Acer Aspire One D255E : black screen of death - Netbook - Ordinateurs portables
Marsh Posté le 27-10-2015 à 13:55:34
Bon, dans le doute, j'ai testé en remettant la barrette de RAM d'origine (1Go au lieu des 2Go Crucial) mais ça ne change rien. D'ailleurs, lorsque je ne mets pas de mémoire, le résultat est le même.
En fait, on a l'impression que l'ordinateur passe en veille juste après avoir démarré. Il faudrait peut être que je regarde du côté du contacteur qui détecte si l'écran est ouvert ou non...
Marsh Posté le 15-10-2015 à 20:44:07
J'ai possède un netbook Acer AOD255E depuis un certain temps. Je ne l'utilise que de temps en temps et il me dépannait bien jusqu'à tout récemment ou il n'a plus voulu booter. Après quelques recherche, j'ai trouver une solution pour les cas de BSD sur les Acer Aspire One. Malheureusement, la méthode ne semble pas fonctionner sur le D255E. En utilisant la combinaison de touche indiqué et en plaçant les fichier du BIOS (ceux du D255E pour le coup) sur une clé, rien ne se passe. L'ordinateur démarre, le ventilo tourne, le HDD est alimenté, mais l'écran reste noir, puis le ventilo ralenti et on n'entend pas le disque dur "gratter" pour chager le système. J'ai aussi essayé en branchant un écran externe, mais ça ne change rien...
Donc ma question : quelqu'un a-t-il déjà eu ce problème sur ce modèle de netbook, et surtout l'a-t-il résolu ?
Pour information, voici la solution trouvée un peu partout sur le net, mais qui ne semble pas fonctionner sur un D255E :
This is how to resolve the Acer Aspire one Black Screen of Death
Steps (9 total) :
1 - Preparation
To complete this task you will require;
The Acer Aspire netbook
The power charger for the netbook
A Windows based computer with internet access (Not the acer)
A 2GB or smaller usb pen Drive
2 - Locate the Acer Aspire one Model
This is usually located on the serial sticker
It does not say model number but should be next to the MFG Date:
eg. MFG Date: 0809 AOA 150-BW
The model is AOA150
3 - Download the correct Driver
Go to Acer website
Select support
Select Driver Downloads
Either type the model number or select via Category
Netbook, Aspire One, A0A150
Select the Netbook
Select the Bios Tab
Download the correct Bios to the computer
4 - Extracting & Setting up New Bios
Once the bios is downloaded go to the location and extract the files
Once the files are extracted open the sub folder Dos_flash
Rename the "version.fd" to zg5ia32.fd
Insert the usb drive into the computer
Format the usb memory stick as fat (Not fat32)
Once formatted copy the files zg5ia32.fd and FLASHIT.exe to the root of the usb pen drive
5 - Flash the Netbook
With the Netbook off plug in the power cable
You should have a green light on the battery symbol and no other lights
If the light is orange/red wait for the netbook to charge and the light to go solid green
Plug the USB flash drive into any usb port
Press and hold the FN key and "Esc" key
Now press and hold the power button
You should see the power button light start to blink
Once this has started to blink you can release the keys.
This is now flashing the netbook it can take up to 7 minutes to complete
6 - Netbook Now booted
Once the netbook has finished flashing the bios in should autoboot into windows with the display
This should as resolved the issue
7 - Helpful steps to prevent this in the future
One reason this is caused is due to the battery not being calibrated
8 - Calibrate the battery
Make sure the battery is full charged
Boot the laptop into windows
open the control panel
go to power options
disable hibernation under the hibernate tab
Go to power schemes and select always on
Change everything to never for battery and plugged in
Go to Alarms tab
and turn all the alarms off
Now let the battery drain completely till the netbook turns off and will not turn on
Once the battery has been drained plug the power adapter into the netbook and wait for the netbook to fully charge and the battery light has gone green.
I would recommend to complete the cycle 3 times
9 - Setting Power Options
To save the netbook forcing shutdown change the power options and alarms
This is only a guide as an example
Go to start
Control Panel
Power Options
Select the Hibernation Tab
Enable Hibernation
Go to Alarms Tab
Set the low battery alarm at 20%
Set the action to be display message
set the critical battery alarm at 10%
Select Actions
Set to Display message
Set Alarm Action to Hibernate
Set the Force stand by or shutdown even if a program stops responding
Go to the Power Schemes
Set the plugged in options and battery options
e.g. Plugged In
Turn Off monitor 20Mins
Turn Off HDD after 2Hours
System Standby Never
e.g. Running on Batteries
Turn Off monitor 5Mins
Turn Off HDD after 30Hours
System Standby 1Hour
This should now stop the Acer requiring the Bios fix
I would recommend you run the battery calibration once a month
Message édité par Hyades le 15-10-2015 à 20:46:02