réputation - éudes à l'UQAM Help !!!

réputation - éudes à l'UQAM Help !!! - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 10-11-2008 à 20:57:12    

Salut a tous,
je suis ingénieur informatique et je voudrais faire un MBA a l"UQAM mais je n'ai pas trouvé de sites sérieux pour avoir des infos sur la qualité des cours, la réputation de ces universités canadiennes.
Si quelqu'un a déja été en cours la bas ,ses infos seront les bienvenus?
Auriez vous un exemple de lettre de motivation pour faire un MBA dans un école à l'étranger ?


Marsh Posté le 10-11-2008 à 20:57:12   


Marsh Posté le 10-11-2008 à 21:47:50    

L'ESG UQAM est accrédité par equis, ce qui prouve que c'est quand même une école assez sérieuse et reconnu. Sinon j'ai pas plus d'info que ca. Pour ta lettre de motivation :

Citation :

Dear Sir or Madam:  
I am writing to apply for the Master’s Programme in Business Administration.  
After completing the Master's Programme, I plan to continue my education and obtain a Ph.D. in Management. My objective is to become a faculty member at a leading university and investigate issues concerned with Management as it affects organizational strategy, structure, and systems.  
I have a Bachelor Degree in Economics from Dauphine University in France. After graduation and ten years of work, I have become an executive manager of a medical services company. I was responsible for all business matters, including administrative, financial, and marketing functions.  
I have always endeavored to upgrade my education in the field of business. In January 1999, I was accepted in a full-time Master program in the American University of Roma in Peru. I successfully passed eight courses. In May 2000, I moved to the University of Southern in US to complete my degree. I was a full-time Master finance student and I have successfully passed nine Master courses. Through my courses, I have developed a strong analytical and creative business mind.  
I started as Marketing and Sales Assistant in my first job in my country and then I promoted to Vice-President Marketing in the same company. Then when I went to Kent, I worked as Public Relations Manager and Insurance Manager in Doritos for one year and half. When I went to USA, I worked as Assistant Manager of Gemini for almost a year. Then I worked for Bank of America as District Sales Manager for seven months before coming back to my country. Twelve years of experience working in diverse positions and companies in three different countries with complete different work environment and culture has taught me to manage daily administrative and financial activities. I am fluent in English and also I have enough knowledge of French.  
To further prepare myself better for the program, I completed a course in Strategic Planning in Faculty of Economics in York University. I have also taken courses in e-Commerce and Financial Mathematics in Excel. Moreover, I made extensive use of spreadsheet, word processing, and presentation software packages for analysis and preparation of presentations and reports during my twelve-year work experience.  
I have a strong academic background, as evidenced by my graduate level courses, as well as a solid track record of executive experience. With further education in International Business, I will be able to combine a teaching career with consulting business on management issues. I will understand the latest theories of management combined with strong real world experience that will allow me to develop interesting and significant topics for further study and channel my educational and managerial skills into providing unique business solutions. I am confident that the Master’s Programme in International Business offered by Southampton University will provide me the knowledge, confidence, and contacts to realize my dreams.  
Thank you very much for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.  
Sincerely yours,

Message édité par golf17 le 10-11-2008 à 21:48:49

Marsh Posté le 10-11-2008 à 22:38:44    

canadawestindies a écrit :

Salut a tous,
je suis ingénieur informatique et je voudrais faire un MBA a l"UQAM mais je n'ai pas trouvé de sites sérieux pour avoir des infos sur la qualité des cours, la réputation de ces universités canadiennes.
Si quelqu'un a déja été en cours la bas ,ses infos seront les bienvenus?
Auriez vous un exemple de lettre de motivation pour faire un MBA dans un école à l'étranger ?

L'UQAM éprouve des difficultés financières en ce moment. J'ai étudié dans cette université un an et durant mes deux sessions, il y a eu plusieurs grèves qui ont perturbées mes cours (retards, chapitres non abordés...). Sinon pour la qualité des cours, c'est 50-50. Certains étaient bon, d'autres étaient franchement médiocre.


Marsh Posté le 11-11-2008 à 11:41:28    

cf http://forum.hardware.fr/hfr/Emplo [...] 1957_1.htm

Vulnerant omnes, ultima necat. / "les vrais privilégiés ne sont pas les fonctionnaires comme on le dit souvent mais les salariés des grands groupes"/"Avoir l'esprit ouvert n'est pas l'avoir béant à toutes les sottises." Jean Rostand

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