An anonymous reader wrote in to say "Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (US DOE) signed a $24.5 million dollar contract with HP for a Linux supercomputer. This will be one of the top ten fastest computers in the world.
--------------- There's more than what can be linked! -- Le capitaine qui ne veut pas obéir à la carte finira par obéir aux récifs. -- No jab ? No job ! -- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Marsh Posté le 17-04-2002 à 21:06:45
Ca a peut etre deja ete posté ici:
An anonymous reader wrote in to say "Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (US DOE) signed a $24.5 million dollar contract with HP for a Linux supercomputer. This will be one of the top ten fastest computers in the world.
There's more than what can be linked! -- Le capitaine qui ne veut pas obéir à la carte finira par obéir aux récifs. -- No jab ? No job ! -- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻