Nouveau : WinDVD Platinum - Traitement Vidéo - Video & Son
Marsh Posté le 28-11-2002 à 15:12:39 [...] VDPlatinum
WinDVD Platinum is InterVideo's latest version of WinDVD which is a simple-to-use DVD player that combines all the features of a standard consumer DVD player and offers much more. WinDVD Platinum is the ultimate DVD player with advanced audio and video functions, not found anywhere else.
WinDVD Platinum gives you all the great features of WinDVD 4 like time stretching, screen capture and TV-out support and adds a dozen new extras like:
DivX? Support: Finally a good player for the DivX movies popping up all over the Web. WinDVD Platinum not only plays DivX movies but also lets you watch DivX with all WinDVD's killer features.
Dolby Virtual Speaker: A brand new technology that uses advanced algorithms to replicate 5.1 surround sound over just 2 speakers for a sound so rich you have to hear it to believe it. And speaking of awesome sound, WinDVD Platinum also adds 24 bit/ 96kHz audio support for rich, studio-quality audio.
Improved Video: WinDVD Platinum's new Movieffecter filter improves images on computer monitors with sharper lines and cleaner edges and advanced deinterlacing translates complex video streams into the best image possible.
WinDVD Platinum also features support for DTS, gamma correction, SRS Headphone, LanguageMate, Windows Media support, video effects and much, much more.
DivX Support:
DivX movies are popping up all over the web like mushrooms. The high resolution and small file size of DivX movies make them popular with movie fans of all ages. WinDVD Platinum doesn't just play DivX movies, it's the ultimate DivX player with all the advanced features that make WinDVD the world's most popular DVD player.
Je l'ai mais c il se connecte a internet le bougre faut le bloquer c pas bien ca!
Marsh Posté le 28-11-2002 à 15:17:11
Bon ben en tout cas j'ai un gros pb avec lui ... il arrete pas de me demander confirmation de la zone. Quan je choisi et que je clique sur OK la fenetre disparait 2 seconde puis reapparait ...
Marsh Posté le 28-11-2002 à 13:30:40
Je suis en train de la telecharger, je vais voir ce que ca donne
On peut a present lire les DivX ...
Gamertag: CoteBlack YeLL