Sensible Soccer sur GBA, ça vous intéresse ?

Sensible Soccer sur GBA, ça vous intéresse ? - Consoles - Jeux Video

Marsh Posté le 18-09-2003 à 09:46:05    

Une pétition pour que CodeMasters adapte sur GBA sensible Soccer circule actuellement sur le net, en voici l'adresse :
Il y a actuellement plus de 1760 signatures. Ca coute rien de signer si vous êtes fans ;)

Citation :

Dear Codemasters,  
As lovers of video games and in particular "Sensible Soccer", in all of it's original 2D guises but especially "Sensible World Of Soccer (SWOS)", many gamers long to see an updated version of the game that can be played easily on modern systems and enjoyed by the latest generation of gamers.  
Understandably, the market dictates that a game such as "Sensible Soccer" would not be viable on next generation systems such as the PlayStation 2, Xbox, Gamecube, PC or Mac. However the game is perfectly suited to the Gameboy Advance (GBA) and with the recent trend in retro-chic is likely to be a commercial success.  
Retro-remake games that have done well on the GBA are plentiful, examples include: Super Mario World, Sonic, Mario Kart, Doom and Street Fighter 2 to name just a few. All of these titles are as old, if not older than "Sensible Soccer", and go to show that gamers still recognise a great game and are prepared to invest in such well known games when they are released.  
If "Sensible Soccer" was produced for the GBA with the same 2D game play, but with updated team stats and the addition of GBA specific features such as multi-player link-up, you can rest assured soccer fans both old and new would buy this classic game whether they own a GBA or not, in fact every signature on this petition could be considered a customer already.  

Mes guitares, ampli, et effets sont en vente !

Marsh Posté le 18-09-2003 à 09:46:05   


Marsh Posté le 18-09-2003 à 23:25:01    

a voté :)


Marsh Posté le 18-09-2003 à 23:33:36    

Sinon il reste toujours la possibilité de voir un émulateur Amiga ou Atari St sortir sur GBA :)

Mes guitares, ampli, et effets sont en vente !

Marsh Posté le 18-09-2003 à 23:37:24    


Marsh Posté le 19-09-2003 à 00:27:16    

Rha c'était bon ça sur amiga.
Les effets de tueur qu'on pouvait faire en tirant :)


Marsh Posté le 19-09-2003 à 20:23:02    

Threep a écrit :

Rha c'était bon ça sur amiga.
Les effets de tueur qu'on pouvait faire en tirant :)

Ouais ça c'était de la jouabilité.


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