Problem Router

Problem Router - Réseaux - Réseaux grand public / SoHo

Marsh Posté le 14-07-2007 à 00:14:12    

Hi there.. sorry but i have to use english.. im not french and my french isnt really great..
My problem is that i cant access my router page for port forwarding and all that stuff.. i have a Freebox modem.. if i enter CMD and type ipconfig i see the following:
Ethernet adapter Wireless Network Connection 4
IP Address:
Default Gateway:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Network 7
IP Address:
Default Gateway:
If i try to enter my router by typing in my browser it doesnt let me in.. it tells me You don't have permission to access this file on this server. The router isnt allowing me to enter..
How can i solve this problem.. ?
Please if you want to know other details tell me here and i will tell you.. Sorry again for using english i hope you understand me.


Marsh Posté le 14-07-2007 à 00:14:12   


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