
Exercices - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 05-11-2010 à 19:43:52    

Bonjour à tous  
J'ai quelques problèmes à résoudre ces exercices en anglais pourriez-vous m'aidez?
Select a short article from an English language news or commentary magazine.
1 Deos the article follow one predominant method of development ?That is,does it mainly compare,or give examples or define,etc?
2 Can you identify individual paragraphs which follow the methods studied in this book?
3 Do some methods seem to carry on over more than one paragrah ?Give an exemple.
4 Is the terminator a restatement ? How does it conclude the article?
Choose one of your textbooks written in English or a book in your field of interest from the library.Select a chapter you have already read or would like to read.Choose every fourth paragraph for analysis.
1 Identify the method of development used in each paragraph,if possible.
2 Describe how each paragraph is related to the paragraph immediately preceeeding it and following it.
3 Do some paragraphs use more than one method of development?
4 Are there some paragraphs that do not seem to follow the methods of development ? Can you explain how they are developed?
5 Copy the paragraph that you think is organised best. Bring it to the class for discussion.
Read a feature story in an English language newspaper, a Sunday newspaper or magazine,or a popular magazine about general subjects.Choose somethig which interests you.
1What method of development does the author use in the first paragraph?
2How does the author catch your interest in the first paragraph ?
3Does the first paragraph tell you what the remainder of the article is going to be about?
4Does it show you what method of development will be followed in the remainder of the article ?
5In what way does the subject matter of the article determine which method of development is used? For example, a biography of a famous person would include some paragraphs using time as a method of development.
Write a short essay about one aspect of your chosen field of study.Your essay might inlude paragraphs of the following types:
DEFINITION of the field or your area of interest within the field.
LIST the various branches or divisions which make up the field.
EXAMPLES of the contributions of the field.
COMPARE or CONTRAST your field with another or others.
EXPLAIN an important process or method in your field.
List CAUSES for interest in the field.
LIST EFFECTS of studying in your field.    


Marsh Posté le 05-11-2010 à 19:43:52   


Marsh Posté le 05-11-2010 à 22:41:36    

No pain, no gain.

„Ich kann, weil ich will, was ich muss.“ I. Kant

Marsh Posté le 06-11-2010 à 00:41:23    

La réponse D  :o


Marsh Posté le 06-11-2010 à 10:03:22    

Obi wann Kenobi  [:djidee]

"ty [djidee] en tout cas pour toutes tes réponses, je pensais que tu ne faisais que troller" (MP reçu le 17/06/2011)

Marsh Posté le 08-11-2010 à 12:31:52    

Up, je ne sais pas comment créer un topic, mais j'aimerais savoir comment dit on "j'ai nettement l'impression" en anglais. Merci.


Marsh Posté le 08-11-2010 à 12:35:07    

Ca ne s'écrit déjà pas en français...
nb: cf Black eyed peas sinon :o

Trouvé sur P1/T1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHEVIc_onN4

Marsh Posté le 08-11-2010 à 12:49:54    

co co ri co a écrit :

Ca ne s'écrit déjà pas en français...


nb: cf Black eyed peas sinon :o


I gotta feeling you're right! :d

Message édité par slr56 le 08-11-2010 à 12:50:25

Marsh Posté le 08-11-2010 à 13:34:31    

you've been very helpful.


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