probleme avec Look n stop 2.04

probleme avec Look n stop 2.04 - Sécurité - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 16-02-2004 à 21:35:32    

salut tout le monde,
J'ai installé Look n stop 2.04 et kan je fais un test online sur check ou symantec ils me trouvent le port 1026 d'ouvert et me dis ke c dangereux. A koi correspond se port 1026 et comment le fermer ?


Marsh Posté le 16-02-2004 à 21:35:32   


Marsh Posté le 22-02-2004 à 20:11:49 [...] p?board=37
Port 1026 (Win NT)
Service: MSTASK (mstask.exe)
What is MSTASK?
MSTask (Microsoft Task Scheduler) is an application that provides services for task scheduling.
Vulnerability: Denial-of-Service
Windows NT/2000 is vulnerable to a denial of service attack, due to a vulnerability in the Microsoft Task Scheduler (MSTask.exe). An attacker can send random characters to port 1026, where MSTask.exe listens and as a result slow down a vulnerable machine and possibly freeze it completely.
MSTask.exe only permits connections through the local host, limiting this to a local attack. However, if any local proxy (i.e. Winproxy or Proximitron) is installed on the system, a remote attacker can connect to port 1026 via local proxy and perform this attack remotely. The system must be rebooted to regain normal functionality.
Hot to fix?
    * Simply set your firewall to block access to port 1026
    * You can also set your firewall to block mstask.exe


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