DD mourant? resultat analyse speedfan

DD mourant? resultat analyse speedfan - Disque dur - Hardware

Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 10:13:58    

edit il fait parfois des ecran bleau a l'arret de windows
speedfan, resultat du test smart
Almost every EIDE or SATA hard disk includes S.M.A.R.T. data. That information is collected by the drive itself and contains data that the manufacturer considered relevant to check reliability. The data is made up of several attributes that have a current value, a worst one, a threshold, some raw data, and some flags. Basically, when any attribute's current value is below its threshold, the hard disk is considered unreliable and likely to fail. By using several techniques, this report tries to give a wider range of info, basing its analysis on advanced comparisons with normal values based on real hard disks and on expert-like checks. The final results are not to be taken as an absolute truth, but they are a very good approach to what a professional would say about your hard disk status.
Your hard disk is a ST380021A with firmware 3.19.
The average temperature for this hard disk is 37C (MIN=24C MAX=49C) and yours is 41C.
Your hard disk's S.M.A.R.T. attributes are now being analyzed and a full report about the reliability, health and status of your hard disk is generated:
Your hard disk is not below any attribute threshold. This is good.
Your hard disk was never below any attribute threshold. This is good.
Your hard disk is now being compared to real data used to define normal values for your specific hard disk model. This way, the analysis can automatically use proper operating ranges. The images give you an idea of how each attribute is within such range. Current and raw values are shown for easier reference for experienced users. There are 2166 hard disk models in the current archive.  
   Attribute   Current   Raw   Overall
  Raw Read Error Rate  84  152481763  Very good
  Spin Up Time  70  0  Normal
  Start/Stop Count  100  142  Very good
  Reallocated Sector Count  98  82  Normal
  Seek Error Rate  86  423177718  Very good
  Power On Hours Count  78  19523  Normal
  Spin Retry Count  100  0  Very good
  Power Cycle Count  98  2202  Good
  Hardware ECC Recovered  84  152481763  Very good
  Current Pending Sector  100  0  Very good
  Offline Uncorrectable Sector Count  100  0  Very good
  Ultra DMA CRC Error Rate  200  0  Very good
  Write Error Rate  100  0  Very good
  TA Increase Count  99  1  Very good
All of the attributes of your hard disk have normal values. This is good.
NOTE : your hard disk has 82 reallocated sectors. Hard disks do have spare sectors (usually from 256 up to 1024) used to replace bad ones. This remapping operation is transparent to the end user. Anyway, this can lead to degradated performances (because remapped sectors are in different places of the disk than the original ones and the head needs additional moving). If reallocated sectors grow over time, you might encounter some serious troubles. A backup of the most important data is suggested anyway.  
The overall fitness for this drive is 77%.
The overall performance for this drive is 99%.
The link to get back and see a new report about this hard disk in the future is this. Consider that new hard disks and new checks are added over time.
voila vous en pensez quoi? :??:


Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 10:13:58   


Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 11:10:50    

une idée?


Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 11:28:36    

Ton dd qui va mourir
si tu peux sauvegarder les donnees dessus avant qu'il ne soit trop tard...


Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 11:34:12    

sa fait 2ans qu'il est dans cet etat :ange: , ce qui me gene sont les ecrans bleu a l'arret parfois
sinon le diagnostique est mauvais?


Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 11:35:16    

Peux-tu mettre en rouge ce qui t'alarme ?
Qu'est-ce qui te fait penser que c'est le DD qui provoque les BSOD à l'arrêt de Windows ?
Regarde aussi l'observateur d'évènements système, les erreurs ou avertissement DD y figurent, et c'est bien plus pertinent que les données SMART.

Topic ad hoc et sardines >~(((º> - Fromage fondu / ͦ °/

Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 11:39:12    

parce que j'ai changé tous les pieces du pc sauf sa...
alim, carte mere,  ram, cpu , carte graphique enfin tout sauf boitier... et meme avec un windows vide... il arrive souvent  a planter apres  les mises a jour windows

Message édité par Darkblade6666 le 21-09-2008 à 12:32:02

Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 12:39:24    

Bon de toutes façon ce DD est archaïque, direction poubelle sans regrets.
Si tu veux limiter ton budget, prend un Samsung HD250HJ, il est très performant et pas cher du tout : 40€
Tu vas avoir l'impression de changer de PC avec un tel saut de génération, le HD250HJ est environ 3 à 5 fois plus rapide que ton antiquité de Seagate, et infiniment plus silencieux.

Topic ad hoc et sardines >~(((º> - Fromage fondu / ͦ °/

Marsh Posté le 21-09-2008 à 13:00:38    

plus silencieux :??:  cest un barracuda 4 .. pour l'instant j'ai inverser  par un 250go hitachi d'un dd externe...
comme sa il pourra finir ces vieux jours dessus sans regrets
Sinon mon serveur boot sur un 160go maxtor...
ce qui me donne 160+250go+ un autre 80go hitachi
mais c'est vrai que le seageate était lent

Message édité par Darkblade6666 le 21-09-2008 à 13:04:20

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