Tiscali- Triway - Problems

Tiscali- Triway - Problems - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 23-11-2005 à 08:58:31    

First, let me introduce myself and my situation:
I am from Germany living and working in France…unfortunately I can neither read nor write French…that is why I write in English. I hope this is ok for you, and you understand what I am saying :)  
Alternative would be German though…but I doubt that this would be a better choice *g*
I have read several topics in this forum using babelfish, but I could not find any solution now.
I had to move to an other flat a few weeks ago and transferred my tiscali acces to it (after I waited some time for neuf, but they didn’t show a reaction till now).
I had some minor problems with the triway before, but now it’s not working anymore again and due to the cooperation with Alice the new customer support really sucks…if there actually IS one. They can neither be phoned nor do they answer any mail requests nor do they accept the chat requests they offer.
So, yeah, thumbs down for this crappy support.
When I moved I changed my location-info on their homepage. At the same time a change from 2MBit to 8Mbit was offered for me due to the better connection at the new flat.
Now I got a letter that DSL should work on my new line. On the homepage they still show me that it is worked on the change to 8Mbit.
I installed the Software on my fresh formatted PC but I could not establish a connection…well it could, but it lasts for around 10 seconds each time. And the phone does not work either as long as it is plugged to the triway.
I then tested several things, fix IPs, fix DNS, reinitializing the router then install again…whatever…
The result I came to is following:
I first initialize the router. In the fourth (the last) Phase it reboots the router a few times. You get a few messages of disconnected LAN cables. When it is done the internet is working…for about 5 to 10 seconds, then the router reboots itself and nothing works anymore.
I also played with advanced router settings a bit, but it did not help either.
It seems like everything is fine, it just does not work…and the lamp for the phone is not blinking. But all the information in the advanced router settings seem to be fine…there seems to be a connection 8Mbit up, 0.5MBit down. Connection established….but well, it doesn’t help me much if the modem/ router is the only part connected to the internet. Internet Explorer and all other things don’t work.
I have no clue what to do…when I registered at tiscali in the past the service was great. Atm it’s just crap, and if nobody here can help me, I am forced to cancel it as it is impossible to get official support. Maybe I just have to wait till the display of “Nous avons effectué un changement d'offre vers : "Forfait ADSL jusqu'à 8 Méga". Votre demande est en cours de traitement.” vanishes in the «Mon offre d'accès » section on the homepage…but I doubt it…and how long shall I keep waiting and suffer with my 56k modem ?
Would be quite cool if anyone of you can give me some tips or things I can test.
If there is any additional info you need, just tell me.


Marsh Posté le 23-11-2005 à 08:58:31   


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