Emulateur PS2 et Nouveau format de compression: PULSENT (i2bp?) - Video & Son
Marsh Posté le 25-03-2002 à 14:46:44
euh...merci pour l'info mais bon deja y a bocou a lire et en plus c en anglais
si ta lu tu pourrais pas nous dire que ça raconte en gros et ou on peux trouver cet emulateur pleaseeeee
Marsh Posté le 25-03-2002 à 15:14:20
J'avoue j'aurais pu faire deux posts ou au moins resumer mais grosse flemouze et beaucoup de taf
en gros : "bla bala bla bal" ..
1° Au sujet de l'emulateur et des demos aller voir le site psxfanatics.com pour telecharger (et sur le forum pour les demos).N'oubliez pas les plugins, pas de bios!! (pour l'instant)
La demo marche mais pas full screen full color (sinon slpash ) sous windows xp ,2k et linux (à vérifier sous 98 je ne me souvient plus)
2° Au sujet de Pulsent, pas de demo en telechargement, mais on peut prendre rendez vous pour demo provée, mais je pense que c'est reservé aux entreprises (corecodec.inc c une entreprise non ? je sais qui va prendre rendez vous
sinon le concept c'est le codage object-object based, c'est a dire le segmenté objet, a priori ils disent que ca va laisser sur place les autres format block-based video coding comme divx et permettre une diffusion de film sur des reseaux 1.5M/s ou plus lent,
pour tant il y a pas mal de détracteur pour ce nouveau format car des expert disent qu'il est très difficile de segmenter des images en objets (surtout pour des images de film, sport ... )
sinon ce format permet un transcodage en temps réel
Pour etre une décomposition objet ce format doit se baser soit
sur une théorie des ondelettes soit des fractales, mais vu le temps de calcul necessaire pour cette derniere , je doute ....
voila en essayant d'etre bref
Marsh Posté le 26-03-2002 à 10:40:00
Tout le monde s'en fout ??
1°/ Il y en a t'ils qui ont essayé l'emulateur ?
2°/ Que pensez vous du codage en objet de Pulsent ? Hoax ? , Impossible ?
Quelqu'un a peut etre une demo de Pulsent
non, non ce n'etait pas un up déguisé
Marsh Posté le 26-03-2002 à 11:26:01
nan moi je m'en fou pas!!g pas de ps2 et et je bave devant metal gear solide 2!!!!
Marsh Posté le 26-03-2002 à 12:44:06
moi ossi ! mais je pense iréalasable de faire un emulateur PS2 !
Marsh Posté le 26-03-2002 à 15:07:59
j ai deja mis la ce que je penssait de ce codec et j ai pas envi de recopier:
http://forum.hardware.fr/forum2.ph [...] ic=&trash=
Marsh Posté le 26-03-2002 à 16:14:40
Z_cool > je suis d'accord avec toi sur le fait qu'on n'est pas encore capable aujourd'hui d'extraire avec precision les formes d'une image.. en objet , mais il est clair qu'avec une ptite transformée de notre ami Fourier par morceau (les ondeletes) on arrive à un resultat interessant, surement déja utilisé dans d'autre codec mais très couteux en temps de calcul.
Par contre en lisant l'article publié sur clubic je me marre quand à l'apparente simplicitée de la chose : une translation à chaque image .
Il est clair que les objets ne peuvent etre precisemment décris (sauf machine de feu de dieu => fractale) donc les ecarts entre chaque images doivent aller plus loin que la translation et de toute facons dépendent aussi du schéma du modèle numérique auquel ils sont attaché (cf discretisation, flou, correction d'erreur..)
J'ai vraiment hate de découvrir ce format..et sa théorie exacte.
Une modelisation image par image : qui sait peut etre ce sont ils basé sur un espace de distribution pour aigayer leur algo ?
Marsh Posté le 12-12-2006 à 23:55:05
Je joue avec tout les jeux de PS1 sur mon PC sa marche niquel en fesant l'image! avec clone CD il me semble, je ne voi pas pk cela ne marcherai pas pour les jeux PS2???
pourquoi aucun ingenieur n'a reussi a crée cette emulateur????????
Aucune personne n'a jamais joué a un jeu PS2 sur son PC?
Marsh Posté le 25-03-2002 à 14:31:54
Pour ceux qui n'étaient ou ne sont pas au courant
je sais aussi (bruce et jc) l'emulateur c pas pour "video et son" mais bon il y a peut etre du monde interessé ici ??
" That being said, let's see what we have here ! As we already said, PCSX2 is already able to run several technical demos, for screenshots of these I'd suggest you to check out PSXFanatics, they posted some cool stuff just yesterday ! Here's an overview info from the readme, where shadow gives some further infos about the emu :
So what pcsx2 is? pcsx2 is a try to emulate sony's beast.Of course it isn't so easy as it might seems.So far you can consider pcsx2 as a develop tool althought i suggest don't use pcsx2 as a tool for writing your ps2 dev stuff
. Consider the opinion that pcsx2 have bugs and we wrote this emu by reverse enginnering ps2 demos that might have bugs too
Désolé tout est en anglais (source neowin et mail)
1°/L'Emulateur PS2, une grande premiere, fonctionne avec les demos livrées avec seulement pour l'instant sur linux et windows 2k et Xp.(pour plus d'info voir <A HREF=http://www.psxfanatics.com> là </A> )
Some minutes ago, the author of the project the scene talked about during the past few days, contacted me and sent over the release version of the worlds first PS2 emulator, PCSX2 ! Looking at the name, you can already guess who the developers are: They're shadow and linuzappz, also authors of the PSX emulator PCSX ! And this release is dedicated to shadows birthday on the 23th March 2002 !!! (who cares if that was yesterday =P), so happy birthday shadow !
But not, before you read on, here's a quick quote from the readme: "First of all pcsx2 don't run Ps2 games yet! And of course it is far from doing this.So pcsx2 don't run GT3 get it?
Well i will try to catch up some questions.First of all pcsx2 don't run Ps2 games yet! And of course it is far from doing this.So pcsx2 don't run GT3 get it?
Hope you enjoy pcsx2..
How you can help
We have leave the debug info on in the release. That are stored to emulog.txt ! Wanna help then run the demo and if it doesn't work then send us the txt.that can help as more.. Also there is a debugger there so you can even debug the code for us
Furthermore, shadow gave me some last minute notices, which shouldn't be left unmentioned together with this release :
This release is decicate to shadow's birthday
Plugins are free source feel free to develop a plugin for us!!
Ask bobbi where you can find the demos that works!! (ehh ... yeah, we'll post some infos on that later on
No!!, that means absolutely NO bios requests !
If you don't like it then we don't give a shit
Enough being said about this I guess. Congratulation to expert and linuzappz for their fine work. If you're wondering about a homepage, Thorgal is currently finishing that one and we'll announce here as soon as it's done ! Now, you can give the emu a try by downloading the three files below :
PCSX2 v0.026
GSsoftdx v0.1 (graphic plugin)
PADwinKeyb v0.1 (keyboard plugin
nb: les liens ce trouve sur le site psxfanatics.com, puis le forum du site pour demos.
2°/ Le nouveau projet (à la i2pb la question est posée) Pulsent
(en anglais aussi!
secretive 4-year-old project aimed at improving digital video is ready for its close-up.
Privately held Pulsent on Monday will take the wraps off a new compression technique that the company claims can shrink digital video to about a fourth of the size of standard methods currently used in the cable and Internet industries.
The start-up joins a long list of rivals including Microsoft, RealNetworks, DivX Networks and others that hope to deliver broadcast quality programming over the Internet--the holy grail for nascent video-on-demand (VOD) services.
Pulsent not only promises eye-popping performance improvements. The company positions its technology as a major break from its rivals, offering a rare alternative to video standards developed in the past two decades under the auspices of the Moving Pictures Engineering Group (MPEG).
"Pulsent's opportunity is to be the compression of choice for on-demand services," said Gerry Kaufhold, principal analyst with Cahners In-Stat Group MDR. "They provide a better price-performance than MPEG."
The race for video compression comes as Hollywood studios begin to position themselves for the day consumers can call up programming over cable or computer networks at will. Last fall, Walt Disney and News Corp.'s 20th Century Fox studio announced plans to create a joint VOD service. That announcement followed a deal struck in mid-August among AOL Time Warner, Sony, Vivendi Universal, Viacom's MGM and Paramount to develop a similar service.
Those announcements point to a potentially enormous payoff for companies such as Pulsent, if its technology is eventually used to build the system for seamlessly delivering digital video to millions of consumers at the click of a mouse or remote control.
MPEG remains a serious competitor in this arena, with growing support for the latest version of the technology. MPEG-4 offers a host of new features as well as substantial improvements in compression over MPEG-2, the current digital video standard.
Both RealNetworks and Apple Computer have endorsed MPEG-4, although a licensing dispute has raised a cloud over its immediate future as a standard. While Microsoft is going its own way, it has incorporated some MPEG-4 technology into its Windows Media video format.
Analysts said Pulsent's goal is not to compete with MPEG, but to find niche markets where MPEG has not already become established.
"Pulsent realizes that companies already using MPEG will continue using MPEG," Kaufhold said. "But for on-demand video services Pulsent has an opportunity...MPEG 2 video usually requires about 3 megabits per second per video stream. If Pulsent can offer high-quality video at 1.5 megabits per second, which they claim, there's an opportunity."
A better mousetrap?
Founded in 1998 by Adityo Prakash and Eniko Fodor, Pulsent has raised about $33.5 million in two rounds of funding from JP Morgan Partners, Oak Investment Partners, Polycom, Index Ventures, among others.
Pulsent has created more than just a compression algorithm, Prakash said. It is also engineering a multimedia chip to carry its video format that will include support for MPEG-1, MPEG-2 and MPEG-4.
The company has plans to unveil other technology down the road aimed at solving Internet video delivery problems such as packet loss, congestion and buffering.
For now it is interested primarily in showcasing its video codecs, or the mathematical formulas that are used to squeeze data out of files without significant loss of viewing quality.
Here Pulsent claims that it has departed completely from the MPEG framework developed in the past two decades.
According to the company, MPEG technology uses a grid system that breaks each video frame into small pieces and uses them as the building blocks for an image. Pulsent focuses not on blocks but on what it calls "intelligent objects" on the screen.
Pulsent's objects do not correspond directly to physical objects such as a car or a building. Rather they represent logical groupings that might capture the folds in a shirt, for example. Each physical object may be represented by dozens of such visual objects.
According to Pulsent, the technique provides a powerful shorthand that overcomes many of the problems in block compression.
MPEG-4 also makes substantial use of objects, but it uses them in a different way, Prakash said. While MPEG-4 adds an object layer on top of an underlying block grid structure, he said, Pulsent makes objects the basic building blocks for the image itself.
"We were going down uncharted territory so we had to create our own way to navigate it," Prakash said.
Prakash said Pulsent is currently negotiating with major telecommunications companies to license its technology for use in a comprehensive service offering video-on-demand, cable programming and Internet access over DSL lines.
Nevertheless, analysts said Pulsent's acceptance in the marketplace remains uncertain.
"The company's biggest obstacle is signing up a big customer, such as a DVD player manufacturer, a video manufacturer, or a set-top box maker offering on-demand videos," Kaufhold said.
"The market that Pulsent is aiming for is a late 2003 market, when on-demand video services will likely take off and the movie studios will start making their good content available."
ps : encore plus d'info <a href="http://www.eetimes.com/sys/news/OEG20020322S0105"> là <\a>