avis sur mon ma lettre de motivation en anglais merci de me repondre

avis sur mon ma lettre de motivation en anglais merci de me repondre - Etudes / Orientation - Emploi & Etudes

Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 18:47:04    

Dear sir,  
As a part of my formation in ISAT (Institute Superior of Automobile and Transports) in Nevers, France, I have to carry out a practical training period of 4 months. I would be interested to coming in Great Britain in order to improve my knowledge of the language .I am keen on working for a firm that has a reputation throughout the world, and involves in sport cars racing.  
TVR with the unique design and engine, is the only manufacturer to build such radical and exotic cars. Moreover, the performances of these cars outclass all the best cars of the moment.
For these reasons, I should like to carry out this work experience with TVR in the hope of working for your company in the future.  
I should like to offer to your company my strong motivation and  my sense of responsibility, in order to work in a technical office or on prototypes. I would however be prepared to consider any other positions you may have to offer.
Yours sincerely.


Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 18:47:04   


Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 18:57:49    

tu les brosses peut etre un peu trop non, tu trouves pas? ca aurait été ferari ok mais TVR...


Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 19:19:27    

quand je lis ça je bénis le ciel d'avoir quitté le circuit [:mouais]

Un modérateur n'est pas là que pour emmerder le monde. Il a aussi un rôle important d'organisation de la section, un peu comme un CRS :o

Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 19:22:54    

Bardé de fautes, illisible, pire que le CV...
Le couple gagnant effectivement [:rofl] Le mec qui recoit les deux hallucine bien :D
Je précise que dans le CV du gars se trouve la ligne :  
English: fluent; preparation with the examination of the TOEIC  
Mouahahahaha :D
http://forum.hardware.fr/hardwaref [...] -1.htm#bas

Message édité par Tetedeiench le 18-01-2005 à 19:23:52

Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 21:05:30    

il manque une phrase dans ta lettre:
Translated by google...


Marsh Posté le 18-01-2005 à 23:16:49    

fluent !!!!!!
j'avais pas fait gaffe.  
mais bon peut etre voulait-il qu'on juge le fond plutot que la forme.
j'ai lu entre les lignes mais le coup du "I should like to offer..." entre autre ne passera surement pas.


Marsh Posté le 19-01-2005 à 16:08:34    

dave2047 a écrit :

Dear sir,  
As a part of my formation in ISAT (Institute Superior of Automobile and Transports) in Nevers, France, I have to carry out a practical training period of 4 months. I would be interested to coming in Great Britain in order to improve my knowledge of the language .I am keen on working for a firm that has a reputation throughout the world, and involves in sport cars racing.  
TVR with the unique design and engine, is the only manufacturer to build such radical and exotic cars. Moreover, the performances of these cars outclass all the best cars of the moment.
For these reasons, I should like to carry out this work experience with TVR in the hope of working for your company in the future.
I should like to offer to your company my strong motivation and  my sense of responsibility, in order to work in a technical office or on prototypes. I would however be prepared to consider any other positions you may have to offer.
Yours sincerely.

En gras : incorrect
En italique: pas génial
Et j'en oublie un paquet...
Inspire toi plutôt d'une lettre-type.

Message édité par nazzzzdaq le 19-01-2005 à 16:11:07

Marsh Posté le 19-01-2005 à 16:21:48    

On dirai que tu fais un stage car c obligatoire, il faudrait le tourner autrement, dire que t un balese en tel domaine, que t'as des qualité smais pas dire que tu doit faire un stage obligatoire.
Marque pas que t fluent si tu envoies ce genre de lettre

Message édité par romik le 19-01-2005 à 16:23:20

Marsh Posté le 19-01-2005 à 18:53:51    

pas grand chose à rajouter, sauf qu'en plus je trouve ca un peu court


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2005 à 18:57:27    

Library a écrit :

pas grand chose à rajouter, sauf qu'en plus je trouve ca un peu court

je reveille le topic
voici ma lettre:
 Campus Saint Jérôme
 5 Avenue du Merlan
         21 November 2007
Deluxe Digital Studios
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to apply for a job as a Field Service Engineer in your firm. As you can see in my enclosed curriculum vitae, I am an industrial engineering student at a French engineering school, I am specialised in computer sciences and I graduated in June (French equivalent for an M.Eng). My main reason for wanting to work in your firm is that I want to make a career abroad and your firm is a leading supplier of DVD post production services to some of the largest studio production companies in Hollywood.  
I believe my English is adequate for this job as I have been studying it for several years at school, that I spent 2 months in the USA in 2006 as a trainee.I have a lot of experience working with people and can fit into a team easily, because team work is an essantial part in my studies, as we worked as a team for lot of projects. I believe I have the energy,skills and enthusiasm to make a valuable contribution to Deluxe Digital Studios. I also have great adaptation and resistance to the stress capacities, even when under pressure.  I would certainly be willing to consider any other engineer job you might offer me.
Please find enclosed a copy of my CV. I am fully prepared to be available for interview at your convenience.
I look forward to meeting you.
Yours faithfully.
merci de me dire ce que vous en pensez

Message édité par Gregos2k5 le 22-11-2005 à 19:58:37

Marsh Posté le 22-11-2005 à 18:57:27   


Marsh Posté le 22-11-2005 à 19:59:07    



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