Please correction anglais

Please correction anglais - Aide aux devoirs - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 10-01-2009 à 12:55:44    

Bjr, je vais dire sa à l'oral pouvez vous corriger svp. Merci
We will begin with a presentation of the maritime sector. In second part we will evaluate the various costs which can influence transport. Third we will speak about environmental interest.
1. Presentation of the maritime transport
For Europe, maritime transport has been a strong point of economic development and prosperity throughout Europe’s history. Maritime Transport enables the trade exchanges and the contacts between all the European nations. It ensures the security of supply of energy, food and commodities and provides the main vehicle for the European imports and exports to the rest of the world. Today, 90% of the EU external freight trade is seaborne.
In UE the maritime transport is the most important transport for the carriage of goods. It covers the main part of the raw materials (oil, coal, iron ore, cereals, bauxite, alumina, phosphates, mainly). Also the maritime transport covers the transport of beforehand conditioned products presented in the form of paperboards, cases, pallets, barrels, which one calls of the various goods.  
Overall, the maritime industries are an important source of employment and income for the European economy.
The maritime sector is international and dynamic.  
The increased internationalization of the industry of the maritime transport resulted in changes concerning the management of the boats, new technological development and the training of sailors with from various cultures and different languages.  
2. Costs of the maritime transport
The maritime transport is composed of various stations which influence its cost.  
The price of oil will modify its total cost as well as logistics and the infrastructures which will accomodate it.  
In the same way the taxes will influence the price and the way which a ship will use.  
But the principal station is oil. Indeed if this one increases, to see disappears, the world economy which is very related to the maritime transport.
3. Environmental interest
The maritime transport is the least polluting per ton of transported goods.  
But the commercial world fleet emitted in 2007 1,12 billion T of CO2, either 4,5% of the total emissions, or, as comparison in 2006 the equivalent of the total emissions of two countries like France.
The marine diesels is a powerful gas for purpose of greenhouse; the more important fourth. Its heating capacity is of 296 times that of CO2.
The International Chamber off Shipping recognizes that the 60.000 ships that it represents are responsible for approximately 10% of the nitrogen and sulphur emissions.  
while the terrestrial emissions strongly decreased since 1990.


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2009 à 12:55:44   


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2009 à 17:38:48    

I'm really sorry but it'd be too long to correct all the mistakes you're about to make in your oral presentation. [...] skills.pdf

Message édité par dcmp le 10-01-2009 à 20:08:30

Marsh Posté le 10-01-2009 à 17:57:28    

thank you but some one can help me.... please..............


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2009 à 19:52:50    

Hello can help me!!!????


Marsh Posté le 10-01-2009 à 20:44:10    

caramelless a écrit :

First, we will begin with a presentation of present the maritime sector. In second part Then, we will evaluate the various costs which can influence on transport. Third Eventually, we will speak talk about environmental interest (= intérêt écologique ?).
1. Presentation of the maritime transport
For In Europe, maritime transport has been a strong point of economic development and prosperity throughout Europe’s history. Maritime transport enables the trade exchanges and the contacts between all the European nations. It ensures the security of supply of energy (= qu'as-tu voulu dire ?), food and commodities and provides the main vehicles for the European imports and exports to the rest of the world. Today, 90% of the EU external freight trade is seaborne.
In UE EU (non ?) the maritime transport is the most important transport for the carriage of goods. It covers the main part of the raw materials (oil, coal, iron ore, cereals, bauxite, alumina, phosphates, mainly). Also Moreover, the maritime transport covers the transport of beforehand conditioned products presented in the form of paperboards, cases, pallets, barrels, which one calls of the various goods (pas compris la fin de la phrase).  
Overall, the maritime industries are an important source of employment and income for the European economy.
The Maritime sector is international and dynamic.  
The increased internationalization of the industry of the maritime transport resulted in changes (= ????) concerning the management of the boats, new technological development and the training of sailors with from various cultures and different languages.  
2. Costs of the maritime transport
The Maritime transport is composed of various stations which influence its cost.  
The price of oil Oil price will modify its total cost as well as logistics and the infrastructures which will accomodate it.  
In the same way the taxes will influence the price and the way which a ship will use (= ???).  
But the principal station is oil. Indeed if this one increases, to see disappears (= ???), the world economy of the world which is very related to the maritime transport (la suite ??? "si ça augmente, l'économie du monde qui est très... va ???).
3. Environmental interest
The Maritime transport is the least less polluting pollutant per ton of transported goods.  
But the commercial world fleet emitted in 2007 1,12 billion T of CO2, either 4,5% of the total emissions, or, as comparison in 2006 the equivalent of the total emissions of two countries like France.
The marine diesels is a powerful gas for purpose of greenhouse; the more important fourth. Its heating capacity is of 296 times that of CO2.
The International Chamber off Shipping recognizes that the 60.000 ships that it represents are responsible for approximately 10% of the nitrogen and sulphur emissions.  
while the terrestrial emissions strongly decreased since 1990.

Bon, je n'ai pas corrigé la fin mais on a l'impression que ça été traduit par un traducteur automatique parfois...
Je ne suis pas sûre de ma correction, donc il faudrait que quelqu'un vérifie et corrige éventuellement.

Message édité par Meloti le 10-01-2009 à 20:44:37

When I Was Trapped In The Darkness And Couldn't See The Light, I Was Waiting For The Helping Hand...

Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 11:09:44    

thank you! oui en effet le traducteur automatique m'a bcp aidé, merci encore!


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 18:21:55    

We will are going to begin with a presentation of the maritime sector. In second part we will evaluate the various costs which can influence this kind oftransport. Third we will speak about environmental ecological interest.


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 18:22:01    

1. Presentation of the maritime transport
For Europe, maritime transport has been was a strong great point of economic development and prosperity wealth throughout Europe history. Maritime Transport enables the trade exchanges and the contacts between all the European nations. It ensures the security of supply of energy, food and commodities and provides the main vehicle for the European imports and exports to the rest of the world. Today In our days, 90% of the EU external freight trade is seaborne.


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 19:51:54    

Thank you all of you are very nice pepole


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 19:54:40    

rem4108 a écrit :

We will are going to begin with a presentation of the maritime sector. In second part we will evaluate the various costs which can influence this kind oftransport. Third we will speak about environmental ecological interest.

Environmental = écologique aussi :o

When I Was Trapped In The Darkness And Couldn't See The Light, I Was Waiting For The Helping Hand...

Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 19:54:40   


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 19:56:25    

Puisque tu parles sans arrêt anglais sur ce topic français, pourquoi ne t'évertue pas à corriger toi même la traduction automatique? :o


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 20:04:34    

je l'ai fé je suis nulle jé fé de mon mieux


Marsh Posté le 11-01-2009 à 22:27:39    

caramelless a écrit :

je l'ai fé je suis nulle jé fé de mon mieux

Vaut mieux qu'elle parle en anglais vu les fautes d'orthographe en français :ouch:.

When I Was Trapped In The Darkness And Couldn't See The Light, I Was Waiting For The Helping Hand...

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