[MANDRIVA] Metisse demarre pas

Metisse demarre pas [MANDRIVA] - Logiciels - Linux et OS Alternatifs

Marsh Posté le 25-05-2007 à 13:09:13    

Bonjour a tous,
lorsque je démarre une nouvelle session après avoir choisit le bureau metisse dans Drak3d, metisse ne se lance pas, la souris devient "occupée" (= le sablier sous windows) et après 2 min, je retourne au gestionnaire de connexion, mon burea (KDE) ne se lance pas.  :cry:  
Je précise que mes drivers ati proprio fonctionnent bien car compiz et beryl fonctionnent (via XGL donc).
Quelqu'un a t'il un début de piste a me donner svp  :??:


Marsh Posté le 25-05-2007 à 13:09:13   


Marsh Posté le 25-05-2007 à 15:45:07    

Va regarder dans les log (/var/log/...)


Marsh Posté le 12-06-2007 à 11:21:02    

Je viens de tester avec les drivers ATI de juin 8.37.6, ca marche toujours pas, voici mon .xsession-errors:
[pascal@localhost ~]$ cat xsession.save
/etc/X11/gdm/PreSession/Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
/etc/X11/gdm/PreSession/Default: running: /usr/bin/sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l ":0" "pascal"
/etc/X11/gdm/Xsession: Beginning session setup...
/etc/X11/gdm/Xsession: Setup done, will execute: /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession KDE
INFO: imwheel started (pid=7262)
Could not open display, check shell DISPLAY variable, and export or setenv it!
Error opening display
xset: unable to open display ":1"
xsetroot: unable to open display ':1'
xmodmap: unable to open display ':1'
xmodmap: unable to open display ':1'
startkde: Starting up...
ksplash: cannot connect to X server :1
xprop: unable to open display ':1'
usage: xprop [-options ...] [[format [dformat]] atom] ...
where options include:
-grammar print out full grammar for command line
-display host:dpy the X server to contact
-id id resource id of window to examine
-name name name of window to examine
-font name name of font to examine
-remove propname remove a property
-set propname value set a property to a given value
-root examine the root window
-len n display at most n bytes of any property
-notype do not display the type field
-fs filename where to look for formats for properties
-frame don't ignore window manager frames
-f propname format [dformat] formats to use for property of given name
-spy examine window properties forever
kdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.
kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.
kded: cannot connect to X server :1
DCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-7375' to 'kded'
kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.
kcminit_startup: cannot connect to X server :1
ksmserver: cannot connect to X server :1
startkde: Shutting down...
klauncher: Exiting on signal 1
startkde: Running shutdown scripts...
xprop: unable to open display ':1'
usage: xprop [-options ...] [[format [dformat]] atom] ...
where options include:
-grammar print out full grammar for command line
-display host:dpy the X server to contact
-id id resource id of window to examine
-name name name of window to examine
-font name name of font to examine
-remove propname remove a property
-set propname value set a property to a given value
-root examine the root window
-len n display at most n bytes of any property
-notype do not display the type field
-fs filename where to look for formats for properties
-frame don't ignore window manager frames
-f propname format [dformat] formats to use for property of given name
-spy examine window properties forever
startkde: Done.


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