Bomberman generation - Consoles - Jeux Video
Marsh Posté le 28-02-2003 à 20:49:35
il ressemble à coi ce malotru? je l'ai fini il y a un moment de celà et j'ai plus les niveaux en tête...
Marsh Posté le 01-03-2003 à 13:28:38
Ok c'est le bateau-poulpe:
-Bigbu Cavity (2-6)
Boss Battle! Oh Joy! You will see a ship up ahead, it will shoots fireball
from its three little turrets at you, dodge the fireballs and equip Andlar
and Aqua Ball and make a Big Aqua Bomb and throw it on the ship (try to
aim it on the middle turret) to destroy all three turrets. A big turrent
above it will not shoot larger fireball at you. Avoid it and throw a Big
Aqua Bomb at it and it will blow up, and the battle's over...oh no? the
ship went into another form! This time, the ship will cover itself for
defense and just keep throwing Big Bombs at it and hopefully it will
grab it and stuff the bomb in its mouth and damage itself up, couple more
of this should finish him and you'll get the second Bomb Element, blue.
au fait, tu lis l'anglais
Marsh Posté le 01-03-2003 à 13:29:56
en gros tu prépares des méga bombes dans ta main, et quand il essaye de t'aspirer, tu lu en laches une dans le gosier
Marsh Posté le 28-02-2003 à 16:51:54
J'arrive pas a niquer le 2ème boss du 2-6 ! Si qq sait qu'il me reponde svp.