Sony SLT α99 - SLT Full Frame 24 Mpx - Double AF [Topic Unique] - Appareil - Photo numérique
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 04:50:26
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Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 04:50:34
AutoFocus |
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Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 06:00:08
ils sont quand même forts chez Sony ... ils mettent en vente avant d'annoncer
faudra voir ce que ça donne ce concept de double système AF
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 06:33:44
il se traine un peu sur SAR ... j'update + vite que lui (priorité aux links de commande je suppose
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 07:12:26
Il est classe je trouve... nettement mieux niveau design que leurs precedents FF AMHA
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 07:34:22
tout à fait ... c'est bien pratique
bon j'arrête les updates pour le moment ... ya largement de quoi commencer à en discuter
j'attends les tests avec impatience ... surtout sur l'AF vu qu'on n'arrête pas de nous dire que c'est tip top depuis des mois
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 07:43:33
C'est legerement HS mais bon, qu'est-ce que tu lui vois comme avantages sur un 5DIII (vu les optiques que tu as deja)?
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 07:47:20
juste ce que j'ai dit au-dessus: l'AF
je suis curieux de voir son comportement ... surtout en vidéo
après potentiellement Sony fait de très bon capteur et ça peut donner quelque chose d'intéressant à ce niveau là
à part ça ... je ne peux pas te donner une liste d'avantages
je n'ai pas l'intention de l'acheter (en tout cas pas dans l'immédiat) vu mon équipement actuel ... sauf si je me mets un peu + à la vidéo
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 09:34:09
Panem a écrit : Il est classe je trouve... nettement mieux niveau design que leurs precedents FF AMHA |
+1, sauf pour le grip...
Franchement, c'est abusé.
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 09:45:15
Il est d'un moche ce boîtier
Et bon, tous ces points d'AF, si centrés, quel intérêt ?
Spoiler : Voilà comme ça c'est fait |
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 10:01:08
Non sérieusement le look est sympa, bien plus que l'A900/850, mais bon, ça reste un outil de travail.
Par contre les points d'AF centrés, c'est malheureusement une vraie critique.
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 11:43:17
on en parle là aussi
c'est vrai que le grip fait un peu ...mais contient 3 batteries que l'on peut changer sans interrompre le tournage d'une vidéo!
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 11:47:02
chaca a écrit : on en parle là aussi |
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 12:01:50
Même la synchro flash est à 1/250s ce qui n'est pas le cas de tout le monde suivez mon regard, c'est tellement dommage pour les collis ramassés
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 12:07:53
Toxin a écrit : Même la synchro flash est à 1/250s ce qui n'est pas le cas de tout le monde suivez mon regard, c'est tellement dommage pour les collis ramassés |
c'est petit ça
ils sont surtout répartis en hauteur ... pas trop en largeur (enfin proportionnellement aux dimensions de la zone à couvrir et via les points d'assistance)
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 12:57:57
lionoche a écrit :
+1 quoi
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 18:28:52
Tiens au passage pour ceux que ça intéresse quelques samples sur lenstip, y compris en haut ISO : [...] shots.html , c'est pas vraiment convaincant mais c'est un firmware bêta donc ça peut s'améliorer... ou pas
Sinon pour les colis tout centré en fait les 102 points si j'ai bien compris ce que j'ai lu sur focus et dpreview ne sont que des collimateurs d'assistance, un peu comme ceux qu'on voit pas sur le 5DII et donc tu peut pas les sélectionner pour faire une mise au point, le module AF doit être sensiblement le même que celui du A77.
Il faudra voir ce que ca donne mais ça peut être utile pour le suivi du sujet si c'est pas trop source d'erreur voir pour l'AF continu en vidéo
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 18:43:44
ReplyMarsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 18:53:21
neyney a écrit : MESSAGE: n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer ...des infos/reviews/samples intéressants ... tout le monde ne lit pas toutes les pages. |
Le lien d'un site qui suit l'actualité Sony de très près. L'annonce de Sony d'hier a été fait en direct.
Le A99 y est discuté en détail depuis plusieurs semaines.
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 18:56:25
Michelan a écrit : |
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 19:17:15
Michelan a écrit : |
neyney a écrit : il se traine un peu sur SAR ... j'update + vite que lui |
j'updatais plus vite que lui
en fait pour tout ce qui est rumeurs il y a un topic dédié ... si j'étais en train de créer le topic sur le a99 à 4h50 du mat ce n'est pas pour rien
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 21:07:42
j'en profite pour préciser que je mets régulièrement à jour le premier post avec de nouveaux liens
notamment avec celui-là: [...] jEwsnwbwbs
à voir
Marsh Posté le 13-09-2012 à 09:53:31
Je ne comprends pas que Sony ne soit toujours pas foutu de sortir un zoom pouvant s'aligner sur la concurence, 24 -105 ou 24-120.
Ils attendent quoi?
Un temps j'ai pensé que c'était parcequ'ils abandonnaient le plein format pour se concentrer sur l'APS, mais là,un nouveau boitier 24x36, et toujours rien.
Je traine toujours un zoom Minolta vieux de 25 ans sur mon A 850, faute de mieux.
Marsh Posté le 13-09-2012 à 10:00:57
le soucis c'est qu'ils ont les Nex et Alpha à développer ... ça coûte ... ça occupe les ressources ... le (gros) succès des Nex a été un peu une surprise pour eux et ça les a pris de court ... maintenant ils ont trouvé la stratégie qu'ils veulent mettre en place côté boitiers (Full SLT) et c'est déjà ça.
Pour rappel il y a eu de gros débats en interne sur SLT ou SLR voire les 2
Marsh Posté le 13-09-2012 à 15:54:17
des RAWs: [...] uesabesde/
Marsh Posté le 13-09-2012 à 19:29:16
shamatoo a écrit : Je ne comprends pas que Sony ne soit toujours pas foutu de sortir un zoom pouvant s'aligner sur la concurence, 24 -105 ou 24-120. |
+1 A part le vieux Minolta 24-105, on a rien à se mettre sous la dent, c'est bien dommage. Bref, je pense finalement passer au a77 du coup, trop cher pour moi le a99
Marsh Posté le 13-09-2012 à 21:51:31
c'est un tarif officiel ... le prix en mag va relativement vite passer sous les 2500€ ... par contre c'est sûr que ça sera bien plus cher qu'un A77 ... mais ça c'est propre au marché des FF de toute façon
Marsh Posté le 14-09-2012 à 07:14:13
en fait il n'y a certes pas de 24-105 dispo mais il y a quand même le Tamron 24-70 2.8 VC
Marsh Posté le 14-09-2012 à 09:35:51
neyney a écrit : en fait il n'y a certes pas de 24-105 dispo mais il y a quand même le Tamron 24-70 2.8 VC |
Si on va par là, il y a aussi les CZ Mais un 24-105 pour la monture Sony ne serait pas de refu
Marsh Posté le 14-09-2012 à 10:02:05
ssay3r a écrit : Si on va par là, il y a aussi les CZ |
C'est pas pour excuser l'absence d'un zoom de plus fort amplitude en FF et de marque Sony, mais je pense que la "cible commerciale" de ce genre de boîtier est plutôt intéressée à la qualité ultime, donc zoom limité style 24-70 et focales fixes...
Marsh Posté le 12-09-2012 à 04:50:14
MESSAGE: n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer des MPs avec des infos/reviews/samples intéressants ... tout le monde ne lit pas toutes les pages
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Vidéos [...] 8gIkUr2fbw [...] r_embedded & [...] jEwsnwbwbs
24MP full-frame CMOS Sensor with on-chip phase detection AF
Fixed-mirror design SLT
2.4M dot OLED electronic viewfinder
14-bit Raw output
ISO 100-25,600
Up to 6 frame-per-second continuous shooting with AF
ISO-compatible flash hotshoe with 'multi interface' expansion connector
Pull-out three-hinge tilt/swivel 1.23m dot RGBW LCD screen
Top panel LCD
Microphone and headphone sockets
Built-in GPS
AF Micro Adjust
Imaging Sensor
Imaging Sensor : "Exmor" CMOS sensor (35.8 x 23.9mm)
Anti Dust : Charge protection coating on low-pass filter and image sensor shift mechanism
Pixel Gross : Approx. 24.7 megapixels
Effective Picture Resolution : Approx. 24.3 megapixels
Focal Length Conversion Factor : 1.5x
Color Filter System : RGB primary color filters
Focus Control
Focus System : TTL Phase-detection AF (CCD line sensors and Focal Plane Phase Detection sensors)
Focus Points : Detector 1: 19 points (11 points cross type), Detector 2: 102 assist points
AF Modes : Single-shot AF (AF-S), Automatic AF (AF-A), Continuous AF (AF-C), Depth Map Assist Continuous AF (AF-D) selectable
Focus Area : Wide (auto,19 points)/Zone/Spot/Local selectable
Focus Sensitivity : EV -1 to 18 EV (at ISO100 equivalent, with F2.8 lens attached)
Focus Features : Predictive control(AF-A, AF-C), Focus Lock, Eye-start AF
AF Illuminator : Built-in, LED type (range approx. 3.3 to 23 ft (1-7m))
Exposure System
Metering : 1200-zone evaluative metering
Metering Modes : Multi-segment, Center-weighted, Spot
Metering Sensitivity : -2 to 17 EV (at ISO 100 equivalent with f/1.4 lens)
Exposure Compensation : +/-5.0 EV (1/3EV, 1/2EV steps selectable)
Exposure Settings : AUTO (iAUTO, Superior Auto), Programmed AE (P), Aperture priority (A), Shutter-speed priority (S), Manual (M), Scene Selection, Sweep Panorama, Tele-zoom Continuous Advance Priority AE, Movie (Programmed AE (P), Aperture priority (A) / Shutter-speed priority (S) / Manual (M) selectable in manual focus mode)
Scene Mode(s) : Portrait, Landscape, Macro, Sports action, Sunset, Night portrait, Night View, Handheld Twilight
Auto Exposure Lock : Yes with AE lock button (AE also locked when focus is locked in a multi-segment metering mode).
Color Temperature : Manual (5 steps)
Creative Style : Standard, Vivid, Neutral, Clear, Deep, Light, Portrait, Landscape, Sunset, Night Scene, Autumn leaves, Black & White, Sepia (Contrast (-3 to +3 steps), Saturation (-3 to +3 steps), Sharpness (-3 to +3 steps))
Exposure Bracketing : Bracket: Cont./Bracket: Single, 3/5 frames (2.0 EV, 3.0 EV : only 3 frames) selectable
ISO : Still images: Auto (ISO 100-6400, selectable lower limit and upper limit), ISO 100-25600; Movies: ISO 100-6400 equivalent; Auto (ISO 100-3200 equivalent)
Noise Reduction : Long Exposure NR: (On/Off, available at shutter speeds longer than 1 second) High ISO NR: (High/Normal/Low/Off)
White Balance Mode : Auto, Daylight, Shade, Cloudy, Incandescent, Fluorescent (Warm White, Cool White, Day White, Daylight), Flash, Color Temperature (2500 to 9900K) & color filter (G7 to M7, A7 to B7) / Custom (3)
Type : 1.3 cm (0.5 type) electronic viewfinder (color) (2,359k dots). Display:Graphic Display / Display All Info. / No Disp. Info. / Digital Level Gauge / Histogram. Brightness control: Auto/Manual (3 steps between -1 and +1) Eyepoint: Approx. 27mm from the eyepiece lens, 22mm from the eyepiece frame at -1 diopter (CIPA standard)
Diopter Adjustment : -4.0 to +3.0m-1
Field of View : 100%
Magnification : Approx. 0.71 x (with 50mm lens at infinity, -1m-1)
LCD Display
LCD Type : 7.5 cm (3.0 type) TFT drive (1,228,800 dots). Focus Magnifier: (35mm full frame: 5.9x, 11.7x APS-C: 3.8x, 7.7x)
Angle Adjustment : Tilt angle: 140 degrees upward and 180 degrees downward Rotation angle: 180 degrees clockwise and 90 degrees counterclockwise
Brightness Control : Auto, Manual (5 steps between -2 to +2), Sunny Weather
Real-time image adjustment display : Yes(On/Off)
Peaking : Yes (Level setting: High/Mid/Low/Off, Color: White/Red/Yellow)
Customization : Graphic Display, Display All Info., No Disp. Info., Digital Level Gauge, Histogram, Shooting Info
Media Type : Memory Stick PRO Duo™/Pro-HG Duo™ media; SD, SDHC and SDXC memory card
Color Space : sRGB, Adobe RGB
Still Image Mode : JPEG (Standard, Fine, Extra Fine), RAW, RAW+JPEG
Still Image Size 16:9 : 35mm full frame L: 6000 x 3376 (20M) M: 3936 x 2216 (8.7M) S: 2640 x 1488 (3.9M) APS-C L: 3936 x 2216 (8.7M) M: 2640 x 1488 (3.9M) S: 1728 x 976 (1.7M)
Still Image Size 3:2 : 35mm full frame L: 6000 x 4000 (24M) M: 3936 x 2624 (10M) S: 2640 x 1760 (4.6M) APS-C L: 3936 x 2624 (10M) M: 2640 x 1760 (4.6M) S: 1728 x 1152 (2.0M)
Panorama Still Image Size : Wide: Horizontal 12,416 x 1,856 (23M) Vertical 5,536 x 2,160 (12M) Standard: Horizontal 8,192 x 1,856 (15M) Vertical 3,872 x 2,160 (8.4M)
Video Format : AVCHD Ver. 2.0 (Progressive), AVCHD, MP4
Video Mode : AVCHD: PS - 1920 x 1080/60p@28Mbps FX - 1920 x 1080/60i@24Mbps FH - 1920 x 1080/60i@17Mbps FX - 1920 x 1080/24p@24Mbps FH - 1920 x 1080/24p@17Mbps MP4: HD - 1440 x 1080/ 30p@12Mbps VGA - 640 x 480/ 30p@3Mbps
Dual Record : Simult. Rec (Still,Movie), Simult. Rec (Still/Movie), Sort (JPEG/RAW), Sort (Still/Movie), Copy
Audio Format : Dolby Digital (AC-3) / MPEG-4 AAC-LC, 2ch
Microphone/Speaker : Built-in stereo microphone or ECM-ALST1 (with supplied shoe adaptor) / ECM-CG50 / XLR-K1M (sold separately). Built-in, monaural, Volume settings in 8 steps between 0 and 7.
Still Image File Format : JPEG (DCF Ver. 2.0, Exif Ver. 2.3, MPF baseline compliant), RAW (Sony ARW 2.3 format), RAW & JPEG
Weights and Measurements
Dimensions (Approx.) : Approx. 5 7/8 X 4 1/2 X 3 1/8" (147 x 111.2 x 78.4mm) (WxHxD)
Weight (Approx.) : Approx. 1 lb 9.9 oz (733 g) (body only) Approx. 1 lb 12.7 oz (812 g) (with battery and memory stick)
Advanced Features
Embedded GPS : Yes
Face Detection : On/On (Regist. Faces)/Off (face registration, face selection). Max. 8 faces detectable.
Smile Shutter™ technology : Yes
Tracking Focus : Yes
Audio Level Display : Yes
Image Stabilization : SteadyShot INSIDE™ in-body image stabilization. Compensation effect: Equivalent to approx. 2.5 to 4.5 steps in shutter speeds *Varies according to shooting conditions and lens used. Type: For still images: Image Sensor-Shift mechanism, For movies: Electronic
Flash Compensation : +/- 3.0 EV (switchable between 1/3 and 1/2 EV steps)
Flash Bracketing : 0.3/0.5/0.7/2.0/3.0 EV steps, 3/5 frames (2.0/3.0 EV : only 3 frames) selectable
Flash Modes : Auto, Fill-flash, Slow Sync., Rear Sync., Hi-speed sync., Red-eye reduction (on/off selectable), Wireless, Off
Headphone Jack : Yes (3.5 mm Stereo minijack)
Microphone Input : Yes (3.5 mm Stereo minijack)
Accessory Shoe : Yes (with supplied shoe adaptor)
DC IN : Yes
HD Output : HDMI mini connector (Type-C) BRAVIA Sync (link menu) PhotoTV HD
USB Port(s) : MiniB, Hi-speed USB (USB2.0) (Mass-storage (Multi LUN), MTP, PC remote
Multi Interface Shoe : Yes
Vertical Grip Connector : Yes
Prix et Dispo
The α99 full-frame digital system camera will be available this October as body-only for about $2800.
Infos diverses
Press Release
Sony Introduces New Full-Frame α99 Camera with Translucent Mirror Technology and Dual AF System
Flagship α A-mount camera delivers new levels of image quality, focus capabilities and video performance
SAN DIEGO, Sept 12, 2012 – Sony’s long awaited α99 digital camera sets a new performance standard for professional-class DSLRs, combining all of the benefits of full-frame imaging with the responsiveness and speed of Translucent Mirror Technology.
The successor to Sony’s flagship α900 DSLR, the α99 camera features a brand new 24.3 MP full-frame image sensor, a unique dual phase-detect AF system and a host of other innovative technologies that work together to deliver the best image and full HD video quality in the history of Sony’s acclaimed line of α cameras.
“The new α99 camera is the ultimate combination of Sony’s expertise and rich history of image sensor production coupled with our truly innovative approach to camera design” said Mike Kahn, director of the alpha interchangeable lens camera division at Sony. “It redefines what can be accomplished with a full frame DSLR camera.”
New Levels of Imaging Performance and Response
The flagship α99 model combines its new 24.3 effective megapixel Exmor® CMOS sensor with a highly advanced BIONZ image processing engine, delivering unprecedented levels of performance in both still and video shooting.
The full frame sensor is enhanced by a newly-developed separate multi-segment optional low-pass filter, increasing its resolving power. Assisted by an all-new front-end LSI, the BIONZ engine can process massive amounts of image signal data from the sensor at very high speeds. Together with a powerful new area-specific noise reduction (NR) algorithm, it allows to the camera to achieve 14-bit RAW output, rich gradation and low noise.
The evolved BIONZ processor also gives the α99 model a maximum sensitivity range (in expanded sensitivity mode) as wide as ISO50 – 25600 – a range of nine stops. Its unprecedented processing power enables the camera to shoot a burst of images at up to six frames per second at full resolution or up to 10 fps in Tele-zoom high speed shooting mode.
The new α99 digital camera features a unique dual AF system, a world’s first for digital cameras. This camera’s main focusing system – a 19-point AF system with 11 cross sensors - is complemented by a 102-point focal plane phase-detection AF sensor overlaying the main image sensor. Harnessing the power of Translucent Mirror Technology, light is passed to both phase-detection AF sensors simultaneously and continually, measuring subject distance and position more completely than other cameras. This unique Dual AF System permits ultra-fast, accurate autofocusing that maintains tracking focus even if a subject temporarily leaves the frame.
The AF-D (depth) continuous autofocus mode* utilizes the Dual AF system for wider and more dense coverage of the frame, significantly improving AF performance with fast or erratically moving subjects against complex backgrounds. Additionally, during movie shooting, AF Duration control provides reliable depth focusing information and ensures that the camera maintains proper focus on its subject when objects or people cross the focal plane.
A new AF range control allows photographers to manually select foreground and background distance to which the AF system will not respond, especially useful for shooting fast moving sports or animals through a nearby wire mesh or in front of a complex background that commonly distracts camera AF systems.
Crafted for Videographers and Movie-makers
The new α99 camera’s video capabilities build on Sony’s expertise in developing professional motion picture cameras, combining the unmatched resolving power and sensitivity of the full-frame sensor with several advanced features optimized for professional video production.
The flagship α99 model is the first full-frame DSLR to offer Full HD 60p/24p progressive video recording to meet AVCHD™ Version 2.0 specifications and Full-time Continuous AF Movie mode, allowing smooth, non-stop tracking of moving subjects. Other enhancements include real-time Full HD video output via HDMI®, and uninterrupted ‘dual-card’ recording using both of the camera’s media slots.
For added convenience while shooting video, a new silent, programmable multi-control dial on the front of the camera body allows silent adjustment of common settings during shooting including exposure compensation, ISO sensitivity, shutter speed, aperture and much more.
The camera’s audio features are designed to meet the demanding needs of serious videographers. An audio level display and adjustable audio record levels are joined by a headphone jack for accurate in-the-field monitoring. Additionally, the multi-interface shoe provides balance audio input for the optional XLR-K1M adaptor kit, which adds a high-quality mono shotgun microphone and pro-standard XLR connections for dependable audio acquisition.
Uncompromised Handing for Advanced Photographers
The camera’s XGA OLED Tru-Finder™ viewfinder offers 100% frame coverage on the viewfinder screen with exceptional brightness, contrast, clarity and resolution, ensuring a detail-packed view of the desired scene and subject. The unique electronic viewfinder will also maintain a 100% field of view with DT lenses that are optimized for APS-C sensor cameras, converting the angle of view automatically for image recording and display.
Complementing the Tru-Finder EVF is a three-way tiltable 1229k-dot (VGA equivalent) XtraFine LCD™ display with WhiteMagic™ technology to boost overall screen brightness. It’s especially useful for framing and shooting with the LCD in outdoor, sunny conditions.
Despite its impressive pro-class credentials, the α99 camera is the world’s lightest 35 mm full-frame interchangeable-lens digital camera. Constructed of high-rigidity magnesium alloy panels, it weighs in at just 733g (without lens and battery). Translucent Mirror Technology, which eliminates the need for a full-frame moving mirror mechanism and heavy glass pentaprism, also contributes to the extremely light design.
Additionally, the camera is weather-sealed and all buttons and controls have been ruggedized. A redesigned shutter block, tested to approximately 200,000 releases, further ensures the camera’s stamina and reliability.
The camera’s enhanced ergonomics include a re-designed grip and differentiated designs of several switches and buttons that allow for intuitive fingertip operation. A new exposure mode dial lock prevents accidental rotation, and a newly-developed Quick Navi Pro interface gives quick, intuitive one-handed access to common shooting parameters and controls.
The new model can also be operated via remote PC connection. Supported functions include switching between still and video shooting plus automatic transfer of still images from camera to PC for an improved studio workflow.
Designed for Professionals: New α Lens and Accessories
The full-frame imaging capabilities of the α99 camera make it an ideal partner for the new 300mm F2.8 G SSM II (SAL300F28G2) lens. Designed for demanding sports and wildlife applications, this bright super-telephoto offers a significantly improved optical design and handling compared with its predecessor. The Sony-developed Nano AR Coating assures flawless still images and HD video with reduced flare and ghosting, offering enhanced contrast. Further, a new LSI drive circuit offers faster, more accurate autofocus with enhanced subject tracking. The new lens is also dust- and moisture-resistant, making it an ideal candidate for the toughest outdoor shooting assignments.
Additionally, a new wide-aperture Carl Zeiss® A-mount prime lens is now under development. Optimized for superb results with the camera’s new 35mm full frame image sensor, the Planar T* 50mm F1.4 ZA SSM will be available next spring.
Offered exclusively for the α99 camera, the brand-new VG-C99AM vertical grip can house and manage three batteries in total (including the camera’s own on-board battery). Resistant to dust and moisture, the grip is ideal for lengthy shooting sessions in the studio or outdoors.
The brand new, range-leading HVL-F60M is a powerful flash (GN60, in meters at ISO 100) with built-in LED light that’s ideal for creative applications with still image or movie shooting. Smart functions include wireless multi-flash ratio control and Sony’s unique Quick Shift Bounce adjustment, while operation can be controlled quickly via the flash’s intuitive Quick Navi system. Also resistant to dust and moisture, the HVL-F60M flash comes supplied with a bounce adaptor for flash and a color conversion filter for use with LED lighting.
Compatible with 49mm and 55mm diameter lenses, the new HVL-RL1 Ring Light offers highly effective LED illumination of small subjects and is ideal for macro shooting**. Its high output level (approx. 700 lx/0.3m) is approximately four times brighter than the previous model, and operation can be switched between full-ring illumination and half-ring illumination.
The new XLR-K1M XLR Adaptor Kit is designed to meet the most demanding audio needs. It provides two pro-standard XLR terminals for connecting the α99 camera with professional microphones and mixing consoles and offers MIC/LINE input selection and separate adjustment of two channel levels to maximize operating flexibility. The adaptor kit comes supplied with Sony professional ECM-XM1 monaural shotgun microphone, but may also be used with a wide range of professional microphones. An optional bracket is required when using the XLR-K1M kit with the α99 model.
The RMT-DSLR2 Remote Commander allows wireless shutter release for still images and start/stop control of video shooting. It’s compatible with the new α99 models as well as other α A-mount and E-mount cameras that include a remote control receiver.
Styled to reduce carrying fatigue, the new LCS-BP3 Backpack can hold the α99 camera body, an attached telephoto zoom lens plus the VG-A99AM vertical grip as well as three to four spare lenses, accessories and a laptop up to 15.5”.
The ADP-MAA is a new shoe adaptor that allows Multi Interface Shoe cameras to be used with Auto-lock Accessory Shoe accessories. This adaptor will be supplied with the new HVL-60M flash and HVL-RL1 ring light mentioned above. Conversely, the ADP-AMA shoe adaptor allows Auto-lock Accessory Shoe cameras to be used with Multi Interface Shoe accessories.
Lastly, the PCK-LM14 Screen Protector Semi Hard Sheet safeguards the camera’s LCD screen against dust, scratches and fingerprints, and is supplied with a separate protector sheet for the top display panel.
Sony’s new SDXC memory UHS-1 memory card, SF-64UX (64 GB) is ideal for burst shooting with the α99. It’s ultra-high speed interface (UHS-1) compatibility offers high transfer speeds up to 94 MB/s (read) and rapid data rates when transferring large RAW files of video files to PC. The new cards are water-resistant and designed to perform under a wide range of operating temperatures. For additional data integrity, Sony’s File Rescue Software can help recover photos and videos that may have been accidentally deleted.
Pricing and Availability
The α99 full-frame digital system camera will be available this October as body-only for about $2800.
The SAL300GF28G2 lens will be available this November for about $7500.
The VCG-C99AM vertical grip, HVL-F60M flash and HVL-RL1 ring light will be available this October for about $380, $550 and $350, respectively. The XLR -K1M XLR adaptor kit and RMT-DSLR2 remote commander will also be available in October for about $800 and $30, respectively.
The LCS-BP3 backpack and PCK-LM14 screen protector will be available in October as well for about $160 and $17, respectively.
The new camera, lenses and all compatible accessories will be sold at Sony retail stores ( and other authorized dealers nationwide.
Please visit for a full video preview of the α99 camera follow #SonyAlpha on twitter for the latest α camera news.
Message édité par neyney le 12-09-2012 à 21:05:38