[AUDIO] Quels logiciels pour les petits travaux sonores [SON]

Quels logiciels pour les petits travaux sonores [SON] [AUDIO] - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 11-03-2002 à 19:27:45    

Sous Linux, Quels logiciels existent pour par exemple :
Transformer un 22khz en un 44khz
Creer n Stereo à partir d'un mono, ou le contraire
Si vous savez egalement comment faire de gros travaux sonores sur des "formats sonores d'un seul fichier" (Wav, mp3, ogg ...)
En gros existe-t-il quelque chose d'aussi complet que SoundForge ? mais sous Linux ? Sans doute, lesquels ...


Marsh Posté le 11-03-2002 à 19:27:45   


Marsh Posté le 12-03-2002 à 13:27:18    



Marsh Posté le 12-03-2002 à 17:09:54    

allez up aussi pour moi ;)  :bounce:


Marsh Posté le 12-03-2002 à 17:14:53    

C'est mon post, je fais ce que je veux!
Voila une recherche sur sound dans forceforge !!!
là, j'essaye d'installer ksoundstudio !!! c une version pre mais on vera !
Search results for sound
Project Name Description Files Activity
Labrador Labrador is a soundwave viewer and editor designed for use in linguistic and psychological experimentation.    
KSoundStudio A sound editor that can handle large audio files. It should be ideal for mastering audio CD' s and includes an interface to cdrecord as well.   [released files]  
Sound UDP Broadcast SUB will become a python module (client/server) which allows you to broadcast MP3 data via UDP.    
thinlib for djgpp thinlib is a simple media layer for djgpp providing access to a linear framebuffer, sound stream, and a keyboard / joystick / mouse event system.    
Java Media Filer The Java Media Filer is a internet file-system based media repository using TomCat and WebMacro. It allows users to browse through a collection of media (photos, videos, sounds, texts, links...) belonging to a project. Each media has a discussion board th    
Chromium B.S.U. Chromium B.S.U. is a fast paced, arcade-style, top-scrolling shooter. It uses OpenGL for graphics, and OpenAL for sound effects.    
Condenado 3D RPG Sorgo I.D develop this game called Condenado is a 3D RPG using Visual Basic 6 and DirectX 7 technology . The game uses DirectDraw, DirectSound, DirectInput and Direct3D.    
Open Network Sound System A client/server networked sound system that allows (authenticated) clients to control playback on a sound player daemon running on a server.    
A.I. Linux The purpose of this project is to Combine 2 programs: the first is for converting sound(voice) to text and the second is to convert text into sound (voice). This way you'll get a system that tells you what errormesg it has, the status of a (running) proc    
VenomTwist A Buzz-like music-tracker and player using software synthetizing to generate acid-like sounds. Cutoff, resonance, decay, accent, distortion, reverb, delay, flanger, phaser and friends...    
Panther MUD Client A useable, neat MUD client with (coming) features like NannyMUD-style XML support, ANSI colour support and MSP (Mud Sound Protocol) support.   [released files]  
Aureal Windows Drivers Continued Development of Windows Drivers for the Vortex Family of Sound cards from Aureal Semiconductors    
Gtk WavEdit Sound and speech editor. Sound data analysis and transform tool. Used for speech synthesis.    
HiTech A 3D,2D,Network,Sound library to make games.    
Plasma - Superheated Sound Plasma allows you to define the waveform of your samples and then import these into the sequencer to be mixed together to produce some thumping tracks.    
GAudio, Sound Library      
jMCOP jMCOP provides an easy way to develop multimedia applications in Java. It doesn't contain yet another implementation of common sound algorithms, but relies on the powerful aRts synthesizer to provide all the sound handling.    
Visual Sound Analyzer VSA is a visual sound analyzer (eye candy to go along with audio) for GNOME and EsounD. VSA supports layering any number of visualization, background or filter plug-ins, in any order.   [released files]  
EFX EFX is a standalone xmms effect plugin loader. Any audio played through esound is filtered by the active plugin(s).   [released files]  
ToonLab ToonLab is a complete 2D animation production system. It includes a full featured 2D cel animation system, a complete sound mixer, post production processing, NTSC/PAL/AVI output, and an interactive exposure sheet for syncing up all the modules.    
Vinyl An mp3 organizer that interfaces with XMMS. The core goal is to make a digital music library as enjoyable and accessible as a traditional album, not just an enormous play list of isolated sound-bytes   [released files]  
OpenPak for Quake 3 Arena An OpenSource Pak file for Quake 3 Arena. The Pak will have nothing from the original game. It will have new qvm's, models, skins, levels, bot files, sounds, music(that is free to the public), etc.    
Yume RPG Engine Yume is a multi-player networked RPG engine. Featuring attractive graphics, an in game editor for creating original game modules, an original soundtrack, and SDL based multi-platform availability.    
Universal Multimedia Interface UMI is a modular platform- and device independent multimedia interface. It consists of the graphics interface `UGI' (including OpenGL, Display Postscript and printer support), the input interface `UII' and the sound interface `USI'.


Marsh Posté le 12-03-2002 à 20:18:00    

et un bon prog pour ripper des cd en mp3 qui fait automatiquement les ID3 qq connait? Un truc genre Audio catalyst koa


Marsh Posté le 12-03-2002 à 20:26:47    


Marsh Posté le 12-03-2002 à 20:30:23    

Ba oui, GRIP .... il va caremment chercher sur internet les titres de tes morceaux !
MAIS viens pas bousiller mon TOPIC ! plz


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