nouveau souci dsl - PHP - Programmation
Marsh Posté le 13-05-2008 à 06:38:29
merci pour ta reponse mais meme avec se changement sa ne change rien je devient fou je debut donc c dur
Marsh Posté le 13-05-2008 à 07:56:23
Ben c'est simple, il cherche Smarty à l'endroit indiqué dans l'erreur, et il ne trouve pas.
T'as Smarty ? Tu l'as placé où ?
Marsh Posté le 13-05-2008 à 14:55:53
tous les dossier sont poser directement a la racine du site comme dit dans l explication du script
Marsh Posté le 12-05-2008 à 17:40:48
voilas des que j essaye de me connecter pour administrer mon script j ai cette reponse :
Failed opening required '/home//' (include_path='.usr/lib/php') in /homepages/25/d146395061/htdocs/include/config.php on line 69
je debute donc je ne comprend pas j ai beau aller a la ligne 69 comme il me dit rien de speciale .
aidez moi
$config = array();
// =============== CONFIGURATION ===================================================================
// Your Website Name
$config['site_name'] = "montageonline";
$config['BASE_DIR'] = '/home/';
$config['BASE_URL'] = '';
$config['tmpimgpath'] = '';
$config['tmpimgpath2'] = '';
$config['ffmpeg'] = '/usr/bin/ffmpeg';
$config['mplayer'] = '/usr/bin/mplayer';
$config['mencoder'] = '/usr/bin/mencoder';
$config['metainject'] = '/usr/bin/flvtool2';
$config['phppath'] = '/usr/local/bin/php';
// Guest users (unregistered) daily limit (duration in seconds)
$config['guest_limite'] = 65535;
// Videos have to be approved by admin before made public (1 = yes / 0 = no)
$config['approve'] = 0;
// Delete original uploaded videos (and temp files) after successful conversion (1 = yes / 0 = no)
$config['del_original_video'] = 0;
// User profile photo (avatar) width (pixels). Original uploaded images are redimensioned
$config['photowidth'] = "150";
// Video Bitrate (kbit/sec)- Increase/Decrease quality/filesize of the converted video
$config['vbitrate'] = 800;
// Audio Sample Rate (Hz) – Recommended to leave it to this value
$config['sbitrate'] = 22050;
// Resize/Scale Converted Video (yes = 1 / no = 0)
$config['vresize'] = 0;
//Resized Video Width
$config['vresize_x'] = 320;
//Resized Video Height
$config['vresize_y'] = 240;
//Captcha (Signup Image Verification) ON=1/OFF=0
$config['captcha'] = 1;
//Member Download Videos ON=1/OFF=0
$config['downloads'] = 1;
// =============== DO NOT EDIT UNDER THIS LINE =====================================================
$config['CONF_FILE'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/include/conf.ini';
$config['IMG_DIR'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/images';
$config['IMG_URL'] = $config[BASE_URL] . '/images';
$config['PHO_DIR'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/photo';
$config['PHO_URL'] = $config[BASE_URL] . '/photo';
$config['VDO_DIR'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/video';
$config['VDO_URL'] = $config[BASE_URL] . '/video';
$config['ADO_DIR'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/audio';
$config['ADO_URL'] = $config[BASE_URL] . '/audio';
$config['FLVDO_DIR'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/flvideo';
$config['FLVDO_URL'] = $config[BASE_URL] . '/flvideo';
$config['TMB_DIR'] = $config[BASE_DIR] . '/thumb';
$config['TMB_URL'] = $config[BASE_URL] . '/thumb';
$config['baseurl'] = $config['BASE_URL'];
$config['basedir'] = $config['BASE_DIR'];
$config['vdodir'] = $config['VDO_DIR'];
$config['vdourl'] = $config['VDO_URL'];
$config['audiodir'] = $config['ADO_DIR'];
$config['audiourl'] = $config['ADO_URL'];
$config['flvdodir'] = $config['FLVDO_DIR'];
$config['flvdourl'] = $config['FLVDO_URL'];
$config['photodir'] = $config['PHO_DIR'];
$config['photourl'] = $config['PHO_URL'];
$config['imgurl'] = $config['IMG_URL'];
$config['imgpath'] = $config['IMG_DIR'];
$config['tmbdir'] = $config['TMB_DIR'];
$config['tmburl'] = $config['TMB_URL'];
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/smarty/libs/Smarty.class.php');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/classes/mysmarty.class.php');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/classes/SConfig.php');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/classes/SError.php');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/include/adodb/');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/classes/SEmail.php');
require_once ($config[BASE_DIR] . '/include/dbconfig.php');
$conn =&ADONewConnection($DBTYPE);