Console - déloguer automatiquement

Console - déloguer automatiquement - réseaux et sécurité - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 14:53:09    

Voila j'aimerais savoir si sous linux il est possible de déloguer automatiquement un utilisateur d'une console après un timeout d'inactivité.
Ex après 10 minutes de non activés, l'utilisateur Jean sur la console tty2 est déloguer.
Merci  :hello:

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Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 14:53:09   


Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 14:58:32    

j'ai pas ça en stock mais il existe des mécanismes pour bloquer une console, notamment vlock
 vlock either locks the current terminal (which may be any kind of
 terminal, local or remote), or locks the entire virtual console
 system, completely disabling all console access.  vlock gives up
 these locks when either the password of the user who started vlock
 or the root password is typed.


Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 14:59:51    

oui c possible  
je me souvient plus dans quel fichier de conf par contre ...
regarde sur le debian security guide, ils en parlent ;)  


Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 15:08:47    

c'est possible car cela me le fait sur mdk pour un niveau de sécu > 4

Mandriva : parce que nous le valons bien !

Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 15:19:06    

Je vais voir tout ça merci

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Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 15:56:12 [...] l#contents
j'ai trouvé ça  mais je n'ai rien trouve d'intéressant la dedans

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Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 16:43:43    

man login
ou alors c'est dans une option de pam

Mandriva : parce que nous le valons bien !

Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 16:47:23    

    If set to a value greater than zero, the value is interpreted as the number of seconds to wait for input after issuing the primary prompt when the shell is interactive. Bash terminates after that number of seconds if input does not arrive.


Marsh Posté le 12-08-2003 à 16:48:10 [...] html#s4.10
en 4.10.16

Citation :

4.10.16 Logging off idle users
Idle users are usually a security problem, a user might be idle maybe because he's out to lunch or because a remote connection was broken and not re-established. For whatever the reason, idle users might lead to a compromise:
    * because the user's console might not be locked and can be accessed by an intruder.
    * because an attacker might be able to re-attach himself to a closed network connection and send commands to the remote shell (this is fairly easy if the remote shell is not encrypted as in the case of telnet).
Some remote systems have even been compromised through an idle (detached) screen.
Automatic disconnection of idle users is usually a part of the local security policy that must be enforced. There are several ways to do this:
    * If bash is the user shell, a system administrator can set a default TMOUT value (see bash(1)) which will make the shell automatically remote idle users. Note that it must be set with the -o option or users will be able to change (or unset) it.
    * Install timeoutd and configure /etc/timeouts according to your local security policy. The daemon will watch for idle users and time out their shells accordingly.
    * Install autolog and configure it to remove idle users.
The timeoutd or autolog daemons are the preferred method since, after all, users can change their default shell or can, after running their default shell, switch to another (uncontrolled) shell.  

Message édité par GUG le 12-08-2003 à 16:48:36

Marsh Posté le 13-08-2003 à 11:10:45    


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