PB Exmerge Exchange 2000

PB Exmerge Exchange 2000 - Windows & Software

Marsh Posté le 07-09-2004 à 22:02:06    

Je suis dans l'incapacité de faire des PST de BAL avec Exmerge sous Exchange  
Je précise que je suis bien "Administrateur Integral Exchange", j'ai les  
droits "Receive as", "Send as" et contrôle total sur la "Banque de boîte aux  
lettres" des BAL concernées.
Exchange et Exmege sont en SP3.
Voici le message d'erreur dans le log d'Exmerge:  "Store 'MSPST MS' was not  
Merci à vous,


Marsh Posté le 07-09-2004 à 22:02:06   


Marsh Posté le 07-09-2004 à 22:34:49    

J'ai eu le meme soucis la semaine deniere :

Citation :

The Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened or Store 'MSEMS' was not opened errors might be seen in the ExMerge log file (ExMerge.log) after merging data from the recovery storage group has failed. These errors typically indicate a language localization mismatch problem. The errors can usually be resolved by entering the correct localized names for the MAPI services on which ExMerge depends.
To discover and configure the correct names for MAPI services
In the ExMerge.ini file that is bundled with the ExMerge tool, find the LoggingLevel line and set its value to 3 instead of 0. This enables verbose logging of ExMerge errors.
Run ExMerge again to generate the error condition again. To reduce the output to the log file, select only a single mailbox to merge .
In the ExMerge.log file, find the lines that begin with "Checking service" and that are followed by a "was not opened" error. For example:
[15:02:19] Checking service 'Microsoft Exchange Message Store'
[15:02:19] Checking service 'Personal Folders'
[15:02:19] Store 'MSPST MS' was not opened.
[15:02:19] Ending Routine: EDKRoutines::openStores)
In the ExMerge.ini file, find LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName and remove the semicolon (;) that precedes the line. Then set the value to the service name displayed in the ExMerge.log file. For example:
LocalisedExchangeServerServiceName = Microsoft Exchange Message Store
In the ExMerge.ini file, find LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName and remove the semicolon (;) that precedes the line. Then set the value to the service name displayed in the ExMerge.log file. For example:
LocalisedPersonalFoldersServiceName = Personal Folders


Marsh Posté le 08-09-2004 à 02:07:37    

Excuse moi mais je ne suis pas sur de tout avoir compris n'étant pas vraiment bilingue.
J'ai bien modifié quelques lignes dans Exmerge.ini mais je n'arrive toujours pas à générer des PST...
Je suis un peu perdu. :cry:


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