URGENT, quelqu'un peut me corriger mon rapport en anglai svp

URGENT, quelqu'un peut me corriger mon rapport en anglai svp - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 07-10-2007 à 19:11:12    

English report
This report describes my work placement on 18 to 29 June 2007. It comes within the framework of my study of B.T.S. Europlastic. I did my internship in PLASTI RAPID which is an injection molding plant situated in Yzeure. PLASTI RAPID is a subsidiary company of DIAM INTERNATIONNAL, a big firm who makes business with luxury cosmetics brands such as Dior, Estée Lauder, Clinique…  
Created in 1987, PLASTI RAPID is dedicated to supplying its clients with a complete range of products and services at the point of sale. Its activity is around three main axes who are pilfer proof systems, shelf management systems and point of sale displays. The factory as a turnover of 4,5 million of Euros yearly. It has a workforce of 43 employees. The plant is constituted by a workshop production where are machines, an engine shop, an assembly area and a management office. It works in relentless from Mondays to Friday with three teams by days.  
My working hours were the usual 8 to 4 ones. The first days I spend all my times on discovered the place and converse with employee. On the mid week .my supervisor showed me how to run machines. For last week, I took part in the production as a mold (fitter) heats attendant and I got opportunity to lead the production of an injection press. At the end of my vocational training, the plant hired me during the two following months.
I believe this work placement was a success as it allowed me to better undertand how the working world operated. I now feel ready to be part of it.


Marsh Posté le 07-10-2007 à 19:11:12   


Marsh Posté le 07-10-2007 à 20:51:05    

Tu l'as écrit en Français et traduit mot à mot en anglais ? ;-)
La conclusion est superbement pompeuse, surtout pour un stage de 10 jours !
C'est pour faire quoi ce rapport ?
C'est pour qui ?


Marsh Posté le 07-10-2007 à 21:05:08    

Salut a toi nico, non j'ai écrit directement en anglais ce qui me passais dans la tete et pour la conclusion il est vrais que je me suis inspiré d'un exemple de rapport.
je suis en bts europlastic et je dois écrire en 300 mots un rapport qui présente le stage de 2 semaine que jé effectué dans une usine de plastique.ensuite je devrai le présenté a l'oral pendant 15 mintes.


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