[Freelance] Senior Oracle Developer

Senior Oracle Developer [Freelance] - Annonces d'emplois - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 18-05-2009 à 17:53:12    

 Ci-dessous le descriptif du projet.
1. Language requirement
Sound knowledge of English, French and/or Dutch. (second language has to be English).
2. Localisation of the job
3. Period mission
Start Date : asap
Duration : 12 months with possible extension.
4. Required knowledge and experience
- Personal skills
. Mandatory : - ENTREPRENEURSHIP : Autonomous/entrepreneurship - TEAM SPIRIT : Able to work within a team context - COMMUNICATE THE STORY : Excellent oral and written communication skills (proficiency in English is essential to the role) - DELIVER RESULTS : Must be result-oriented in a pragmatic way, with ability to think creatively and compose a vision
- Business experience required
. Mandatory : - A preceding expertise in data warehouse custom developed Oracle-based applications - A preceding expertise in the financial sector is a differentiator
- Technical experience required
. Mandatory : - Expertise in Oracle SQL and PL/SQL development (>5years) - Expertise with Oracle APEX is a differentiator - Should have at least DBA OCA or a developer OCP on Oracle 9i and above - Relying on the above previous expertise, should be able to deliver scalable solutions in reasonable time-frames using a broad range of Oracle DB features - Should be able to produce technical specs based on functional specs - Should be able to produce a physical data mode
- Functional experience required
. Preferable : Customer Data Management knowledge is an asset
5. Objective of the job
As an Oracle DBA for developer, you will be responsible for the quality and owner of the development methodology and its application by Oracle developers, you will also be responsible for the overall design of the Oracle architecture from a developer's perspective.
For this function you will need to accomplish the following :
- Design/adapt/maintain the Oracle development methodology
- Make sure the chosen methodology is known and respected by all developers
- Assist developers and analysts in modeling the physical (and to some extent the logical) data-model
- Assist/propose and roll-out architectural design relating to Oracle DB in the context of the InfoHub platform
- Develop Oracle PL/SQL and SQL-based solutions inline with Oracle's best practices and inline with client's development standards in the context of fixes relating to performance and architectural choices Perform 3rd line support and night and week-end on-call activity and incident solving.
Si vous êtes disponible et intéressé, merci de me contacter.


Marsh Posté le 18-05-2009 à 17:53:12   


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