Réinstaller IE6 - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 21-12-2001 à 19:44:20
c'est bon j'ai trouvé :
[edtdd]--Message édité par moua--[/edtdd]
Marsh Posté le 10-02-2002 à 22:11:24
After a lot of tries, clues from posts here, and probably a bit of luck, I
finally got IE6 to re-install, and got OE to upgrade from 5.5 to 6.0.
I upgraded from W2K to XP Pro. I was already running Office 2000 and
Outlook 2000. Outlook 2000 is my mail program. Before the move to XP Pro I
was running IE 5.x, Outlook 2000 for email, and OE5.5 for newsgroups. So,
that's where I was coming from.
After moving to XP Pro I had IE6 and OE5.5. No problems. However I wanted
OE6 to test some other software I had written.
I could not get IE6 to reinstall. Setup kept telling me that I already had
a newer version installed, and just shut down.
One of the postings here refered to a command line structure for the
IESetup.exe in order to get a full download of IE6. That didn't quite work
for me, so I changed it a bit and finally got the download. Here's the
command line structure:
"C:\Internet Files\IE6\ie6setup.exe" /c:"ie6wzd.exe /d:1 /s:""#E"""
First, download the ie6setup.exe from MS Internet Explorer site. The /d:1
is what I changed. The original advice was for /d which I think means
download in the appropriate language. /d:1 means download everything.
Using just /d didn't do anything for me - the setup just shut down. /d:1
download IE6 in full.
Next, when I tried to run ie6setup.exe it said I already had a newer
MSKB article # Q304872 speaks directly to this problem. It talks about a
simple Registry edit that changes an IsInstalled switch from 1 to 0. Doing
just what the article says didn't help - still got that message. Here's a
part of the KB article:
To work around this issue and reinstall the same customized Internet
Explorer 6 installation package a second time, change the IsInstalled
(REG_DWORD) value for the Branding component from 1 to 0 in the following
registry key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components
The Branding key always begins with a greater than (> ) character.
However, under Installed Components there are about 30 keys. It was really
simple to just start at the top of the list and look at each one. When I
saw information about IE6, IE6 tools, OE5.5, or OE6, I change the
IsInstalled value from 1 to 0.
Then I re-ran the ie6setup.exe and it downloaded IE6, Tools, OE6, and
installed everything.
IE6, OE6, Outlook 2000, email, and newsgroups are all running fine.
The process of re-installing a major component like this should not be this
difficult. I found article Q304872 by accident. Everything works, but I'm
still sitting here shaking my head. I hope this helps others.
Marsh Posté le 21-12-2001 à 17:57:21
Comment faire ?
Apres avoir installé la version IE6 de mon provider (en fait juste une toute petite mis a jour)
certaines fonctions ne machent plus (comme ouvrir dans une nouvelle fenetre...)
Comment faire pour réinstaller IE ?
JE suis sous XP et je ne trouve pas IE dans ajout/suppr de programmes.
Et si je remet les parametres par defaut ça ne change rien.
Comment le réinstaller sous XP (sachant qu'il n'y a pas de version plus recente...) ?