URGENT, quelqu'un peut me corriger mes fiches en anglais svp - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 11:50:40
Copie colle ton texte
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 11:52:54
ReplyMarsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 11:54:49
lionambedz69 a écrit : il ya 3 fiches dnc c'est bcp et je peux pas |
Tu peux les poster une par une hein
pourquoi tu peux pas?
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 12:21:51
Allez c'est parti !
Je suis pas prof, mais je pense avoir un bon niveau d'anglais... Mais je ne garantie pas pour autant que ce que je te dise soit parfait ! En tout cas, bonne chance pour ton oral
Pour l'instant le 1
lionambedz69 a écrit : salut |
Spoiler : fiche 1 : la notion mythes et héros |
fiche 2 :
Lieux et Formes du Pouvoir
Spoiler : --The power is att he |
fiche 3 :
l'Idée de progrès
Spoiler : --- I begin my presentation with a small defenition of the word progress: |
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 12:29:36
alors tu ma corriger ta trouver des fautes ou cava ?
et merci en tt cas
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 12:57:36
Je fait le trois après avoir mangé.
Je pense que tu essaye de faire des phrases trop longues, et trop compliquée. Evite au possible Google traduction et reverso, quand tu as un doute sur un mot utilise : http://www.wordreference.com/
(en plus leur forum est bien fait et très efficace )
A plusieurs moments j'ai pas compris ce que tu voulais dire, tu pourrais me l'expliquer s'il te plaît ? Merci
Edit : Je te le redis (car la je suis en train de voir le troisième texte oO), Reverso ce n'est pas une bonne idée. Surtout pour traduire des paragraphes entiers. Surtout si des mots sont mal orthographiés dans ledit paragraphe.
Et puis même, relis les après !
"notament most important is a text on sciance fiction or exicte was noted that the robot, which can all ca and do it is a danger to humans, who imagine a robot that puts the day against him, after we saw the blan tray on socale evolution as the library is closed because the technology acctuellement nouveux takes the place of all a quick servise ect, and also the idea of a change related habit of self in relation to the interest and analyze emerging site cominication it fair to lose time, and with time can the returns addicted to this stuff "...
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 14:27:45
L'ane onyme a écrit : |
= notamment les plus important c'est un texte sur la science fiction d'ou on a remarquer qu'il existe des robot qui peux tout faire et ca c'est un danger pour l'homme qui imagine qu'un jours le robot ce met contre lui , après on a vu le bac bilan sur l'évolution sociale telle que les bibliothèque se ferme parce que actuellement les nouveaux technologique prend la place de tous par une rapidité de servisse ... , et l'idée aussi les changement liée a des habitude des individu par rapport a l’intérêt et les nouveaux site de communication qui lui faire perde de temps , et avec le temps peux le rentre accro a telle truc ,
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 14:44:06
A d'accord. tourne le de cette manière donc :
Espacially a very important text about Science-Fiction. We noticed that there are robots which can do everything. That is dangerous for human being if we imagine that someday robots will revolt. Then, we studied a text about social progress. Nowadays, lybraries close because new technologies can replace everything, with an increasing rapidity.
Comme je te l'ai dit, tu fais des phrases beaucoup trop longues. Et fait gaffe à ton français aussi
Marsh Posté le 18-05-2013 à 15:10:32
merci merci merci ... et d’après ta correction j'arrive a ca :
Fiche 1 : la notion mythes et héros
- By definition, a myth is a traditional story about the early history of mankind or aimed at explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
Then a hero in mythology and folklore is a person with superhuman abilitieswho is admired for his courage or for his extraordinary achievements. In the modern world, a hero has lost its ancient meaning.
It now means someone who is courageous. Heroes are « heroic », they have «heroism». They help saving people or society from nasty people or natural disasters, like superman or batman.A hero can also be someone who is helpful, polite or who helps people who need it. The word is used in the wolrd of sport to designate an extraordinary player or an athlete. Sometimes, the main character of a story is called a « hero » in a book or movies, like Harry Potter.
---classroom, we saw some video and text which talks about this topic.We noticed that there are heroes, as Neil Amstronge, who have done a great workimpressive things, without wishing to be known by everyone. There are also anti heroes such a Christopher Columbus. Some do not consider him as a hero because they reckon he has committed crimes against the humanity war settlement, and some reclame that do not have a hero . Then, we also studyed the Vietnam War and the soldiers who killsed awareness behind it All that how that all of your thing that can be able to distinguish between good and evil,
--- To conclude, the history was has been marked by people who dedicated their life to defending... They are today considered as a hero by all people. But everyone can be the hero of someone. A hero can be an ordinary person like me or you. My heroes are the different persons, anonymous persons who fight against the inequalities in the world, for example in South Africa
fiche 2 : Lieux et Formes du Pouvoir
The power is at he root of political, social and personal integration and revealings the tensions and conflicts within the group once . Power is exercised through a complex set of relationships, imposed, by strength in dictatorships or accepted in democratics states, often internalized . The power also involves anti-establishment : how do we limit the power, how does it stand on?
-- We have studyied this concept. We saw capitalism as the power of money. You can notice that the policy tends to regulate ça c'est un luth some uses other forms of power such as the media (cartoon and pub) and even new technology such as video on YouTube. We have seen that on the United States the 99% and 1% of the rich who also claimed the right to be . Then we noticed that the state of workman is not the same all around the world. One example is the USA and China, after the fight They really fought against their freedoms? for freedom and equality between the weak and the strong rock, against poverty and for better living conditions for the affine world that all this is far from achieving the above we compare institutional emblematic places of power (Court castle, parliament, prison, court, capital, etc.)
--to Conclude from all this Abebooks we have seen before. We noticed there are different ways of power: such as political power, media, social and even familial power practised in different places: such as public or private. some of snowmelt Their life and whatever Their opposition and How They criticize each other '(caricature, book .....)
fiche 3 : l'Idée de progrès
I begin my presentation with a small defenition of the word progress: the progress is the transition from a state to another, likely better, Progress is expressed in several fields such as medical technology or social progress. We can wonder if progress is still positive? Shoul we accept this notion not castind doubt on it ? And who is likely to reject the progress because he fears that it could make his traditions be lost ?,
-- to answer theose questions in class during the year, we saw several texts and videos, espacially a very important text about science fiction. In it, or exicte was noted that the robot, which can all ca and do it is a danger to humans, who imagine a robot that puts the day against him, after we saw the blan tray on socale evolution as the library is closed because the technology acctuellement nouveux takes the place of all a quick servise ect, and also the idea of a change related habit of self in relation to the interest and analyze emerging site cominication it fair to lose time, and with time can the returns addicted to this stuff
------conclur for, so we can say that the progree is compared to the eNvolution of human life, and it is required because it is the life that is a phenomenon that exicte since the time of stone, but desfois it is not a possitive side tt conflét on voi in acctialité (chemical weapon ..), and whose Business perssone Certine is not accepted by that tt o ca related lack of education of people .. ceriaint is also found that the progree is dangée relative to their cotume and by tradition that it can change their montalité and their habit.
Marsh Posté le 17-05-2013 à 11:44:48
svp quelqu'un peu m'aider et me corriger mes fiches d'oral pour le BAC d'anglais ?
fiche 1 : la notion mythes et héros
- According to the dictionary definition a myth is a traditional story, concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon, and typically involving supernatural beings or events.
Then a hero in mythology and folklore, a person of superhuman qualifies who is admired for his courage or extraordinary achievements. In the modern world, a hero has lost its ancient meaning.
It now means someone who is courageous. Heroes are « heroic », they have «heroims». They help in saving people or society from people, villains or natural disasters, like superman or batman.A hero can also be someone who is helpful, polite or helps people who need it. The word is used in the sports world to mean an extraordinary player or an athlete. Sometimes, the main character of a story is called a « hero » in a book or movies, like Harry Potter.
---classroom, we saw some video and text that talks about this topic as it has been observed that there is a hero as Neil Amstronge who has done a great work, but he has no desire to be known by everyone and an anti hero such as the case of Christopher Columbus as some not consider it a hero because the crime was against humanity after we also study the Vietnam War and the soldier who kills without all the reports o awareness behind it all that we see there all of your thing that can be able to distinguish between good and evil,
--- To conclude, the history was marked by people who were defended the populations. They are today considered as a hero by all people. But everyone can be the hero of someone. A hero can be an ordinary person like me or you. My heroes are the different persons, anonymous persons who fight against the inequalities in the world for example in South Africa
fiche 2 :
Lieux et Formes du Pouvoir
--The power is the source of political, social and personal integration and revealing the tensions and conflicts within the group once. Power is exercised through a complex set of relationships suffered that is to say strength as totalitarian rigime or accepted as in décocratique state, often internalized. The power also involves against the powers-restance: how do we limit the power, how does it stand on?
--During our classroom study of this concept we saw capitalism as the power of money, you notice that the policy is for lute ca against some uses other forms of power such as the media (cartoon and pub) and even new technology such as video on YouTube as we have seen o state unites the 99% and 1% of the rich who also claimed the right to be, and then we noticed that the state workman n 'is not the same wherever the world as an example to the USA and China, after the lute against freedom and equality between the weak and the strong rock and poor and better living conditions for the affine world that all this is far from achieving the above we compare institutional emblematic places of power (Court castle, parliament, prison, court, capital, etc.).
--to Conclude from all this Abebooks web Have seen before, That we noted there are different ways of power: such as political power, media, social and even holy family and different places: such as public or private, some of snowmelt Their life and whatever Their opposition and How They criticize each other '(caricature, book .....)
fiche 3 :
l'Idée de progrès
--- I begin my presentation with a small difenition the word progress: the password is progree a state another state génirale a better vision, progress has déffirant dommaine progree such as medical technology and progree the social progree, so one wonders what is the prgrrée is still in positive growth? Is that we can still accept this idea? And what man can found all ca a risk compared to its cotume and tradition?,
-- to answer the question in class during the year, we saw déffirant text and video, notament most important is a text on sciance fiction or exicte was noted that the robot, which can all ca and do it is a danger to humans, who imagine a robot that puts the day against him, after we saw the blan tray on socale evolution as the library is closed because the technology acctuellement nouveux takes the place of all a quick servise ect, and also the idea of a change related habit of self in relation to the interest and analyze emerging site cominication it fair to lose time, and with time can the returns addicted to this stuff
------conclur for, so we can say that the progree is compared to the eNvolution of human life, and it is required because it is the life that is a phenomenon that exicte since the time of stone, but desfois it is not a possitive side tt conflét on voi in acctialité (chemical weapon ..), and whose Business perssone Certine is not accepted by that tt o ca related lack of education of people .. ceriaint is also found that the progree is dangée relative to their cotume and by tradition that it can change their montalité and their habit.
Message édité par lionambedz69 le 17-05-2013 à 11:58:38