libre téléchargement - Musique - Discussions
Marsh Posté le 07-02-2004 à 23:04:46
ReplyMarsh Posté le 07-02-2004 à 23:09:18
Change ton titre, tu va rameuter tous les leechers
Marsh Posté le 07-02-2004 à 23:12:01
bon ... moi ... perso ... c'est po mon style de zic
Marsh Posté le 07-02-2004 à 23:16:07
Citation : Marcus digressed from music and spent most of the 1990's telling fortunes and using psychic paraphernalia to outwit the stock market. He does not see any inconsistency between these identities. Rather, he thinks psychic phenomena, stocks, and popular music are common units that cosign each other's insanity. |
Marsh Posté le 07-02-2004 à 22:58:23
j'ai reçu ça :

" Saw your post at the Frank Zappa site. I'm an Indie artist following in the same foot steps as our fearless leader.
60+ songs spanning 6 albums, 3 videos, tons of press; and, COMPLETELY INTERNET BASED.
Would greatly appreciate your feedback and/or support on this work.
If you are a musician and have something on the web to review, let me know. I'd love to take a look.
--Marcus "
y'a des morceaux en libre téléchargement à cette url, si ça peut interresser
Message édité par DANLEJ le 07-02-2004 à 23:10:59
you see ? complete annihilation ! by this means among others we shall overcome any misguided resistance and later reduce your population to scientific limits !