[quake] les sources de quake2 dispos !

les sources de quake2 dispos ! [quake] - Programmation

Marsh Posté le 22-12-2001 à 03:45:09    

c'est noël, john carmack pense à nous http://forum.hardware.fr/images/perso/noelgrin.gif
Welcome to id Software's Finger Service V1.5!
Name: John Carmack
Email: johnc@idsoftware.com
Description: Programmer
Last Updated: 12/21/2001 19:07:50 (Central Standard Time)
December 21, 2001
The Quake 2 source code is now available for download, licensed under the GPL.
As with previous source code releases, the game data remains under the original copyright and license, and cannot be freely distributed. If you create a true total conversion, you can give (or sell) a complete package away, as long as you abide by the GPL source code license. If your projects use the original Quake 2 media, the media must come from a normal, purchased copy of the game.
I'm sure I will catch some flack about increased cheating after the source release, but there are plenty of Q2 cheats already out there, so you are already in the position of having to trust the other players to a degree. The problem is really only solvable by relying on the community to police itself, because it is a fundamentally unwinnable technical battle to make a  completely cheat proof game of this type. Play with your friends.


[edtdd]--Message édité par youdontcare--[/edtdd]


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2001 à 03:45:09   


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2001 à 09:55:21    

Arf, avant moi ;)


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2001 à 11:57:52    


What butter and whiskey won't cure, there is no cure for.

Marsh Posté le 22-12-2001 à 12:08:24    

euh ... G deja posé la question ds l'otre topic mais ........ C koa un code source ?? :p je sais ca peut etre con comme question mais chui un chtit newbie !!!    :D


Marsh Posté le 22-12-2001 à 12:10:35    

c le code qui est a la source d'un programme :D  :p

What butter and whiskey won't cure, there is no cure for.

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