Msc Economics: Sorbonne PSME vs. Uni Nottingham?

Msc Economics: Sorbonne PSME vs. Uni Nottingham? - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 25-03-2012 à 17:22:23    

je viens d'etre acceptée dans le M1 d'Economie de PSME (Paris I Sorbonne), ainsi que dans le Msc Economics and Development Economics de l'Université de Nottingham (UK).  
Je voudrais savoir si qqun connait bien ces deux institutions, et quel master je devrais choisir si je veux dans le futur travailler pour une organisation internationale (le champ du développement m'attire bien évidemment).  
Pour info, je ne suis pas francaise et j'ai une double licence en management international en Espagne et Allemagne (je me demande donc aussi si faire un master de deux ans à la Sorbonne serait plus pertinent qu'un master d'un an à Nottingham...).  
Please help!  Merci d'avance.


Marsh Posté le 25-03-2012 à 17:22:23   


Marsh Posté le 24-04-2012 à 23:27:21    

Hi Juju,
I just came across this message by accident, but I am a current PSME student so here is what I would say (I've just taken the liberty to reply in English).
PSME is a great program with motivated and good students from all over the world, especially the 20 or so Chinese doing the double degree with Fudan are crazy good at the more mathsy stuff but also the "others" are quite decent. The first semester can be tough as it introduces all the quantitive subjects and you feel like you're in exams all the time. The second semester is easier, although you study many more things.  
The good thing about having two years is that you will get a general background in economics and then specialise somewhere you are most interested in. I suppose you are most interested in the M2 Mondalisation or ETE? These are competitive programs and many of the people who do them after psme end up doing PhDs or are working/interning at places like the OECD. Furthermore, being in Paris you are close to these kinds of institutions and you will be able to improve your French, which is a plus if you want to work in international organisations.
However, the French university system can at times be very frustrating because of the crappy facilities, teaching style of some professors and regulations. Most of all, if you want to go somewhere that is not finance or a phd/development this programme might not be your thing (as I have experienced I must admit...). When you are used to a lot of (extracurricular) things going on at uni, forget about that. The only things that you can do is go to lectures or visit the liberary.
Otherwise, if you want to live in a great city like Paris and are motivated to become a well-rounded economist I would say go for PSME. If you have not made a decision already let me know what you decide!


Marsh Posté le 29-05-2013 à 22:38:54    

Hi I was hoping you could help me! I'm trying to decide between MMEF and PSME at Paris-1.  Do you know which one is more rigorous or time consuming?  I want to make sure I enjoy my time while I am in Paris, how much time did you have outside class while in PSME?  
Thanks for your help!

waltermelon a écrit :

Hi Juju,
I just came across this message by accident, but I am a current PSME student so here is what I would say (I've just taken the liberty to reply in English).
PSME is a great program with motivated and good students from all over the world, especially the 20 or so Chinese doing the double degree with Fudan are crazy good at the more mathsy stuff but also the "others" are quite decent. The first semester can be tough as it introduces all the quantitive subjects and you feel like you're in exams all the time. The second semester is easier, although you study many more things.  
The good thing about having two years is that you will get a general background in economics and then specialise somewhere you are most interested in. I suppose you are most interested in the M2 Mondalisation or ETE? These are competitive programs and many of the people who do them after psme end up doing PhDs or are working/interning at places like the OECD. Furthermore, being in Paris you are close to these kinds of institutions and you will be able to improve your French, which is a plus if you want to work in international organisations.
However, the French university system can at times be very frustrating because of the crappy facilities, teaching style of some professors and regulations. Most of all, if you want to go somewhere that is not finance or a phd/development this programme might not be your thing (as I have experienced I must admit...). When you are used to a lot of (extracurricular) things going on at uni, forget about that. The only things that you can do is go to lectures or visit the liberary.
Otherwise, if you want to live in a great city like Paris and are motivated to become a well-rounded economist I would say go for PSME. If you have not made a decision already let me know what you decide!


Marsh Posté le 29-05-2013 à 22:38:54    

Hi I was hoping you could help me! I'm trying to decide between MMEF and PSME at Paris-1.  Do you know which one is more rigorous or time consuming?  I want to make sure I enjoy my time while I am in Paris, how much time did you have outside class while in PSME?  
Thanks for your help!

waltermelon a écrit :

Hi Juju,
I just came across this message by accident, but I am a current PSME student so here is what I would say (I've just taken the liberty to reply in English).
PSME is a great program with motivated and good students from all over the world, especially the 20 or so Chinese doing the double degree with Fudan are crazy good at the more mathsy stuff but also the "others" are quite decent. The first semester can be tough as it introduces all the quantitive subjects and you feel like you're in exams all the time. The second semester is easier, although you study many more things.  
The good thing about having two years is that you will get a general background in economics and then specialise somewhere you are most interested in. I suppose you are most interested in the M2 Mondalisation or ETE? These are competitive programs and many of the people who do them after psme end up doing PhDs or are working/interning at places like the OECD. Furthermore, being in Paris you are close to these kinds of institutions and you will be able to improve your French, which is a plus if you want to work in international organisations.
However, the French university system can at times be very frustrating because of the crappy facilities, teaching style of some professors and regulations. Most of all, if you want to go somewhere that is not finance or a phd/development this programme might not be your thing (as I have experienced I must admit...). When you are used to a lot of (extracurricular) things going on at uni, forget about that. The only things that you can do is go to lectures or visit the liberary.
Otherwise, if you want to live in a great city like Paris and are motivated to become a well-rounded economist I would say go for PSME. If you have not made a decision already let me know what you decide!


Marsh Posté le 29-05-2013 à 22:51:19    

tmpgm a écrit :

Hi I was hoping you could help me! I'm trying to decide between MMEF and PSME at Paris-1.  Do you know which one is more rigorous or time consuming?  I want to make sure I enjoy my time while I am in Paris, how much time did you have outside class while in PSME?  


Thanks for your help!



i will do the MMEF next year (maybe with you ;) )
you must pay the rest of the fees by june 1st so you have to choose quickly ^^"


its quite simple to choose, both are not in the same field
MMEF is an applied mathematics graduate whereas PSME is an economics graduate
anyway with the MMEF ou can do the QEM 2 or M2 ETE and after a doctorate in PSE or Paris 1 or in a associated partner (LBS , Louvain etc)
so even if you choose MMEF you can still do a doctorate in economics or mathematics but if you choose PSME you have only economics phd

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 29-05-2013 à 22:54:36

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