codesnmp - Java - Programmation
Marsh Posté le 20-03-2010 à 11:40:22
ce code est le suivant
import snmp.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.math.*;
public class SNMPSample
public static void main(String args[])
// create a communications interface to a remote SNMP-capable device;
// need to provide the remote host's InetAddress and the community
// name for the device; in addition, need to supply the version number
// for the SNMP messages to be sent (the value 0 corresponding to SNMP
// version 1)
InetAddress hostAddress = InetAddress.getByName("" );
String community = "public";
int version = 0; // SNMPv1
SNMPv1CommunicationInterface comInterface = new SNMPv1CommunicationInterface(version, hostAddress, community);
// now send an SNMP GET request to retrieve the value of the SNMP variable
// corresponding to OID; this is the OID corresponding to
// the device identifying string, and the type is thus SNMPOctetString
String itemID = "";
System.out.println("Retrieving value corresponding to OID " + itemID);
// the getMIBEntry method of the communications interface returns an SNMPVarBindList
// object; this is essentially a Vector of SNMP (OID,value) pairs. In this case, the
// returned Vector has just one pair inside it.
SNMPVarBindList newVars = comInterface.getMIBEntry(itemID);
// extract the (OID,value) pair from the SNMPVarBindList; the pair is just a two-element
// SNMPSequence
SNMPSequence pair = (SNMPSequence)(newVars.getSNMPObjectAt(0));
// extract the object identifier from the pair; it's the first element in the sequence
SNMPObjectIdentifier snmpOID = (SNMPObjectIdentifier)pair.getSNMPObjectAt(0);
// extract the corresponding value from the pair; it's the second element in the sequence
SNMPObject snmpValue = pair.getSNMPObjectAt(1);
// print out the String representation of the retrieved value
System.out.println("Retrieved value: type " + snmpValue.getClass().getName() + ", value " + snmpValue.toString());
// the retrieved value can be obtained from the SNMPObject using the getValue method;
// the return type of the method is the generic base class Object, and must be cast to
// the appropriate actual Java type; in this case, for an SNMPOctetString, the underlying
// Java type is a byte array[]
byte[] javaByteArrayValue = (byte[])snmpValue.getValue();
// now send an SNMP GET request to retrieve the value of the SNMP variable
// corresponding to OID; this is the OID corresponding to
// the uptime of the device, and the return type is thus SNMPTimeTicks
itemID = "";
System.out.println("Retrieving value corresponding to OID " + itemID);
// the getMIBEntry method of the communications interface returns an SNMPVarBindList
// object; this is essentially a Vector of SNMP (OID,value) pairs. In this case, the
// returned Vector has just one pair inside it.
newVars = comInterface.getMIBEntry(itemID);
// extract the (OID,value) pair from the SNMPVarBindList; the pair is just a two-element
// SNMPSequence
pair = (SNMPSequence)(newVars.getSNMPObjectAt(0));
// extract the object identifier from the pair; it's the first element in the sequence
snmpOID = (SNMPObjectIdentifier)pair.getSNMPObjectAt(0);
// extract the corresponding value from the pair; it's the second element in the sequence
snmpValue = pair.getSNMPObjectAt(1);
// print out the String representation of the retrieved value
System.out.println("Retrieved value: type " + snmpValue.getClass().getName() + ", value " + snmpValue.toString());
// the retrieved value can be obtained from the SNMPObject using the getValue method;
// the return type of the method is the generic base class Object, and must be cast to
// the appropriate actual Java type; in this case, for SNMPTimeTicks, which is a subclass
// of SNMPInteger, the actual type is BigInteger (which permits arbitrarily large values to
// be represented).
BigInteger javaIntegerValue = (BigInteger)snmpValue.getValue();
// now send an SNMP SET request to set the value of the SNMP variable
// corresponding to OID; this is the OID corresponding to
// the device identifying string, and the type is thus SNMPOctetString;
// to set a new value, a string is supplied
itemID = "";
SNMPOctetString newValue = new SNMPOctetString("New device name" );
System.out.println("Setting value corresponding to OID " + itemID);
System.out.println("New value: " + newValue.toString());
// the setMIBEntry method of the communications interface returns the SNMPVarBindList
// corresponding to the supplied OID and value
// This call will probably cause an SNMPSetException to be thrown, since the
// community name "public" is probably not the read/write password of the device
newVars = comInterface.setMIBEntry(itemID, newValue);
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Exception during SNMP operation: " + e + "\n" );
Marsh Posté le 20-03-2010 à 11:39:46
est ce que quelqu 'un peut m'expliquer ce code ligne par ligne
jarrive pas a le comprendre en faite; qu est ce qu il fait exactement