-quarantine';
#$spam_quarantine_to = "spam-quarantine\@$mydomain";
#$spam_quarantine_to = new_RE( # per-recip multiple quarantines
# [qr'^(.*)@example\.com$'i => 'spam-${1}@example.com'],
# [qr/.*/ => 'spam-quarantine'] );
# In addition to per-recip quarantine, a by-sender lookup is possible. It is
# similar to $spam_quarantine_to, but the lookup key is the sender address:
#$spam_quarantine_bysender_to = undef; # dflt: no by-sender spam quarantine
# Add X-Virus-Scanned header field to mail?
$X_HEADER_TAG = 'X-Virus-Scanned'; # (default: undef)
# Leave empty to add no header # (default: undef)
$X_HEADER_LINE = "by $myversion (Debian) at $mydomain";
# a string to prepend to Subject (for local recipients only) if mail could
# not be decoded or checked entirely, e.g. due to password-protected archives
$undecipherable_subject_tag = '***UNCHECKED*** '; # undef disables it
$remove_existing_x_scanned_headers = 0; # leave existing X-Virus-Scanned alone
#$remove_existing_x_scanned_headers= 1; # remove existing headers
# (defaults to false)
$remove_existing_spam_headers = 0; # leave existing X-Spam* headers alone
#remove_existing_spam_headers = 1; # remove existing spam headers if
# spam scanning is enabled (default)
# don't trust this file type or corresponding unpacker for this file type,
# keep both the original and the unpacked file for a virus checker to see
# (lookup key is what file(1) utility returned):
$keep_decoded_original_re = new_RE(
qr'^MAIL-UNDECIPHERABLE$', # retain full mail if it contains undecipherables
qr'^(ASCII(?! cpio)|text|uuencoded|xxencoded|binhex)'i,
$banned_filename_re = new_RE(
$sql_select_white_black_list = undef; # undef disables SQL white/blacklisting
$recipient_delimiter = '+'; # (default is '+')
# true: replace extension; false: append extension
$replace_existing_extension = 1; # (default is false)
# Affects matching of localpart of e-mail addresses (left of '@')
# in lookups: true = case sensitive, false = case insensitive
$localpart_is_case_sensitive = 0; # (default is false)
$blacklist_sender_re = new_RE(
map { $whitelist_sender{lc($_)}=1 } (qw(
# Maximum recursion level for extraction/decoding (0 or undef disables limit)
$MAXLEVELS = 14; # (default is undef, no limit)
# Maximum number of extracted files (0 or undef disables the limit)
$MAXFILES = 1500; # (default is undef, no limit)
# For the cumulative total of all decoded mail parts we set max storage size
# to defend against mail bombs. Even though parts may be deleted (replaced
# by decoded text) during decoding, the size they occupied is _not_ returned
# to the quota pool.
# Parameters to storage quota formula for unpacking/decoding/decompressing
# Formula:
# quota = max($MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA,
# In plain words (later condition overrules previous ones):
# allow MAX_EXPANSION_FACTOR times initial mail size,
# but not more than MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA,
# but not less than MIN_EXPANSION_FACTOR times initial mail size,
# but never less than MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA
$MIN_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 100*1024; # bytes (default undef, not enforced)
$MAX_EXPANSION_QUOTA = 300*1024*1024; # bytes (default undef, not enforced)
$MIN_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 5; # times original mail size (must be specified)
$MAX_EXPANSION_FACTOR = 500; # times original mail size (must be specified)
# Section VII - External programs, virus scanners
# Specify a path string, which is a colon-separated string of directories
# (no trailing slashes!) to be assigned to the environment variable PATH
# and to serve for locating external programs below.
# NOTE: if $daemon_chroot_dir is nonempty, the directories will be
# relative to the chroot directory specified;
$path = '/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin';
$file = 'file'; # file(1) utility; use 3.41 or later to avoid vulnerability
$gzip = 'gzip';
$bzip2 = 'bzip2';
$lzop = 'lzop';
$uncompress = ['uncompress', 'gzip -d', 'zcat'];
$unfreeze = ['unfreeze', 'freeze -d', 'melt', 'fcat'];
$arc = ['nomarch', 'arc'];
$unarj = ['arj', 'unarj']; # both can extract, arj is recommended
$unrar = ['rar', 'unrar']; # both can extract, same options
$zoo = 'zoo';
$lha = 'lha';
$cpio = 'cpio'; # comment out if cpio does not support GNU options
[b]# SpamAssassin settings
# $sa_local_tests_only is passed to Mail::SpamAssassin::new as a value
# of the option local_tests_only. See Mail::SpamAssassin man page.
# If set to 1, SA tests are restricted to local tests only, i.e. no tests
# that require internet access will be performed.
$sa_local_tests_only = 0; # (default: false)
#$sa_auto_whitelist = 1; # turn on AWL (default: false)
# Timout for SpamAssassin. This is only used if spamassassin does NOT
# override it (which it often does if sa_local_tests_only is not true)
$sa_timeout = 30; # timeout in seconds for a call to SpamAssassin
# (default is 30 seconds, undef disables it)
# AWL (auto whitelisting), requires spamassassin 2.44 or better
# $sa_auto_whitelist = 1; # defaults to undef
$sa_mail_body_size_limit = 150*1024; # don't waste time on SA is mail is larger
# (less than 1% of spam is > 64k)
# default: undef, no limitations
# default values, can be overridden by more specific lookups, e.g. SQL
$sa_tag_level_deflt = -999; # add spam info headers if at, or above that level
$sa_tag2_level_deflt = 5.0; # add 'spam detected' headers at that level
$sa_kill_level_deflt = 99; # triggers spam evasive actions
# at or above that level: bounce/reject/drop,
# quarantine, and adding mail address extension
$sa_dsn_cutoff_level = 10; # spam level beyond which a DSN is not sent,
# effectively turning D_BOUNCE into D_DISCARD;
# undef disables this feature and is a default;
# string to prepend to Subject header field when message exceeds tag2 level
$sa_spam_subject_tag = '***SPAM*** '; # (defaults to undef, disabled)
# (only seen when spam is not to be rejected
# and recipient is in local_domains*)
#$sa_spam_modifies_subj = 1; # may be a ref to a lookup table, default is true
# Example: modify Subject for all local recipients except user@example.com
#$sa_spam_modifies_subj = [qw( !user@example.com . )];
# stop anti-virus scanning when the first scanner detects a virus?
$first_infected_stops_scan = 1; # default is false, all scanners are called
@av_scanners = (
### http://www.clamav.net/
['Clam Antivirus-clamd',
\&ask_daemon, ["CONTSCAN {}\n", "/var/run/clamav/clamd.ctl"],
qr/\bOK$/, qr/\bFOUND$/,
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
@av_scanners_backup = (
### http://www.clamav.net/
['Clam Antivirus - clamscan', 'clamscan',
"--stdout --no-summary -r --tempdir=$TEMPBASE {}", [0], [1],
qr/^.*?: (?!Infected Archive)(.*) FOUND$/ ],
# Turn on SpamAssassin debugging (output to STDERR, use with 'amavisd debug')
$sa_debug = 1; # defaults to false
1; # insure a defined return
Message édité par dreamkiller le 30-11-2006 à 00:35:32