Talk about quant analyst

Talk about quant analyst - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 31-05-2011 à 10:32:24    

I am fundamental analyst, and I want to be a quant analyst.  
I am doing the studies on BIAS. And I have a problem for calculation.
The bias = (Close price-MA)/MA * 100%, and the bias change with the MA, since we can choose the different period limit, ex. 10 days, 60 days, etc.
I will get the different bias rates, and with each rate, the price has the possibility to rebound. I will calculate the possibility for each bias rate.  
SO does someone have any idea for the calculation?


Marsh Posté le 31-05-2011 à 10:32:24   


Marsh Posté le 31-05-2011 à 12:42:31    

we are in france we speak french  [:clem104:2]


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