Hedge Fund France/UK/USA - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes
Marsh Posté le 20-10-2013 à 18:19:46
Salut a toi
Je crois que la plupart des intervenants intéressés sont sur le topic finance de marché. Il y a aussi un topoc Asset Management il me semble. Néanmoins je pense qu'un sujet de spécialistes serait bien.
Je pense que tu devrais déjà définir proprement un hedge fund dans ton message de FP pour éviter les erreurs avec l'AM. Juste pour éviter de voir débarquer nimporte qui ...
Sinon, le vrai HF
Marsh Posté le 21-10-2013 à 15:12:27
Hello Biswas ! merci de ton soutien et je pense que les HF meritent leur propre topic
Marsh Posté le 21-10-2013 à 15:16:15
voici une petite definition des HF, cest en anglais mais soyons fous!
Jaime bien parce que ca distingue vraiment du private equity:
A hedge fund is a pooled investment vehicle administered by a professional management firm, and often structured as a limited partnership, limited liability company, or similar vehicle.[1][2] They are usually distinguished from private equity funds, which use the more illiquid investment strategies associated with private equity. Hedge funds invest in a diverse range of markets and use a wide variety of investment styles and financial instruments.[2] The name "hedge fund" is an artifact of the original purpose of such funds: to provide investors with an offsetting hedge against other, riskier investments. But today hedge funds do not necessarily hedge.[3] Hedge funds usually are structured to minimize regulatory oversight; they are made available only to certain sophisticated or accredited investors and cannot be offered or sold to the general public.[3]
Hedge funds are most often open-ended and allow additions or withdrawals by their investors. A hedge fund's value is calculated as a share of the fund's net asset value, meaning that increases and decreases in the value of the fund's investment assets (and fund expenses) are directly reflected in the amount an investor can later withdraw.
Many hedge fund investment strategies aim to achieve a positive return on investment regardless of whether markets are rising or falling ("absolute return" ). Hedge fund managers often invest money of their own in the fund they manage, which serves to align their own interests with those of the investors in the fund.[4][5] A hedge fund typically pays its investment manager an annual management fee, which is a percentage of the assets of the fund, and a performance fee if the fund's net asset value increases during the year. Some hedge funds have several billion dollars of assets under management (AUM). As of 2009, hedge funds represented 1.1% of the total funds and assets held by financial institutions.[6] As of June 2013, the estimated size of the global hedge fund industry was US$2.4 trillion.
Marsh Posté le 21-10-2013 à 20:33:10
un copier/coller de wikipedia. ca commence bien
Marsh Posté le 22-10-2013 à 03:14:22
je sais je suis un peu en rush mais les contributions sont les bienvenues
Marsh Posté le 22-10-2013 à 05:53:32
Biswas a écrit : Salut a toi |
C'est ton HF perso Mr Biswas ?
Marsh Posté le 20-10-2013 à 06:20:34
Hello tout le monde !
Je lance un topic sur les hedge fund en France et au UK et meme USA:
- les acteurs majeurs
- day-to-day work
- les differents types de hedge fund
- rémunération
et tout autre contribution
ladies and gentlmen: a vos claviers !!