un fichier manquant ?

un fichier manquant ? - Win NT/2K/XP - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:25:03    

xp pro me demande a chaque demarrage msscmc32.exe, ca vous dit quelque chose?


Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:25:03   


Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:27:26    

http://www.ntsecurity.net/Panda/In [...] rusID=1008
bonne chance

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:28:54    

essaie http://www.antivirus.com pour voir, leur antivirus gratuit
sinon, check l'encyclopedie de Symantec egalement

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:30:01    

merci beaucoup de ta reponse, cependant, je suis allé sur securiser.com apres avoir viré le fichier 'infecté' j ai scanné mon pc en ligne, il a rien detecté, je pense que c est au boot qu il cherche a lancer cette appli qui est sensée ouvrir un port, mais ou je peux arreter ca ?
dans la base de reg ?


Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:35:49    

la base de registre est certainement a nettoyer
regarde la :
http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/vi [...] Y3KRAT14.C

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:36:40    

super v tester


Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:36:44    

et la :
http://www.trendmicro.com/vinfo/vi [...] .C&VSect=T

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:39:58    

je vires la clé "run" c est ca ?


Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:48:39    

daddykiller a écrit a écrit :

je vires la clé "run" c est ca ?

non non
regarde sous la clef RUN si il n'y a pas une reference au fichier msscmc32.exe
c'est cela que tu dois effacer

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

Marsh Posté le 24-11-2002 à 23:59:56    

alors? Tu en es ou?

"I intend to live the first half of my life.I don't care about the rest."Errol Flynn."The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."Albert Einstein

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