Microsoft presente NGSCB (ex Palladium) - Sécurité - Windows & Software
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2003 à 23:03:55
ben au moins, ils évitent pas les questions et leur réponses sont plutôt plausibles.
maintenant, la vrai question, c'est sommes nous prêt à faire confiance à Microsoft quand il nous dit ça ?
Pour ma part, non, je ne lui ferais pas confiance.
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2003 à 23:10:21
Pour leur première réponse, c'est invérifiable sans les sources..
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2003 à 23:32:20
Just wait & see...mais j'ai encore des doutes tant qu'on pourra pas vérifier par nous-mêmes
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2003 à 23:35:54
Bon gré, mal gré on utilisera leur technologie un jour donc...
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2003 à 23:44:57
_2K_ a écrit : Bon gré, mal gré on utilisera leur technologie un jour donc... |
c'est sur que si tout le monde pense ça, ça se verifiera ...
Marsh Posté le 08-05-2003 à 00:35:44
Babouchka a écrit : |
bah le pb n'est pas la... des que les entreprises commenceront a utiliser ces trucs la, on sera obliger d'y passer... (enfin si le systeme n'a pas change depuis les premieres news que j'ai lu sur le palladium) vu que la compatibilite sera restreinte...
et les entreprises vont y passer c sur....
Marsh Posté le 08-05-2003 à 01:38:23
Sujet à lire également :
Palladium / Tcpa : Microsoft veut tout controler
pour ou contre le systeme palladium ?
Marsh Posté le 07-05-2003 à 22:52:18
Bizarrement je n'ai pas encore vu de topic sur la presentation aujourd'hui au WinHEC de la deja fameuse technollogie NGSCB (Next-Generation Secure Computing Base, Palladium au moins c'etait plus court
Je n'ai que rapidement lu tout, mais ca l'air au 1er abord plutot interessant, et pour le moment Microsoft se defend de toute intention invasive dans l'utilisation de nos PC.
Interview de 2 pontes de Microsoft sur le sujet : [...] 7NGSCB.asp
La FAQ NGSCB : [...] /NGSCB.asp
ou on peut lire entre autres :
Q: Won't the FBI, CIA, NSA, etc. want a back door?
A: Microsoft will never voluntarily place a back door in any of its products and would fiercely resist any government attempt to require back doors in products. From a security perspective, such back doors are an unacceptable security risk because they would permit unscrupulous individuals to compromise the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our customers' data and systems. From a business perspective, such products would not be marketable, either domestically or internationally. Equally important, deliberately inserting such vulnerabilities would undermine Microsoft's reputation in the marketplace as a trusted vendor. For these reasons and others, we would oppose any such government efforts, as we did during the encryption debate.
Q: Will I still be able to play MP3s on my PC?
A: You will. NGSCB will bring additional capabilities to the PC but will not interfere with the operation of any program that runs on current PCs. The nexus and nexus computing agents are designed never to impose themselves on processes that do not request their services; nexus-related features must be explicitly requested by a program. So the MP3 player you have today should still work on a next-generation PC tomorrow.
Q: Can Linux, FreeBSD, or another open source OS run on hardware developed for the NGSCB architecture?
A: Virtually anything that runs on a Windows-based machine today will still run on a NGSCB machine (there are some esoteric exceptions*; if you currently have a machine that runs both Linux and Windows, you would be able to have that same functionality on an NGSCB machine).
Q: Some people have claimed that running the Windows OS with the nexus will enable Microsoft or other parties to detect and remotely delete unlicensed software from my PC. Is this true?
A: This is not true. Running the Windows OS with the nexus will not include mechanisms that delete or disable any content or file that currently runs. In fact, the NGSCB architecture is built on the premise that no policy will be imposed that is not approved by the user. Microsoft is firmly opposed to putting "policing functions" into nexus-aware PCs and we do not intend to do so. A machine?s owner?whether an individual or enterprise?has sole discretion to determine what programs run on the nexus-aware system. Programs that run under nexus-aware systems, just like programs that run under Windows, will do whatever they are allowed to do, based on the security settings on the user's machine. NGSCB not only respects existing user controls, it strengthens them.