Append AVI segment dans VDM-MPEG2 - Traitement Vidéo - Video & Son
Marsh Posté le 23-08-2007 à 21:36:37
J'essaye en extrayant les pistes video seules (Video Direct stream copy, Audio: No audio) puis en les enchaînant en une troisième séquence video complète (sans le son donc)=>OK
En extrayant rien que l'audio en wav (File/Save wav) puis en enchaînant les 2 fichiers wav, p.e. avec le magneto de Windows...bof ....Nero Wave Editor (wav 16bits 48kHz stereo), en un troisième wav=> OK
Ensuite je prends la video sans son, Video Direct stream copy, Audio/browse...le troisième, Audio full processing compression Lame MP3 48kHz 128kb/s CBR Stereo =>OK
Marsh Posté le 23-08-2007 à 19:41:07
Bonjour tous
mais ça bugue: "Cannot append segment "... ...... Arte Fr.avi": The audio streams have incompatible data formats. (Mismatch detected in opaque codec data at byte 20 of the format data.)
Je bataille avec VDM-MPEG2 pour assembler ("Append AVI segment" dans le menu) deux fichiers AVI.
Le premier était un AVI:
--- File Information ---
File Name:....AVI
File Name (with full path): .....AVI
File Size (in bytes): 734,922,830
--- Container Information ---
Base Type (e.g "AVI" ): AVI(.AVI)
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML" ): AVI v1.0,
Interleave (in ms): 67
Preload (in ms):
Audio alignment("split across interleaves" ): Split
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 0
Bytes Missing (if any): 0
Number of Audio Streams: 1
--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3" ): xvid
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion" ): XviD
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 00:52:32
Frame Count: 78801
Frame Width (pixels): 720
Frame Height (pixels): 544
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g "1.3333" ):
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g. "4:3" ):
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("SAR" ):
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR" ): 1.324
Frames Per Second: ***ERROR***
Video Bitrate (kbps): 1728
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or "" ): MPEG-4
B-VOP ("B-VOP" or "" ): B-VOP
QPel ("QPel" or "" ):
GMC ("GMC" or "" ):
H264 ("H264" or "" ):
MPEG-2 ("MPEG-2" or "" ):
Interlaced ("I/L" or "" ):
Progressive ("Prog" or "" ):
Top Frame First ("TFF" or "" ):
Bottom Frame First ("BFF" or "" ):
3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or "" ):
Picture-per-field ("PPF" or "" ):
- Aspect Ratio Related:
Broadcast standard: "PAL" (else blank)
Broadcast standard: "NTSC" (else blank)
src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank):
Instructions to convert to VCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to VCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, first part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, second part:
--- Audio Information ---
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd" ):
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80" ):
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3" ): 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 48000
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 128
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR" ): CBR
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo): 2
que j'ai réencodé comme ça:
--- File Information ---
File Name: .....recomp.AVI
File Name (with full path): .......recomp.AVI
File Size (in bytes): 682,669,908
--- Container Information ---
Base Type (e.g "AVI" ): AVI(.AVI)
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML" ): OpenDML (AVI v2.0),
Interleave (in ms): 40
Preload (in ms): 504
Audio alignment("split across interleaves" ): Split
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 0
Bytes Missing (if any): 0
Number of Audio Streams: 1
--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3" ): DX50/divx
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion" ): DivX 5.0
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 00:52:32
Frame Count: 78801
Frame Width (pixels): 720
Frame Height (pixels): 544
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g "1.3333" ):
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g. "4:3" ):
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("SAR" ):
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR" ): 1.324
Frames Per Second: ***ERROR***
Video Bitrate (kbps): 1598
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or "" ): MPEG-4
B-VOP ("B-VOP" or "" ): B-VOP
QPel ("QPel" or "" ):
GMC ("GMC" or "" ):
H264 ("H264" or "" ):
MPEG-2 ("MPEG-2" or "" ):
Interlaced ("I/L" or "" ):
Progressive ("Prog" or "" ):
Top Frame First ("TFF" or "" ):
Bottom Frame First ("BFF" or "" ):
3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or "" ):
Picture-per-field ("PPF" or "" ):
- Aspect Ratio Related:
Broadcast standard: "PAL" (else blank)
Broadcast standard: "NTSC" (else blank)
src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank):
Instructions to convert to VCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to VCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, first part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, second part:
--- Audio Information ---
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd" ):
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80" ):
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3" ): 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 48000
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 128
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR" ): CBR
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo): 2
Le second était un un MPG, :
--- File Information ---
File Name: ...... Arte Fr.mpg
File Name (with full path): ...... Arte Fr.mpg
File Size (in bytes): 652,410,880
--- Container Information ---
Base Type (e.g "AVI" ): MPEG (.MPG/.MPEG/.VOB)
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML" ):
Interleave (in ms):
Preload (in ms):
Audio alignment("split across interleaves" ):
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 2812
Bytes Missing (if any):
Number of Audio Streams: 1
--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3" ): MPEG1_Payload
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion" ): MPEG-1
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 00:50:59
Frame Count: 76486
Frame Width (pixels): 352
Frame Height (pixels): 288
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g "1.3333" ):
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g. "4:3" ):
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("SAR" ):
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR" ): 1.245
Frames Per Second: ***ERROR***
Video Bitrate (kbps): 1500
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or "" ):
B-VOP ("B-VOP" or "" ):
QPel ("QPel" or "" ):
GMC ("GMC" or "" ):
H264 ("H264" or "" ):
MPEG-2 ("MPEG-2" or "" ):
Interlaced ("I/L" or "" ):
Progressive ("Prog" or "" ):
Top Frame First ("TFF" or "" ):
Bottom Frame First ("BFF" or "" ):
3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or "" ):
Picture-per-field ("PPF" or "" ):
- Aspect Ratio Related:
Broadcast standard: "PAL" (else blank)
Broadcast standard: "NTSC" (else blank)
src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank):
Instructions to convert to VCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to VCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, first part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, second part:
--- Audio Information ---
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd" ): 0xc0
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80" ):
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3" ): MPEG-1 Layer 2
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 48000
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 192
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR" ): CBR
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo): 2
dont j'ai réencodé en AVI seulement la fin, comme ça, pour avoir les mêmes dimensions:
--- File Information ---
File Name: ...... Arte Fr.avi
File Name (with full path): ...... Arte Fr.avi
File Size (in bytes): 26,078,388
--- Container Information ---
Base Type (e.g "AVI" ): AVI(.AVI)
Subtype (e.g "OpenDML" ): OpenDML (AVI v2.0),
Interleave (in ms): 40
Preload (in ms): 504
Audio alignment("split across interleaves" ): Split
Total System Bitrate (kbps): 0
Bytes Missing (if any): 0
Number of Audio Streams: 1
--- Video Information ---
Video Codec Type(e.g. "DIV3" ): DX50/divx
Video Codec Name(e.g. "DivX 3, Low-Motion" ): DivX 5.0
Video Codec Status(e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Duration (hh:mm:ss): 00:02:01
Frame Count: 3014
Frame Width (pixels): 720
Frame Height (pixels): 544
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g "1.3333" ):
Frame Aspect Ratio (e.g. "4:3" ):
Pixel Aspect Ratio ("SAR" ):
Display Aspect Ratio ("DAR" ): 1.324
Frames Per Second: ***ERROR***
Video Bitrate (kbps): 1589
MPEG-4 ("MPEG-4" or "" ): MPEG-4
B-VOP ("B-VOP" or "" ): B-VOP
QPel ("QPel" or "" ):
GMC ("GMC" or "" ):
H264 ("H264" or "" ):
MPEG-2 ("MPEG-2" or "" ):
Interlaced ("I/L" or "" ):
Progressive ("Prog" or "" ):
Top Frame First ("TFF" or "" ):
Bottom Frame First ("BFF" or "" ):
3:2 Pulldown ("3:2" or "" ):
Picture-per-field ("PPF" or "" ):
- Aspect Ratio Related:
Broadcast standard: "PAL" (else blank)
Broadcast standard: "NTSC" (else blank)
src:"VCD", "SVCD", "CVD", or "DVD (else blank):
Instructions to convert to VCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to VCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, first part:
Instructions to convert to SVCD, second part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to CVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, first part:
Instructions to convert to DVD, second part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, first part:
Instructions to convert to AVI, second part:
--- Audio Information ---
MPEG Stream ID (e.g. "0xbd" ):
MPEG VOB file Substream(e.g. "0x80" ):
Audio Codec (e.g. "AC3" ): 0x0055(MP3, ISO) MPEG-1 Layer 3
Audio Codec Status (e.g. "Codec Is Installed" ): Codecs installés
Audio Sample Rate (Hz): 48000
Audio Bitrate(kbps): 128
Audio Bitrate Type ("CBR" or "VBR" ): CBR
Audio Channel Count (e.g. "2" for stereo): 2
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